740. Gears of War

The battle launched by General Grievous was later named the Ritual Attack by the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic, because this period was originally the date of the ancient ritual of the Mon Calamari, but because Grievous General Si's crazy offensive forced the interruption of the Mon Calamari rituals, and even because after this war, their planet had penetrated into the hinterland of the Separatists and had been cut off.

During the ritual offensive, the Cerulean spear of the Galactic Republic's 12th Army was completely abolished, and almost all jurisdictions were occupied. If it weren't for General Grievous' dissatisfaction with their capital, the planet Lantillies If you are interested, maybe the 12th Army will become the next legion to be removed.

In addition, the Republic's 4th Army and 16th Army also suffered heavy losses and almost lost their ability to fight again. The 13th Army's Iron Lance (Iron Lance) stationed in Hutt Space was also severely damaged by the mobile fleet during the rescue process. Had to shrink back again.

The heavy damage suffered by the 13th Army also directly led to the chaos caused by Darth Malthail in the Hutt space at the same time, losing the power of check and balance, and intensified.

Coupled with the Red Tails of the Republic's 14th Army, which is currently being besieged by the techno-union foreman Walter Tambor, the capital planet Reynolds, nearly half of the 20 legions established by the Galactic Republic have lost their combat effectiveness.

The Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic immediately began to adjust the deployment, and asked the Third Army, one of the legions guarding the core circle, to fully reinforce the planet Lantilias of the Twelfth Army, making this planet a powerful fortress, and at the same time Give Governor Therbon of the 12th Corps a shot in the arm.

At the same time, prepare for the worst and prepare to arrange for the withdrawal of the 14th Army, but this behavior is tantamount to abandoning the Twi'lek people, and the Twi'lek councilor Aoun Free-Ta has a very high reputation in the parliament , thus being severely hindered.

Speaker Schiff Palpatine took this opportunity to issue war bonds again, borrowing 1 trillion credits from the Interstellar Banking Association to build more warships, build a stronger army, and develop more industries.

In fact, the two super giants, the Interstellar Banking Association and the Trade Federation, are not completely invested in the ranks of separatism, because a large part of their core interests are also in the inner and core circles of the galaxy, so even if The war has been fought, and they are still doing business on both sides.

And the reason why the Republic is surrounded by several core planets of the Trade Union - Cato-Neimoidia, Balmora-Neimoidia, and the planets of the Interstellar Banking Association's McKeeto and Mulinster. This is also the reason for not attacking.

This huge amount of war loan has further improved the prestige of the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, Sang Hill, in the association. -Hill is more supportive.

Of course, they still declared that they supported the Republic externally, and all the loans and support to the separatists were only to protect their own industries. That is to say, if the Republic threatens the safety of its own industry, they will naturally fight back.

With the war loan, the Galactic Republic sent an endless stream of orders to the Kuat power dock. The interstellar shipyard on the planet Kuat started construction at full capacity. Thousands of hunter-class battlecruisers began to lay hulls on the star ring of the planet Kuat. The scene was spectacular.

In contrast, another super shipbuilding company has fallen behind - Lundili Interstellar Power Company.

Because of the short-sightedness and decision-making mistakes of the company's top management, they misjudged the situation before the outbreak of the war and believed that the modernized Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser could fully meet the needs of the Republic.

The Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser has mature technology, low cost, simple training for the crew, and has a strong deterrent effect on those pirates, and the battleship data is also within the regulations of the Lusan reform. For the Judicial Fleet of the Republic at that time, this was indeed the best choice.

However, the disappearance of the Blade Fleet equipped with 200 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers first caused the Republic to question the reliability of the battleships and cancel almost all orders. Then, as several major industrial giants and the Republic tore their faces at that time, the Higera-class battlecruiser, the Disobedient-class light destroyer, and the Cheer-class assault landing ship appeared one after another. The data can push the Dreadnought to the ground and rub it.

Later, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser launched by the Kuat Power Dockyard, and the Dawn Star Cole-class battlecruiser that was discovered after the war, the Interstellar Banking Association Behemoth-class battlecruiser, and the Confederation of Independent Galaxy-class destroyers, these 1100~ As soon as the 1300-meter-class battleship appeared, it threw the Dreadnought class directly into the garbage dump.

By the time Lundili Interstellar Power realized all this, it was already too late.

They urgently started designing a new type of capital ship, the 900-meter-long Victory-class Star Destroyer, but they were already a big step behind. Officials from the Combat Procurement Department of the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic learned that Lundili's new warship was actually only a 900-meter warship, and it would take 8 months to be submitted to active service, and even turned around and left without entering the door.

Compared with Corellian Engineering Company having its own fixed market share in the field of merchant ships, cargo ships and small spaceships, the gap between Rendili Star Power Company and Kuat Power Dockyard in large battleships has become wider and wider.

In short, the gears of the Galactic Republic War did not slow down because of the Lundili Interstellar Power Company falling behind. On the contrary, they started getting faster and bigger, swallowing countless resources like a black hole.

At this time, more and more attention has been paid to mineral planets all over the Milky Way, so...the discovery of precious minerals on Jabim, a remote planet that no one cares about, has aroused the republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. attention.

Jabiim is a very inconspicuous planet in the outer ring of the Milky Way. This planet has a very harsh climate. Basically, only 5 rotation days in a revolution year are sunny, and the rest of the time is all under the sun. rain.

Not only that, because of the unique structure of the planet's atmosphere, there are a lot of electromagnetic particles in the clouds of the planet, and the flight of spacecraft and fighter jets will be greatly disturbed.

In such an environment, outsiders are actually basically unwilling to go to the planet Jabim, and there is nothing on the planet Jabim that the Republic can exploit.

Therefore, around 34BBY, the brain plague virus broke out on the planet Jabim, and it was attacked by interstellar pirates. The Galactic Republic remained indifferent.

The Outer Rim Planet Mutual Aid Fund established by Claire Underwood, who was just rising in Coruscant politics at the time, helped the planet Jabim and also paid for bounty hunters to repel the pirates.

It’s just such a broken planet that parents don’t care about and grandma doesn’t love. In the past few months, they suddenly discovered mineral veins hidden at the bottom of the deep underground swamp. The metal produced in the mineral veins is the key material used by the shipbuilding industry of the Republic to make steel armor. !

So, the officials of the Galactic Republic rushed over, holding a paper agreement in their hands, wanting to exchange cheap food and dumped products for the mineral veins of the planet Jabim.

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