946: calculation

When Severance-Tann directly invested in all the fleets and launched a general attack on the planet Eliadu, on the bridge of Chaos, the flagship she was on, the commanding Rukrihook-class battleship, a Ji Wen The mathematics and astronomy teams formed are working intensively.

Baher Barnacle, a great mathematician of the Ji Wen people, held a scepter in his hand representing the highest mathematical achievement of the Ji Wen people - 0, and constantly directed his team to perform calculations in his mouth.

The flagship's powerful scanning sensor is operating at full capacity, but the direction of the scan is not the battlefield, but the star of the Eriadu galaxy-Eriadu star.

The astronomers and mathematicians of the Givin people quickly calculated according to the feedback data, and then aggregated their calculation results to Baher-Barnack for the final calculation.

There is a huge countdown in front of them, 38 minutes 43 seconds 17.

This is the calculation result of their second stage. At this point in time, after the Eriadu star rotates, the side where the flare occurs will be aligned with the Eriadu satellite, so that the energy of the flare will be the strongest.

That is, at this point in time, the A-99 transport ship loaded with 1617.98 tons of supermatter must hit a star.

By the way, the calculation result of the first stage is how many tons of supermatter are needed to accurately upgrade the stellar flare without escalating to cause devastating consequences, and at the same time trigger a hyperspace storm of sufficient scale .

But there is no doubt that even if the spaceship's shields are fully opened, it is impossible to really touch the stars, and now Baher-Barnack and the others are calculating how far away to detonate this thousand tons of super matter.

If it is too far away, it will have little effect on stellar flares; if it is too close, the spacecraft will turn into cosmic dust if it cannot get close.

In order to meet the requirements of these Jiwen mathematicians, the A-99 transport ship has installed additional shield generators and shield capacitors, and all of them have been replaced with thermal shields, in order to maximize the radiation range of the stars. survive longer.

Under the cooperation of these teams, which almost everyone alone can shake the galactic and astronomical circles, Bahel-Barnack is getting closer and closer to the results he needs.

He stood in front of his computing terminal, pressing the buttons with one hand in a very rhythmic manner, and he didn't even feel the slightest bit of anxiety, while his other hand was always holding his scepter, 0.

0 is the name of this scepter, and it is also the most representative number, representing the starting point of all numbers and the end point of all numbers.

This scepter symbolizes his belief - the belief in mathematics. Holding the scepter in his hand, he felt that he was omnipotent in the world of mathematics.

The deputy commander of the campaign, Rear Admiral Ling Liang, has been standing by the side, watching Baher Barnack's calculations intently. On the other side, Admiral Severance Tann, who is intensively directing the battle, also takes Look here.

The defense line of Planet Eliadu is no small matter.

Under the cover of the planetary shield, the huge orbital defense system continuously projected deadly firepower into space. As these giant cannons fired, local areas of the planetary shield also rose and lowered synchronously. And the warships of the Fourth Civilization cannot threaten these orbital defense systems at all unless they find intermittent fire between the planetary shield switches.

But to truly destroy the planetary shield on a planet, this is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight, and often requires a long period of continuous bombing.

After civilization entered the interstellar era, the war is actually very fair-everything is determined by the energy level.

Big equals strong, equals fast. Because the bigger you are, the higher the level of energy you can carry. If both parties have the same technology, the side with the higher energy level will often win.

This is the case with the planetary shield facing a planet.

Especially the planetary shields on some developed planets, the magnitude of their capacitor capacity and circulation cooling facilities has reached a terrifying level. Even when under concentrated attack, the heat emitted by the circulating cooling facility is equivalent to an active volcano!

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for a warship with a volume of up to a kilometer to break through the planetary shield with a huge capacitance on a planet, hanging alone in the void.

That is to say, although the Fourth Civilization Fleet attacking this line of defense looks aggressive, most of their firepower is actually ineffective. They can only engage in battle with the Republic Fleet assisting in the defense, and the warships of the Republic Fleet can also enter the protection of the planetary shield at any time to avoid continuous attacks.

Of course, this is not to say that the planetary shield is invincible. To activate the planetary shield, the energy required is also astronomical. At this time, the comparison between the two sides is who consumes more energy.

The Fourth Civilization's fleet is suffering heavy losses almost every minute, and their attacks look very lively, but in fact they cannot pose a greater threat.

Severance Tann looked at the data on the screen at the side. Twelve Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers and two Cole-class battlecruisers had been destroyed, and more than 700 fighter jets had been shot down. In addition to those injured warships, At present, the fleet has paid more than 40,000 casualties!

This is only half an hour after the war started!

She continued to issue orders to deal as much damage as possible to the Republic's defense line, and to preserve her own fleet as much as possible. And at the same time, she has already held the metal hilt of her lightsaber in her hand, wielding it as a pointer.

At the same time, she secretly made a decision. Once the battle fails, she will immediately cut off the heads of Ling Liang and those Ji Wen mathematicians!

Finally, with 13 minutes left in the countdown, Baher Barnacle slammed the ground with his scepter 0, announcing the completion of the calculation!

"Update countdown! At the end of the countdown, the transport ship immediately forcibly entered the hyperspace jump! It escaped from the hyperspace while approaching the mass projection of Eliadu's star, and the shield power was deployed at 91.29%! The engine output is fully activated! Guaranteed 803.11 The acceleration of G! Then, in the 21st second, a hypermaterial reaction is triggered!" Bahel-Barnack exclaimed.

At the same time, on the screen in front of him, the countdown became 11:12:09.

In that A-99 transport ship, some navigation robots and B-1 battle robots that control the spaceship are busy, and at the same time, there are 10 human crew members!

They are commanding in the most critical places, and what they need is to ensure that they have sufficient resilience in the event of an emergency.

The eyes of each of these 10 people are extremely firm, and a flag of the Fourth Civilization is tightly wrapped around them!

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