The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 104: Crazy

Bian Renbaqian walked under the tree without rushing to get on the tree, turned and looked at the two, and saw that they both crossed over a two-meter-wide stream, and then landed directly on the boulder.

Every time I see the skills of these people, Ren Baqian can't help but envy.

I think that after returning this time, I will be able to exchange exercises with Du Changkong. At that time, I will be able to practice a few times, and Ren Baqian suppressed this envy.

What makes Ren Baqian envied is that the space above the stone looks very large, and it is much more comfortable to stay.

However, it seems that the two do not see themselves very much, Ren Baqian turned and climbed the tree.

As soon as I turned around and got ready to climb, I heard a hissing sound on my head. I looked up at the tree and didn't know when a bowl-thick snake was looking at myself, and the snake letter came out.

Suddenly he saw Ren snake above his head, and he was frightened by Ren Baqian. I experienced a lot of things this afternoon. I was able to control my own mood, and took a few steps back. When I raised my crossbow to shoot, I realized that it was not a snake, but several snakes crawling on it. The thick one has a thick mouth and the thin one has the thickness of two fingers.

I didn't find any snakes nearby when I was in the tree just now, but just a few minutes after I got down, they dragged my house and occupied their place.

Bian Renbaqian took a few steps back, and the snake ignored him.

I can find a good old nest by myself, so I am not reconciled to Ren Baqian, this tree nearby is the most suitable.

Raised the crossbow, aimed at the largest one first, and pulled the trigger.

最大 The biggest snake was nailed to the trunk at once, twisting his body in pain.

He was shooting an arrow at the snake that was twisted together. The snake's head was high, as if struggling.

The next arrow hit Ren Qianqian on a snake not far away, and he nailed it to a branch just behind the snake's brain.

The cricket nailed two snakes to the tree, and the other snakes naturally felt the danger. They crawled on the trunk, and one of them swam directly to the ground to get into the forest.

Bian Renbaqian looked at the snakes scrambling around, and didn't do it anymore, because he found a problem, the snake was nailed to the tree for a while and could not die.

The linden tree was so big that he had been nailed a few snakes and he did not dare to go up.

I Ren Yaqian wondered if he had to change his place. He turned around and looked for a tree that could hide, not too short and unsafe. It can't be too high or too thick to climb up. The vision is better.

These conditions meet the tree that has just been occupied.

When Jiu Renqian was searching around, it suddenly felt like someone behind him was looking at himself.

Turning fiercely, the crossbow also pointed at the other side, and in the next second any eight thousand face turned white and ran away.

"Help me." Ren Baqian yelled like a little girl who was about to be rude and drew the attention of Quan Yonglin and Quan Yonghe, and ran straight into the stream to trek across.

Followed by him was a tooth tiger covered with brown fur and fine lines, looking at Ren Baqian with a playful look in his eyes, coming out from the forest in a hurry.

Ren Baqian jumped into the stream and found a big problem. The depth of the water seemed to be the knee. As a result, he jumped to the waist without taking a few steps. The effort to move forward was more than expected. , That tooth tiger also came to the stream.

I estimate that the opponent came over at a distance of two meters.

However, the tooth tiger's gaze is not on him, but on the stone, and his throat growled back slightly.

On the stone, Quan Yonglin didn't care about the saber-toothed tiger, but Quan Yonghe aimed at it with a bow and arrow, making it feel a great threat.

I waited for the tooth tiger to retreat, Quan Yonghe shot an arrow, and Ren Baqian didn't see anything anyway, then the saber-toothed tiger screamed, and the arrow shot directly through the hind legs and pierced the ground.

When Fang Fang shot that arrow, the saber-toothed tiger suddenly hurled forward, otherwise the back might be penetrated.

Suffering from this injury, the tooth tiger no longer retreated, ran to the brook with a roar and jumped up. At this time, the teeth tiger's eyes were all crazy and violent.

Bian Ren swears in a thousand words, and keeps away, thanks to Saber-toothed Tiger's goal is not himself, otherwise he will not run away.

"Hey!" Quan Yonglin stood on the stone and laughed, holding up two cantaloupe-sized hammers in his hands and jumping straight down, the double hammers carrying the huge power and smashing towards the tooth tiger's head.

The tooth tiger was originally going to pounce on the stone. After seeing Quan Yonglin's power, he moved his body toward both sides immediately, then opened his mouth and bit it toward the waist of Quan Yonglin, only looking at its sharp teeth. Know what happened when you were bitten.

At the same time, a pair of front claws also patted towards Quan Yonglin, this action is like fluttering.

Xi Renba Qian went out for more than ten meters to see this scene, and only felt that if the tiger was facing himself, he would be dead.

Wuquan Yonglin didn't panic, hitting the back of the tooth tiger with a cracking backhand in the air, banging. The tooth tiger made a terrible cry.

If a normal-sized metal hammer hits his face, it must have been smashed directly, not to mention that the strength of the ancient people is Ren Qianqian who knows very well. He also shoots people with a kick of seven or eight meters with a wall I've seen it once or twice.

It is impossible for a member of a large Korean or Chinese school like Quan Yonglin to be too weak.

He could be very surprised that the tooth tiger turned out to be a horrible sound, and a few teeth were knocked out, and then it became more ferocious and shot Quan Yonglin out.

齿 Is this tooth tiger made of iron? Is this really a tooth tiger? Not Decepticon?

Bian Renbaqian watched this round of confrontation really cool.

shocked. The tooth tiger was kept in the beast garden. He didn't think so much. He didn't expect it to be so fierce. Not to mention, this ability to fight is a bit scary.

Yongquan Yonglin was flung into the stream, and the tooth tiger's eyes turned red, all of which were tyrannical and crazy, and then flung over.

Quan Yonglin just fell into the stream. The whole person kicked his legs in the water, raised his hammer and smashed it towards the tooth tiger again. It felt like he was going forward, even if there was a mountain wind in front of him. violent.

"Bang" Quan Yonglin was shot again, and the tooth tiger was smashed to the ground. This hammer was hit directly on his head. Only the injured eye was smashed directly ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Now Quan Yonglin and that tooth tiger are both red-eyed, and they rush together again. The tooth tiger is being mad, really crazy. And Quan Yonglin, Ren Baqian thought it might be trachoma. You did n’t hurt much, why are you red-eyed?

The two bumped into each other again, but the tooth tiger suddenly turned around and drew its tail on Quan Yonglin, pulling him out directly. Above his tail bone, Quan Yonglin also slammed a hammer fiercely, again with a terrible cry.

I do n’t know who Quan Yonglin and this tooth tiger are more like a beast now.

Anyway, Quan Yonglin's feeling to Ren Baqian is: What to avoid, what tricks, what techniques, the old man ignores these. Don't persuade, just do it, just hit the hammer.

In the fourth confrontation, Quan Yonglin's two hammers slammed into the tooth tiger's head with a whistling sound. The tooth tiger slammed back and was smashed back to the ground. The body twitched slightly, and it was probably killed, at least it was serious concussion.

These two hammers are estimated to be depraved tigers, let alone a tooth tiger.

Yongquan Yonglin flew out again, and after jumping on the ground, he jumped up to the tooth tiger, rounded his hammer and hit it on the tooth tiger's head.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" ...

Bian Renbaqian looked like he was hitting iron there, and the ground shuddered, and his heart was beating.

After a few hammers, the tooth tiger's head was smashed, and the red and white sprays were everywhere. Quan Yonglin was still hammering the hammer on the tooth tiger, and his eyes were about to become meat sauce. The hammer can carry the meat foam.


PS: push a friend's new book, "Reconstruction of Civilization in the City", quality assurance of fine authors, and rush on the road of cool text.

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