The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 105: Back on the road

Wu Quanyonglin's crazy look, Ren Baqian's heart was scared to see in the distance. Quanyong River on the stone was like he hadn't seen it. After jumping from Quanyonglin, he sat in a daze.

Quan Yonglin smashed to the ground and could not see anything. Only with a pool of old godmothers, Quan Yonglin finally stopped and walked to the side of the brook to throw the hammer directly into the water. Then he jumped directly into his body Wash clean.

After all this was done, he stood up in the stream with a hammer and shouted at Quanyonghe: "Let's go, this tooth tiger is dead, other animals can smell long distances and won't come."

"Can you stop being so disgusting next time?" Quan Yonghe looked disgusted, but still jumped off the stone.

"Hey, this thing is quite strong and can't stop it for a while." Quan Yonglin laughed.

"Isn't that unstoppable? I haven't heard of any such unstoppable smashing of whip corpses into flesh." Ren Baqian was ashamed to say nothing.

"I'm afraid there will be no animals coming by the river today, please change places." Quan Yonglin shouted at Ren Baqian again.

Yaren nodded eight thousand fiercely. Anyway, he didn't go to Quan Yonglin.

I saw that the two were pretty good, but it turned out to be crazy. If other people are naturally not afraid of him, but if he is near, if it is estimated by him that he has a hand, it will be gone.

刚才 He just blinked his eyes and faced the tiger with face to face, not even letting go of his death, but smashing into flesh, which really made Ren Baqian feel terrible.

It was a good citizen to serve eight thousand. Although two lives were on his hands, he was still a good citizen.

When encountering such a person, Ren Yaqian's weak chicken-like body is really too dare to lean too close.

After waiting for the two to leave, Ren Baqiyi sat on the ground and thought about it, feeling that he had been pitted.

I stayed here very well. As a result, the old nest was occupied. They also killed a tooth tiger. Listening to this meaning, other animals should not dare to come today. If they want to hunt, they can only find a place again.

It was never dangerous for him to walk around in the woods.

I thought for a moment, Ren Baqian felt that he was still here.

My own purpose is not to hunt, but to find a place to be honest, even if it stays out all night, it doesn't matter, as long as I can go back safely.

As for hunting or whatever, whoever wants to do it will do it.

After watching the battle that just ended, Ren Baqian had a deeper understanding of the danger of this forest.

I was like the tooth tiger just now. He was at least three meters long, and even four meters long. It's just a little smaller than that wild boar, but the limbs are almost as high as their own, and their strength and resistance to attack are even more amazing.

I didn't have any trouble hitting my face with a hammer. Later, I still hit the head with several hammers in a row to make it lose its combat power.

I guess Ren Qian's own pistol could not be hit.

If it wasn't for Quan Yonglin's presence, I'm afraid he would be unlucky. The tooth tiger is not human, and he won't let himself put his thunder in his mouth.

Originally thought that a pistol would be enough, but now I have discovered that the pistol also works for some people who are not very powerful. Whether it is the wild boar or the tooth tiger, the pistol may not play much.

Not only for the beast, but also for Quan Yonglin, I'm afraid it won't do much.

If Ren Baqian remembers it correctly, the tiger's palm strength is one ton. This tooth tiger can't be less powerful than the earth's tiger just by looking at its body shape, but it just hits Quan Yonglin and flies out. It can get up with a roll on the ground without seeing any impact.

And the tooth tiger's claws just scratched a few shallow scars on Quan Yonglin's body.

This result also shows Quan Yonglin's physical defense ability, the physical body is too powerful.

I'm afraid this pistol hits the body, and the bullet is at most trapped in the muscle. Unless the shot is hit, the damage to the opponent is not great. And the other party is not a wooden man, it is much faster than yourself.

If you really meet someone like Quan Yonglin with a pistol, you must be dead.

If that happens, Ren Baqian thinks that the situation will be shooting himself, the other party throws a hammer, then the other party is bitten by a mosquito, and he dies by himself.

I may have a rifle in my hand. The muzzle velocity is twice as high as the pistol. The difference between ordinary people in close range may be small, and they are all sieved. But the difference between people facing this world is huge.

If you use a rifle, it is estimated that if the shuttle goes down, the opponent will not be a horse.

I sat there thinking for a while, looking back at the boulder wondering how to get up.

他 He saw this stone before, just because he found it difficult to get up, so he stayed in the tree honestly.

Yongquan Yonglin Quanyonghe two people are easy to go up, but they can be used for 8000 climbing skills.

I walked around the stone two times. This stone is about three meters high and there is no place to climb.

Last eight thousand Ren took a few steps back, then ran fast to help, and climbed on the stone with one pedal, but only the palm of the hand was above the stone, which was still inclined and slid down.

Bian Renba Qian changed his direction and tried several times, all of which ended in failure.

Any Renbaqian had to admit that watching other people ’s climbing is very simple. When it ’s their turn, they will find it easy to watch ~ ~ In fact, **** difficulty.

"唉 ——!" Ren Baqian sighed, and had to continue to walk upstream along the brook, while looking around to see if there was a suitable place to stay.

Although Quan Yonglin said that there would be no animals to come, in case there were animals to come, he didn't even have a place to hide.

At this time, the sun is setting in the west, and there is not much time left before dark.

Yan Renqian felt that he had to find a place to stay before dark. There are many predators in the forest at night, and the sight range is too short, which is more dangerous than during the day.

If possible, Ren Baqian hopes to find a relatively small gap, and the kind of large animals that can't get in let him hide for a night.

I ended up not seeing the place I was looking for along the way.

However, there are several trees suitable for shelter.

Ren Baqian came to the nearest one, threw a dozen stones up and confirmed that there were no snakes, and then climbed up to take a look at himself. Then he eased back to the ground, turned around and saw the grass. As he moved, Ren Baqian held his breath. After a while, he stretched out a white head and grinned his teeth as soon as he saw Ren Baqian.

He didn't hesitate, and shot an arrow with his hand up, hitting his chest.

Then Ren Baqian immediately ran.

He turned out to be a beast again. Why is there so much in the forest?

I ran all the way to the water near the creek, and behind me I chased after four mad beasts like crazy dogs, running all the way and drooling all the way, it seemed that Ren Baqian was supper.

Ran Renqian had the same idea as they did. He pulled out his gun from the back of his right hand and fired a dozen shots in a row. During that time, he still had the power to change the magazine.

Pistols can't deal with large prey, it is easy to deal with this thing.

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