The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 158: Became

"Master Ren, do you think this method is really feasible?" Tao Jiyuan questioned. Although burning a stone was like this, he still felt that the idea was a bit fancy.

Not only him, but also Gu Tan, Fujiki and others listening to this thought.

"I have to try before I know if it is feasible. After all, isn't there a better way now?" Ren Baqian said.

"So too." Tao Jiyuan nodded.

"Master Gu, please arrange for it."

Next, a hundred guards were placed in the vault of the valley, and three hundred prisoners were pressed away to cut down the wood.

The three prisoners were held together with ropes. The three hundred prisoners were exactly one hundred groups, and the one hundred guards could just watch over.

Damoshan is a strange species. There are many mountains around here, each of them is green, except for the bare grass of Damoshan.

The distance to cut the wood is not too close, after all, the daily life in close range is almost cut.

For a whole day, thirty trunks with a diameter of more than 20 cm and a length of more than three meters were transported.

The prisoners in this mine also stopped chiseling and dragged the thirty pieces of wood onto the platform under Mount Damo before chopping them into small pieces.

After two days of full dry work, a total of fifty trunks were dragged back. The first day of the return was also chopped into the thickness of the wood of the arm, and then the mountain was burned.


A team of more than a hundred people, with more than 20 large carts and more than 70 fork-horned oxen, marched in the direction of Damo Mountain.

Chaya ox is one of the meats often used by Dayao. It grows very fast. It is only half as fast as Qu ox or the like. Qu ya can mature in five years, and this cha horn takes only three years. More on it.

But this beef tastes very average. Compared with firewood, this is the general food of the army.

The rest of them sent materials to the Damoshan Iron Mine. Every 20 days, in addition to food, there were some well-built pickaxes, iron cones and other excavating tools. The tools at the Damoshan Iron Mine were very large.

"Liu Shuai, where do you look?" Everyone turned over a foot and saw the smoke billowing in the direction of Da Mo Shan, and someone shouted immediately.

Ten people in Dayao are a team, and a team is working for Jiupin. Twelve teams are a brigade, with brigade commanders, from the eight ranks. The Five Brigade is a regiment with a school captain from Qipin to Zhengliu.

Generally, there are 650 to 700 people in a regiment with logistics debris.

The five regiments were an army from 3,300 to 3,800.

The five armies are one province, with about 15,000 people.

Here is an entire brigade. The brigade commander in the line heard the words and looked up, his face suddenly changed: "A big mountain accident happened! Go back to two people to report, a team of people are here to guard, others put things down, take The weapon comes with me. "

With an order, everyone threw the things they carried aside, holding the long knife in one hand, and marched quickly in the direction of Mount Damo.

The brigade frowned as he moved forward, how could this Da Moshan be in trouble? Could it be those prisoners who rebelled? But even if they rebelled, the three hundred guards there were enough to defeat them.

Without even three hundred, two hundred people can completely defeat them.

So what is this thick smoke? Obviously arson.

While thinking about and worrying about the situation of Damo Mountain, the brigade commander rushed 60 kilometers with two people and hurried to the foot of Damo Mountain.

However, unlike in his imagination, the guard under the mountain was still standing there quietly, as if nothing had happened.

"What happened?" The brigade hurriedly asked, looking up at the thick smoke above, like a pillar of smoke, where he could smell the burning smell.

"Nothing happened, everything is normal," the guard replied immediately.

After hearing this, the brigade's mind was relieved, and then he was dumbfounded. Since it's okay, what's up there?

"Sheng Lushuai, you can go up and take a look." The guard also did not understand the specific, but said: "It is said to be to crack Da Moshan."

Damoshan burned open? How can it be? Isn't this nonsense? As soon as the brigade heard this, he thought that someone would rush to rush for this matter, and the fire in his stomach wouldn't hit a spot.

"You go back and send the supplies, and someone will chase those two back, I will go up and see." Sheng Lushuai threw down a sentence, wiped the sweat from his head and hurried to the mountain.

At this time, Ren Qianqian and others on the mountain stood in front of the wooden house and watched the fire in the distance. A large amount of wood was burning there, and the flames rising from the sky were difficult to approach.

"At the end of the blooming mountain, I've seen several adults." When I saw a few people on the mountain, the eyes narrowed. What surprised him the most was not the official positions of Ren Baqian and Tao Jiyuan, but the sight of the flying rider here.

You should know that Flying Rider is the guardian of the Empress, and will not be easily touched. Who is this time?

"This is Lord Zhongyufu from Lancheng, Lord Tao from Ordnance Division, and Lord Fuji. Opening the mountains, you should have arrived in the days. Why did you come here by yourself? What about Fujiki? Looking from a distance, there is no one behind, except for the blooming mountains.

Blooming Mountain cried and laughed: "Master Gu, I saw a smoke column here all the way, thought that something had happened, and hurriedly hurried, everything was thrown behind. Now they went back to take the team."

Gu Qiong laughed when he heard this.

Blooming Mountain later asked carefully, "Sir, what is this for?"

"What Ren Fuyu said, what's hot or anything, after all, burn water and see if it can crack." Gu Qiong said, touching the beard on his face.

"This iron mountain is all iron, isn't it quenched?" Blooming Mountain bewildered. Even if I can't hit the iron, I've heard of this hardening.

Isn't that just putting the wrought iron in the water, what's the difference?

"Yeah." Gu Qiong patted his thigh after hearing this. "Why didn't I remember this?"

"Master Ren, Master Ren, isn't this quenching?" Gu Qiong shouted, turning his head.

Ren Baqian listened to him and nodded. "There are special processes and requirements for quenching. In normal quenching, carbon and other substances in iron have been exhausted to become steel by thrashing. Even if it is wrong, it will crack, let alone iron. Don't worry about it. "

After hearing this, everyone looked confused, anyway, it sounded like this Ren Ren was better than himself.

"I didn't expect Master Ren to know how to build." Tao Jiyuan said casually.

"Slightly understand. The fire will burn until the afternoon. Don't add wood after noon. I'll go back to the room to rest." Ren Baqian and a few people greeted and returned to the room.

When it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Ren Baqian's estimated time was almost before coming out of the wooden house, and at the same time, people called out Tao Jiyuan and Gu Qiong.

After the fire started to decrease, Ren Baqian commanded: "Put water up and pour directly on Mount Damo."

After hearing this, the crowd immediately moved, and the other people were also upset.

Only 10 meters long was burned this time. As people poured a bucket of water onto the mountain wall there, they kept making a "beep" sound, and each bucket of water poured out was a ball of white steam. Soon, even people nearby couldn't stand.

Seeing this, Ren Baqian took a step back.

After half an hour, Ren Baqian waved his hand to stop everyone: "It's almost there, wait for the steam to dissipate."

This waited until the sky was almost dark, and the people held torches.

"Can it really crack?" A few people who knew the matter had no confidence in their hearts, and they set their sights on Ren Qianqian.

"Look at it right away," Ren Baqin said, feeling a little nervous. All I know is theory. If it is unsuccessful ~ ~, it will be lost to adults, and a large number of concave mirrors can not be made in a short time, I am afraid I can do nothing about it.

As the fire shone on the mountain wall, everyone looked at the mountain wall as usual, and suddenly felt a little confused, wasn't it successful?

Ren Baqian didn't say a word, walked to a position one meter in front of the mountain wall, stopped, carefully looked at the mountain wall, and finally there was a light look on his face.

"Crack, it really cracked!" Gu Qiong went to him and looked at the mountain wall carefully, suddenly shouting in surprise.

The small mountain wall illuminated by the torch saw small cracks all over it.

Although it is not very large, the speed of mining along the fracture can be at least twice as fast.

"Master Ren, this method can really be achieved, Tao really admired it very much, and Master Ren made great contributions this time." Tao Jiyuan stepped forward to see the cracks in the mountain wall first, and then he showed congratulations.

Unexpectedly, Ren Baqian actually did this, and in such a simple but unexpected way.

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