The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1208: Operation code "Legal Electric Fish"

Deep in the Sixty Thousand Mountains, somewhere along the coastline.

A forward base with hundreds of staff and eight berths is located here.

Chen Zhong sits on a cliff near the coast and glances at the endless blue sea, with white flying birds nearby.

The sun, the osprey, the humid air, and the ubiquitous smell of the sea are all here.

Under his convenience is the last seaport of the human race in the 60,000 Dashan Mountains. Several steel warships stopped at the seaport. The two steel freighters just arrived in the morning were busy moving down the supplies. An individual looks only the size of an ant.

That's all there is to it.

To many people, this is boring.

In addition to maintenance, maintenance is training.

I stayed here for three months and all the sows were pretty.

But for Zhong Zhong, this is his favorite.

Since seeing the "One Piece" comics more than a decade ago, he has been attracted by the freedom and struggle with heaven.

Finally, I chose to graduate early and join the newly established navy.

But life on the ocean was different from what he thought.

There are not so many islands and pirates drinking alcohol. Some are just sea and sky. They are endless turbulences thousands of meters away from the coastline, and there are countless reefs on the coast. They are sea beasts that occasionally cross the border.

From Wangjing all the way south, of these tens of thousands of miles, 13 ships were sunk.

There are undercurrent sea beasts on the outside and reefs on the inside. It is extremely dangerous to find a route in the gap.

Too many of his friends and subordinates died on the road, even his flagship has been changed twice.

This sea, this fleet, pinned too many things.

He felt he could not do without it.

He had the simplest idea: "Leaving the sea is betraying the sacrifice of so many friends and subordinates."

But at this time, Li Zhong didn't think about those, but just looked at the distant sea calmly, thinking about what was deep in the sea?

Just then, the big bell inside the base was suddenly ringing.

Wu Zhong stretched out his hand and jumped off the ground, hurried back to the base.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Six bells are ringing. It is the enemy! Where is the enemy?"

There are sailors running around the base, some of them are ancients, and some are Izumo.

In terms of going to sea, the Izu people are much better than the ancients.

"What's going on?" Ye Zhong is only thirty years old now, but quite calm and undisturbed, many people calm down when he sees him.

"Dutong, the Dragon Dragon, was attacked two hundred nautical miles in the south! The attackers were of the Sword sickness."

晁 Zhong looks surprised. The Sword sickness is five hundred nautical miles from the south. Their range of activity usually does not exceed two hundred nautical miles. How come this far?

"Can the Dragon Dragon persist? Let them quickly disengage and wait for rescue," Chen Zhong said.

Anxiety is useless at this time, at least two hundred nautical miles, it takes at least ten hours to arrive.

"It's too late, Shenlong ... sinking ... the moment when they were attacked, a big hole was opened at the bottom of the boat ... there was a master in the other side, they only returned the position and who the enemy was ... there was no movement ... ... "

The people in return looked sad.

Su Zhong's face suddenly became iron blue, and he turned and punched a large hole in the wall.

There are his classmates on the Dragon Dragon, and 120 navy ...

"Dutong, summon someone to get revenge!"

"Isn't it the Sword sickness? We still have a lot of explosives that explode the reefs. It's a big deal to catch our lives, how can we even take back the benefits!"

Wu Zhong was upset by their noisy, and said with a cold face, "Stop!"

"Do you think it was a street fight? Or are you fighting? Are you still in a rage and **** spot? It does n’t matter if you die, it delays His Royal Highness. I do n’t know how many lives will be filled. Is it your life? Other people's lives come!

How many people died in the chuck half a year ago? "

"That can't be done anymore!" Someone said unconvinced.

For the ancient people, death is not terrible, but the fear of death is the humiliation of death.

It would be too aggrieved if a colleague was killed for revenge.

Xun Zhong was also aggrieved, but he was a commander of the sailing army. He had attended school at Zizhu Academy. He also knew a little about human races and alien races. Even if he was angry, he couldn't be as rash as others.

He is now particularly touched by a sentence-gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years.

If you haven't read so many books, you may have rushed straight up. But it was just that I had read so many books and thought about too many things, but at this time I couldn't be as reckless as them.

Like the "gentleman", he reads too much, but he can't take care of himself.

"We will start a war with them sooner or later, and sooner or later we will let them return. You step back and arrange for it. Although the Dragon Dragon is sinking, the first level of my colleague will be brought back, and we must check why they have expanded so much ! "

He drove everyone down, and Ling Zhong left the correspondent to contact the imperial capital.

After listening to the matter, Ren Baqian was silent and said, "You guys have narrowed the scope of your activities these days. As for the hatred, I will report it soon, and I will soon start working on them.

But you ca n’t conflict with them privately. I have to prepare a few things to transport them, and I will make a thunderous strike when I start, and I can't let them leave half alive. As for investigating the expansion of their activities, you don't have to go, I will transfer some experts. "

When Zhong Zhong heard this, he felt somewhat relieved.

He was afraid that it would take too long for revenge. Since His Royal Highness said so, it must be fast.

This sea and land transportation was slow because of the need to find routes, avoid reefs, and clear reefs.

Now the route has been opened, and it only takes two months for one way.

Ren Baqian hung up the radio and contacted the two walls again. Li Fu and others had occupied the place again after the Linglings left.

Explain things to Li Fu, naturally there will be a few masters in Kaitian who are good at spying.

He was also curious to know why the Swordfathers expanded their activities because of the recent transfer of the City of Cleanliness, or some other reason ~ ~ Will it have any impact on the next battle.

He then returned to Earth and brought two sets of nuclear power equipment from the spacecraft to the laboratory for modification.

The nuclear power equipment of the spacecraft engine is mainly stable and stable, and if you want electric fish, you need the maximum power output in a short time in order to cause fatal damage to the Scythe in a small area of ​​the sea.

Half a month passed, when the nuclear power discharge equipment was converted, after the test, it was sent to the freighter staying in Wangjing.

Accompanying them were some researchers in the laboratory to test and record the actual power of this equipment.

The code name this time is-legal electric fish!

At this time, Li Fu also returned the reason why the Sword Falcon appeared in the area-they were chasing a puppet.


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