The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 355: bulldozer

Lu Pinghai just arrived with the army in the camp in the afternoon. He thought of making a shot at a critical time, but he didn't expect to be cracked as soon as the first night, which made him feel unlucky.

Out of the tent, looking at the chaotic military camp, he was still wondering whether he would go outside the Tiesuo Pass or return to Daxia. He was more inclined to the latter one, but promised that the matter of Emperor Daxia hadn't been done yet.

Although the other party's token was a joke in his youth, after the death of that person, he never expected that someone would know the purpose and find himself after many years. But since the token is in the other's hands, he helped the other party do three things while the other party could afford it.

The thought of Lu Pinghai's memories of the past is always the same when people are old. At that time, he first entered the rivers and lakes, settled in a very weird inn, accepted employment, and helped kill people.

Remember the first to hire yourself at the cost of a basket of eggs and a pair of shoes.

At that time, he didn't even have shoes.

Shooting fast enough and fiercely enough, it didn't take long for me to mix up the nickname of a fast sword.

Later, he left the inn with a word from a good-looking man.

For so many years, he had forgotten the appearance of the man, and remembered a pair of eyes, as clear as a child.

And that man's name, Ye Qiu.

Later, he made a name for himself to see the man again, and gave him a doll he carved himself, that man. I said that as long as the other party can afford it, I will help the other party do three things.

It's a pity that the man didn't find himself and then heard that he was dead.

He avenged himself, but broke a finger, and never used the sword again, and the fast sword Lu Qi disappeared.

Replaced by the Jiuzhi Luqi.

Later, no one called Jiuzhi, and no one called Lu Qi.

Everyone knows that he is the eighth in the world.

As he recalled going west, the surrounding Daxia soldiers ran out, replaced by a group of people who could run horses on their big arms and stand on their fists.

Then there is no more.

Lu Pinghai was discovered when the Empress appeared in the air, and he couldn't find it at such a close distance, then the top ten masters in the world would be in vain.

He just glanced at the female emperor in the air, turning his sleeves into long sticks on the two flying riders' chests, and the two flying riders immediately flew out to spray blood.

A moment ago, these sleeves turned into knives, guns, swords, sticks ...

His magic soldier is this pair of sleeves, called Qiansi sleeves, which can be ever-changing and arbitrary.

Strike two flying horses, Lu Pinghai flew out of the figure.

"Lu Qi, Zheng Zheng is not looking for you, and today I will send you to heaven!" The emperor shot with an arrow.

As soon as he left, there was an empty hole on the ground, and then the people around him felt the wind from the bones and arrows blowing on his face, and a series of sounds like explosions.

The arrow was faster than the sound.

"Qi ..." Lu Pinghai just fluttered with a word, and several bone arrows left a row of holes in the ground behind him.

"Purple ..." Lu Pinghai squeezed a word out of her teeth, then continued to escape, and several holes appeared on the ground behind her.

"Xiao ..." Lu Pinghai dragged Changyin and fled.

The quiver in the emperor's hand was half empty and almost as fast as the machine gun used by Ren Qianqian.

"Crazy woman!" Lu Pinghai was shot with a split head and a face before she finished speaking, scolded in her heart, and ran away.

The empress first fell to the ground, and a few flying riders saw the emperor who appeared in front of them immediately arching their hands: "Your Majesty!"

Then the emperor disappeared like the wind, and there were also five or six arrows on the flying rider.

Lu Pinghai was close to the ground, and the speed was so fast that people around him couldn't see it. The Emperor jumped into the air and shot half a quiver every time, and then landed diagonally again after landing, just like a goshawk preying on a hare. Generally, always keep his eyes firmly on the back of Lu Pinghai.

The sound of arrows flying through the air blasting northward from the middle of the camp.

The emperor shot her arrows in the air, and then she hung her bow on her back, and her body began to turn red. Tattoo-like purple lines appeared on her face.

"Qi Xiaoxiao! Hong Wu isn't dead, how much hatred is it?" Lu Pinghai felt wrong behind him, turned around and saw the lines appearing on the emperor's face, chasing them at a speed of three points faster than himself, suddenly big Called out.

Although he didn't know the specific method of Qi Zixiao, he had heard of this situation. It is clear that the ancients used the secret method to burn essence and blood when they were desperate!

Hongwu used this trick the same day. If he hadn't exhausted him by himself, he would be more injured than Hongwu.

Qi Zixiao burns blood as soon as she sees herself.

And this secret method is also divided into three, six and nine grades. The higher the secret method, the longer the duration, and the later complications will be much smaller. He didn't think that the emperor's exercises would be worse than Hong Wu's, so his heart shuddered.

The Empress did not say a word with a cold face, and stepped **** the ground with her feet. A horn-sized rock was first covered with cracks, and then broke into a gravel.

I said to kill you, then you must kill you!

The two chased and fled, getting farther and farther away from Liao Cheng. The emperor and Lu Pinghai were only 20 meters away. Lu Pinghai had to turn around and fight with the emperor and fly backwards. By the force of the collision, Pull away.

But every collision made him as if struck by a sledgehammer.

Now he knows why Hua Sanliu died in Qi Zixiao's hands. This power is extremely high, and the speed is extremely fast. It is extremely difficult to escape.

Now how long can Qi Zixiao's secrets last.

Last time Hongwu persisted for half an hour, Qi Zixiao didn't know how long it could last.

If Qi Zixiao didn't know the advance and retreat, then she said that she could not arrest her and give it to the Emperor Daxia, and she had agreed to the party.

Another hour later, Lu Pinghai had vomited three blood, but Qi Zixiao still had no intention of giving up the pursuit.

At this time the sky had begun to light up.

In front of the two, there was a continuous army barracks.

If this huge barracks can be seen at high altitude, a city is surrounded by it.

At an hour, the two ran from Liaocheng to Tie Suoguan.

Lu Pinghai saw that the barracks in the distance was full of thoughts. If they saw their own situation, they would be a little embarrassed.

However, with Qi Zixiao's current situation, how long can she chase herself? I don't know, but she can't run.

An hour from Liaocheng to Tiesuoguan!

More than four hundred miles.

At this time, the speed of the two was less than 30% of the first. In this case, they ran for more than four hundred miles in an hour, and they had to go over mountains and mountains, even the magic wheel could not be consumed.

"Qi Xiaoxiao is here! Help me quickly!" Lu Pinghai hurriedly screamed, and went out to make his foot slow, turned back and turned his sleeves against the emperor's six punches, vomiting blood in the air while facing forward The big camp went down.

Lu Pinghai's voice shocked countless people in the Daxia military camp, and immediately they noisy, dozens of figures jumped out of the camp immediately.

"It's Lu Pinghai and Qi Zixiao!" People who jumped out of the Daxia military camp immediately exclaimed when they saw the two men.

"I ran here from Liaocheng in an hour, and she was exhausted and quickly started." Lu Pinghai shouted while vomiting blood, and her heart was bitter. Qi Zixiao was so powerful!

As soon as these words were spoken, those figures were suddenly moving.

And there were two figures outside the barracks. Everyone saw that they had the confidence in their hearts. Although they were not the top ten masters, they were also masters of the **** class.

If it is not possible to beat Qi Zixiao in the usual time, but run from Liaocheng for an hour, I am afraid that Qi Zixiao is also nearing the end of the lamp.

"Hands on!" Someone shouted, dozens of people rushed towards them.

The emperor ignored her, and stared at Lu Pinghai tightly. The purple lines on her face became denser and darker, and a drop of blood leaked from the surface of the skin.

When Lu Pinghai looked at her like this, she really wanted to scold her. Is she so desperate? What resentment? Chasing yourself for an hour is not enough. Now when the oil is exhausted, the blood is burned further?

At this time, the emperor was completely disregarding the others. After catching up with Lu Pinghai, he struck him again with a series of punches, then jumped into the air to step on Lu Pinghai's body and fell into the Daxia military camp.

Lu Pinghai smashed a pit in the ground, spraying blood out of his mouth and nose, but he could still jump over and jump out and ran away.

He did see it, Qi Zixiao was not only dead, it was a life change!

The empress caught up with Lu Pinghai again, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and rushed forward.

Camps, fences, penthouses, everything, like paper, were crushed by the emperor's collision ~ ~ Lu Pinghai was spitting blood and intimate contact with various things .

Looking in the air, the empress was behind a yellow dragon.

The emperor and Lu Pinghai are the heads of dragons.

There are dozens of people chasing beside the Huanglong. Two weapons of the **** wheel, one is a sword, and the other is between the hands. A wooden pillar directly in the air crashed into the back of the emperor. .

The Emperor ignored it. She was hit three times in a row, each time faster by one point, but she also spit out blood on the third shot.

At this time, the image of the emperor was extremely oozing, and the skin exposed on the clothes was almost covered with purple lines, and small blood beads leaked out of the skin, and the white lining was dyed red.

However, she just grabbed Lu Pinghai so that he could not move at all, and rammed him against him, hitting a straight line in the Daxia military camp, human body, fence, city gate, house, courtyard ... like a bulldozer, Everything in front of him was broken.

I just ran into Tiesuoguan ...

Hongwu heard the outside atmosphere a little familiar, and as soon as he came out of the house, he saw a red figure rushing into front of himself all the way, knocking himself over to the ground, passing the mansion, from south to north. Go towards the north gate.

Hong Wu was almost frightened to death, and quickly caught up: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

But at this time the empress could still hear it, her eyes all turned black, and she could not see the slightest light.

The last palm of the Red Wu shot the Empress to the ground, only to stop this scary bulldozer.

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