947. Suicide Mission

Before the start of the battle, Bahel-Barnack led the team to the flagship of the Fourth Civilization Fleet, the Rookeryhook-class battleship Chaos.

"That is to say, my fleet must attack the defense line of the planet Eriadu with all its strength, cover the transport ship rushing into the stars, and then in the next two hours, cover an army of at least 100,000 people to land on Eriadu Yadu satellite going up?" Severance Tann looked stern.

"That's right, this is the plan for this battle." Major General Ling Liang replied seriously.

"You should know that once this plan is implemented, it may mean heavy casualties for the navy, right? The navy in the Eliadu galaxy currently has a total strength of 470,000. Because of your plan, more than half of the people may die On the funeral battlefield, you..." Severance Tann leaned in front of Ling Liang with a murderous intent, "...Are you avenging yourself?"

Ling Liang still didn't change his face, and said: "What I'm thinking about is not the difference in arms, but... victory!"

She stared at Severance Tann with clear and firm eyes, and asked: "So, under the current situation, is there any other better way for you? You must know that every minute of time passes, when The Republic fleet here will become stronger. Do you want to compete with the Galactic Republic for logistics here?"

Severance Tann gritted her teeth and said, "If the battle fails, I will be the first to kill you!"

"You don't need to do anything, I will be at the forefront of the battle and die willingly." Ling Liang said proudly.

"Hmph!" Severance Tann snorted heavily, "Then, is a transport ship the key to carrying out this mission? Moreover, some human crew members are needed to rush to the stars with this transport ship? "

"Yes." Ling Liang's gaze finally darkened a bit, "Because of time and confidentiality issues, these people will not enter the rebirth plan."

Severance Tann thought about it for about 2 minutes, and suddenly, she slammed the table heavily, and then clicked on the communicator a few times. After a while, more than 50 crew members came to the bridge and arranged Stand in a neat line.

"These people are all crew members who have fought all the way from the Battle of Bespin to the present. They can be said to be one of the most outstanding crew members in the Navy." Severance Tann said to Ling Liang, then turned to these crew members and said: " Next, I will launch a full-scale offensive, and in this offensive, your task is to drive a transport ship to carry out a suicide attack, understand?"

These crew members looked at each other with ugly expressions, and each of them hesitated.

Ling Liang took a step forward and said in a resonant voice: "Indeed, this is a mission to die. Because this battle, and even this entire war, is the result of narrow escapes! Believe me, if there is someone who can win safely We must make a choice, but reality does not allow it. Our enemy is the Galactic Republic! And the Galactic Republic cannot accommodate us to live with dignity! Why did this war break out?"

She looked at these crew members, "Because we want to live with dignity! Instead of groveling and becoming the cattle, sheep and slaves of the capitalists of the republic! Be the colony where they dump goods and take what they give! But this is a power disparity Every one of us is not sure to survive the war, and we are not even fighting for ourselves...we are fighting for future generations!"

She clenched her fists tightly, "We are destined to be the generation that was sacrificed, but at least we can make our sacrifices in exchange for future generations to stand up and be human in this galaxy! That's why we choose to die! For this I will not force this mission, you can choose to quit, but the battle will continue as planned. However, I hope you can know the reason why you came here."

The crew members looked at each other, and then one of them asked, "General, can you tell me about the content of this mission?"

Ling Liang answered calmly, "You will drive a transport ship, load a huge amount of supermatter, and hit the Eliadu star. Computers and robots will complete the delicate process of impact and detonation, and your task is to ensure that any When emergencies occur, we can respond flexibly and make the most appropriate choice.”

The crewman smiled and said, "I think those robots can't properly deal with a fighter jet or a deadly cosmic radiation coming out of nowhere? I will participate." He raised his hand as he spoke.

"I attended."

"I attended."

These crew members raised their hands one after another, and in the end, all the crew members were willing to participate. In their eyes, the previous hesitation was gone, and what was replaced was extremely firm!

In the end, after selection and planning, 10 of these crew members were selected to enter the A-99 transport ship to perform this mission to hit the star.


Time goes back to the present, and the battle has reached a fever pitch.

The fleet of the Fourth Civilization bravely launched an attack on the defense line of the planet Eliadu. Countless missiles, lasers and blast energy beams flew across the space, and then exploded a burst of brilliant flames on the target. .

On that A-99 transport ship, 10 crew members are in their positions. Each of them is responsible for an area, but they do not directly control, but ensure that they can make correct judgments in case of accidents.

Because this battle plan is accurate to the second, it is impossible to rely on human manipulation alone. The system of the battleship and the navigation robot on it have been set to act according to the calculation results sent by the flagship, including starting the hyperspace engine, detonating the hypermatter in the cargo hold, and so on.

If there is no accident during the process, then these 10 people will sit here, and after witnessing a magnificent fireworks, they will turn into cosmic dust.

The countdown in front of me is constantly decreasing, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10, 9, 8...

At the same time that the countdown was reset to zero, the navigation robot instantly activated the hyperspace engine! The hyperspace engine of the spacecraft has been modified, and the stabilizer has been removed, so that the hyperspace engine will not automatically exit hyperspace navigation when an abnormality occurs in hyperspace.

The outside of the window was instantly filled with countless elongated light bands, but this hyperspace phenomenon only lasted for a second or two before ending. When the scenery outside the window resumed, what they saw almost filled the entire scenery outside the window. Huge fireball!

No, they couldn't even see that it was a sphere, because it was so huge that outside their window, there was still endless flames besides endless flames! If it wasn't for the anti-radiation coating, their eyes would have been blind at this moment!

Eriadu stellar! A star with a diameter of more than 2 million kilometers!

That's right, this A-99 transport ship has already spanned billions of kilometers in hyperspace in an instant, from near the orbit of the fifth planet Talastra in the galaxy to near the star in the center of the galaxy!

The transport ship activated the shield system at the same time as it escaped from hyperspace, but even so, the battleship still suffered serious damage when it was exposed to the powerful radiation of the star in less than a second, and the system was everywhere. Call the police.

At the same time, under the control of the navigation robot, the transport ship crashed towards the star at a very precise speed!

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