The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1209: Night strikes every time

"This is a sickle? It looks like an arthropod, it ’s amazing, the Creator is really great, it turned out to be a kind of intelligent creature. Look at the buildings, their wisdom is at least equivalent to primitive people, or more developed.

"I'm more curious about their brains, although this kind of thing doesn't look very smart."

Several men and women in white coats were amazed at what was shown in the cave in a cave under a cliff at a distance of 1,500 meters from the old nest of Daxian.

Through the clear water, you can see the buildings in the shallow water, and a few buildings are located on the shore.

And in those buildings, wandering figures.

That is a kind of intelligent creature with a length of one meter five to two meters, three pairs of pectoral feet and four pairs of gastropods.

Especially the huge pair of hooks seemed to have great power.

程度 The strength of this creature is related to life span and body size.

越 The longer the life, the bigger the body, the stronger the strength, and the brighter the color.

Ordinary sword sickle has the power to create the sky, the color is mainly blue and black.

The Scythe of the Supreme Heavenly Power is dominated by extremely bright rainbow colors.

As for Changshengtian's strength, there is only one sickle sickle, which is red and covered with a three-meter-long giant sickle. Every day, it sleeps in a simple building on the shore.

Although it seems that the number of powerful individuals is not large, they are particularly difficult to immerse themselves under water, and their strength needs to be improved by one order.

No one wants to fight them underwater.

"Is that a dragon? Is it beautiful? The legendary dragon is indeed not false." A middle-aged man who looked like a Chinese man was obsessed with looking at the behemoth trapped in a cage at the corner of the building complex.

The word "anatomy" was almost written on his face.

快 "Look, are those two mating? Are they mating according to the season, or are they in estrus anytime, anywhere like humans?"

"The two are public ..."

"Well, may God forgive them!"

"Hey guys, are you all done?"

当然 "Of course, it's just the simplest assembly, and it's not difficult for us."

"That's good, we will have seafood tomorrow! I don't know how the taste of this thing compares to Boston lobster." The leader of the operation laughed.

一 At the end of this remark, everyone looked at him strangely.

"What's wrong? Now I'm your boss, you have to respect me! Respect! Understand? Why do you look at me so much?"

"Um, anyway, this thing is also a smart creature, they have their own culture, language, and simple words ... eating them will make me feel like eating people." A woman in her 30s looked disgusted .

Pu Huaguo's middle-aged man laughed: "You have to say, even if I jump from here, I will starve to death, and I won't take a bite."

"Why?" The woman obviously did not understand the old stalk of Hua Guo 70 or 80 years ago.

The middle-aged man smiled and didn't explain much. The stalk is indeed too old. Not many young people in China know it now.

内部 The interior of this cave has expanded to the size of a basketball court, with two huge spacecraft nuclear power generators, and the power of this thing is megawatts.

接 From the generator set, four thick arms with a layer of rubber cable coiled to one side, occupying a third of the area inside the cave.

The leader of the team pressed the button. Within a few minutes, a thin mirror appeared in the air, and a beautiful woman in a blue dress emerged from it.

No matter how many times people see this picture, they feel incredible.

In the shadow of the cave, a person walked out.

Tangge and Dongguo are two people who are best at hiding and assassination.

"Are you ready?" Tang Gexiu said with a frown.

"Ready, you just need to put the front end of these cables into these four points." The team leader called up the map taken from above, and marked the four positions in red on it.

"As long as you access these four points, you can wipe them out."

"As long as they can be driven out of the sea." Tang Ge said lightly.

She doesn't believe much when these things wipe out the other party.

The two huge devices in the corner and the thick steel cables of these arms made it hard for her to believe that there would be such a powerful force.

These experts and scientists have two different perceptions of power.

"After sending the four cables to the designated place, use this steel cone to nail it into the sand, and send a message to me after you leave the water. Remember, you must not enter the water or get wet. When the other party is electrocuted Do n’t touch them in any way. "

Led the team leader.

I have to tell you that even now, there are many people receiving electric shocks every year.

He didn't understand why those people like to step on electric wires or poles so much.

If the bird is okay, it does not mean that you are all right.

220v is not fatal to most ancient people, but now, even the Supreme Master, as long as it does not detach within a few seconds, it will become coke.

Tang Ge nodded, and the Prince Zhao had also urged this matter, and she didn't take it as a breeze.

The two took away the high-definition map and looked for a contrasting position at a high place.

I didn't come back until late at night.

This time five people came.

In addition to Tang Ge and Dong Guo 洵, there are Ma Hongyu and two other good players.

福 Li Fu and dozens of people have been ambushing into two circles around the scabbard. A group of people will attack the masters of the scabbard as soon as possible, while others will prevent it from running away.

"We are in an ambush, you can move." Listening to the news from Li Fu through the headphones, Tang Ge left the cave with a mountain-like cable, while Ma Hongyu took the overall situation to deal with emergencies.

多 A cable that is more than 1,000 meters long weighs at least 2,000 pounds. More importantly, a long tail is dragged behind and it must be sent to the designated location.

Fortunately, as the distance approached, the mountain-like cable carried by it also quickly shrank, and the weight also slowed down a lot.

"Dong Guoyu stop, there are two scabbards mating at the place you go to, clear them up first, don't make too much noise, don't bleed, this thing has a strong smell."

Wu Dongguo put the cable aside, and the whole person turned into a shadow, disappearing in the night.

After a short while, a figure appeared behind the two sickle entangled in the water at the edge of the coast.

黑色 A black whip was thrown from his hand ~ ~ Directly tied the necks of the two sickles, and quickly dragged them to the shore.

After the two sickles were resolved, Dong Guozhen returned to Kangshang Cable and set off again.

"Number one is in place."

"Number two is in place."

"Number three is in place."

Tange is carrying a cable, facing the settlement of Sword Sickle. The others are all in the north of the settlement. Only her position is in the south and she needs to cross it.

"You advance and attract their attention." Tang Ge came to the back.

记住 "Remember, don't fall into the water. Start!" Li Fu ordered in the headset.

More than twenty figures appeared from the darkness, a distance of hundreds of meters, and the two breathing rooms reached the sky above the Sword sickness settlement.

A huge fire snake emerged from the air and dived down, lighting up the night sky.

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