The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 159: Solar furnace

Ren Baqian sat in a chair in a daze, this is just a shady place, and the surrounding temperature is the same as the fire.

According to the summer season, it is already late autumn, but the weather is still hot and dying.

There was a jingling chirping sound from Damo Mountain in the distance.

After burning the mountain yesterday, a thin crack appeared on the wall of the mountain, making Guqiang and Tao Jiyuan both very happy, and felt that it was possible to find a way to excavate this mountain.

However, Ren Baqian is not as optimistic as them, and it is estimated that it is a little bit superficial, and there should be no change in it.

Of course, this is not the same as the requirements of the two sides. Ren Baqian was thinking of obtaining an iron ore that could build a weapon equipped with 20,000 troops.

Dayao's standard thick-backed long knife is not the kind of knife that weighs three or two pounds, and each one weighs about twenty pounds. The iron ore required is at least twenty-three pounds or more.

One thousand prisoners on Mount Da Mo can only mine one hundred and eighty pounds of iron ore in one day. They can only make four knives. In two years, they have only used more than two thousand. This is all used in the army. It can still be said that It's cheap.

You should know that Dayao is not only a weapon in an army, including the hunters in the mountains, but also the ironware that is needed daily.

Although the other iron mine, Liu Cuishan, did not go, he asked Tao Jiyuan during a chat in Renbaqian before. It was in the mountain and the road was difficult. Although mining is a lot easier, transporting it outside is also a big problem.

In a country with 30 to 40 million people, the iron ore output in one year is only 10,000 to 20,000 kilograms. What can be done?

"Sir, sir, today it is at least four or five hundred pounds, which is the amount that was mined in the past four or five days."

Ren Baqian didn't know when he fell asleep, and was awoken by Gu Yan's loud voice in his sleep.

"Oh? Four or five hundred pounds?" Ren Baqian rubbed his eyes. It would burn for a day before being ignited, and then watered and mined for another day. It was twice as fast.

"Then pull more wood out, it is best to mobilize some people in the surrounding cities to transport the wood, and then burn the mountains separately. One day at the east and one west, the mountains will be burned in turns. This will increase the efficiency." Ren Ba Qian Qian said lazily. I wondered what the surrounding mountains would look like in a few years. After all, if you want to burn this iron mountain to mine, the wood consumed in a year is not a decimal, but the tree growth is a ten-year cycle.

And with the reduction of surrounding wood, in order to maintain such a mining speed in the future, you need to send wood from a distance, so that the number of personnel will be greater. Let's do this first, and wait for yourself to study the concave mirror.

"Master Ren said that." Tao Jiyuan doubled the iron ore output after seeing 8,112 days in office, and I was afraid that it would increase by three or four times according to what he had said. Immediately I admired it. "But I'm afraid it will only be ordered."

"Let's take a look." Ren Baqian got up and let the valley dome lead the way to the Damo Mountain for self-study. As expected, it was just a thin layer. The length of a half finger was about three centimeters.

"Tao Lang, I have to bother you to give your uncle a discount, and tell me something here." Ren Baqian turned.

During dinner, Tao Jiyuan and Gu Qiong still had excitement on their faces. Ren Baqian didn't disturb the enthusiasm of the two, but just said, "I will take a day off tomorrow, and do n’t bother me with big things. I prepared. "

"Yes, Lord."

Say hello to them, and Ren Baqian returns to the earth when everyone is about to sleep.


At this time, the earth was in the evening. Ren Baqian turned on the computer to find the news he had watched, but he quickly found it by typing keywords, and more than one.

Someone did this kind of test 70 years ago. The first 50-kilowatt solar furnace was made with a liquid mirror, which can melt a 1-cm steel plate in 30 seconds.

A laboratory established 50 years ago was built with 10,000 concave mirrors, capable of reaching 1000 kWh, and instantly reaching a high temperature of 3500 degrees at the target.

The melting point of iron is only 1538 degrees, so it does not need to be so large, as long as it is smaller.

In a video online, a foreign brother used 5800 small nail-sized lenses on a satellite lid to melt iron.

All these prove that the idea before Ren Baqian is feasible.

It doesn't need to be as large as a foreign laboratory, as long as it is one-tenth the size, and it can even be divided into ten parts. After all, it is only to melt the Dama mountain wall. There are no high requirements for all aspects of accuracy. It is sufficient to point within a range to ensure that the temperature in the range is sufficient.

On the evening of the eighth day, Ren Qian contacted a physics professor at a university in the city through Chen Qing. He met the next day and told him his requirements. A concave mirror was needed to make the movable and adjustable angle. Solar furnace can melt steel 300 to 400 meters away.

The other party needs to provide him with a solar furnace that can be carried by one person, as well as a series of solutions for making concave mirror molds and mounting angles of all concave mirrors in Dayao.

This is troublesome for Ren Baqian, but it is very simple for the other party. After all, Ren Baqian does not have high requirements on all aspects of accuracy, and can even be thrown to students, and the reward is 500,000.

Having settled the matter, Ren Yaqian returned to Dayao after a two-day break.


Liucui Mountain is actually on the outskirts of 60,000 Dashan on the west side of Dayao. However, to reach the position of iron ore, it is necessary to take a two-day mountain road, and the mountain road is difficult.

After leaving Damosan for a few days, Ren Baqian walked on this mountain road.

It was okay when we first entered the mountain, and the mountain road was fairly good. After all, this road is often passed by.

But after a day passed, the mountain road began to meander, and the mountain wall was on one side and the mountain stream on the other. There was only a one-meter-wide road in the middle.

Although people can walk, mounts and the like are definitely not working.

Even if people can walk, they can't get up fast.

At least Ren Baqian was dizzy every time he glanced down the cliff next to him ~ ~ You must know that there are two or three hundred meters underneath, and when it falls, it becomes a meatloaf.

Ren Baqian suddenly discovered that he had a great weakness, afraid of heights.

I didn't find it before.

Seeing him like this, Fujiki was also nervous and followed him closely, ready to pull him at any time.

If something goes wrong, you don't have to go back.

After walking for a long time on this road, when I turned over, I finally came to a valley surrounded by cliffs on three sides. Ren Baqian finally let go of his heart and felt that he was alive again.

The valley is not too big. In addition to the guards of more than a hundred people, there are seven or eight hundred people mining here.

The iron content of the ore in Liucui Mountain is about 40%. The mining difficulty is much smaller, but the quality is not very good. And because it is difficult to transport ore or materials in here, it is difficult to expand the scale.

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