The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 356: Pedal 7 color clouds to pick you up

As soon as the empress was awake, she felt severe pain from her body, and every cell was moaning, giving out a strong pain.

If you change to someone else, you just call out.

The Empress just opened her eyes and looked at the roof of the shed, and then turned around to see Hong Wu guarding the bed.

"Your Majesty ..." Hong Wu saw the female emperor woke up, and some did not know what to say.

I never dreamed that the emperor would chase Lu Qi from Liaocheng, risking serious injuries, and pushing Lu Qi from Daxia's military camp all the way to the city.

If it wasn't for you to stop yourself, it would be pushed all the way to Daxia.

"Is Lu Qi dead?" The empress asked directly, her voice cold, she could not see the pain in her body now.

But how could Hongwu, who had just erupted, not know how.

"Although it wasn't dead, it's coming soon, and I was taken in." Hong Wu replied.

"Kill it!" The words of the emperor decided the fate of Lu Qi and Lu Pinghai. Even if her strength is high, she will not have the idea of ​​Corporal Lixian being subdued by Her Majesty.

Since I want to kill you, then I must kill.

"Your Majesty, you are too dangerous!" Hong Wu said in a deep voice. "Your Majesty is the monarch of a country. How can you do such a thing? If your Majesty has something to lose, let alone one Lu Qi, or ten Lu Qi, can't reach His Majesty. What should I do when I am up and down? What about the people? "

"Can't die!" Said the Empress lightly. Before I was sober at the Daxia military camp, but it was indeed when the oil was exhausted, and the blood was burned straight to the gate, and she lost consciousness when she hit the gate.

How could it be so accurate?

"But even so, why is Your Majesty so, as Her Majesty, how can it be so dangerous!"

Hong Wu's face was distressed.

The Empress, however, grew up watching him, and he was closer than his own. When he fell into this look, how could he be indifferent?

"Lu Qi is too dangerous!" Said the Emperor lightly.

Except where he and Hong Wu are, Lu Qi is too dangerous no matter which army he is in.

Although I do n’t know how Daxia let Lu Qi work for them, she ca n’t leave such a master in Daxia ’s hands. There are not many ancient soldiers. The biggest reliance is on strong personal strength. This is a super master like Lu Qi.

It ’s okay if the opponent is an ordinary God wheel, but a super master like Lu Qi, unless she meets herself and Hong Wu, no one can stop him.

He assassinated Hongwu before and appeared in the Daxia Army this time, which has already explained some things. There is such a great master in the Da Xia Army that the danger is too great. Since he met him, he could never leave him.

Not to mention there are other grudges, let alone him, but this is not necessary to say.

"Your Majesty shouldn't be to avenge the old husband? If so, the old man should be damned, and let His Majesty be so dangerous." Hong Wu's sudden flattering tone made the emperor's mind jump.

"You think too much, and then kill you." The empress said coldly. If it wasn't for her pain and inconvenience, she would shoot the old man with one kick.

"Anyway, Your Majesty must not be like this anymore," Hong Wu sighed.

"I can't die," the female emperor replied lightly. "I'm going to look at Lu Qi's head and feel better."

Hong Wu was moved with a look on his face, tears in his eyes, Your Majesty, did you avenge me? Really avenge me? Otherwise it makes no sense!

His Majesty can be so dangerous for the old man, without spending so many years of hard work. The little girl back then was already so powerful!

Thinking of another person coming out of Hongwu's brain here: Unfortunately, the **** must be cheap!

At this moment Hongwu extremely hated Ren Renqian, although the guy was really useful.

Such as radio stations, such as drones, such as walkie-talkies, such as telescopes, I heard that salt has been made recently ...

But usefulness and hate are two different things.

I will never let that kid go!

After a while, Hongwu came back with a nose-swollen face and a swollen face that was beyond his head.

"This is Lu Qi?" The Empress skeptically lay on the couch, looking less like.

"Your Majesty, it is Lu Qi!"

Hongwu couldn't laugh or cry, this Lu Qi was a blood mold, and you were rushed across as a shield by your majesty, and even a foot and a half thick city gates were broken, and the stone walls and houses of his own house hit the cave. It's been a blessing to die.

Of course, this was also that Lu Qi was seriously injured at that time, and his body was exhausted, otherwise it would not be so miserable.

Masters of God Wheel, especially masters of this level of Lu Qi, even physical strength is not measurable by ordinary warriors.

Although he did not die then, he can't die any more now.

A poor generation of masters ended up in this way of death.

"Oh!" The empress nodded, since Hong Wu said it was Lu Qi, it was Lu Qi.

The empress then remembered another thing: "What else is on him?"

"He has this on him." Hong Wu took out a wooden box.

"What?" The empress asked.

"A Lingyuan Dan and the exercises he has practiced, as well as his Qianxi sleeve condensing method." Hong Wu opened the box to reveal a thin book. Below is a jade box. When opened, it was a red medicine. There are circles of grain on it, and no aroma comes out, as if completely absorbed into the elixir.

Hongwu gave Ling Yuandan a glance at the empress, and then closed the box and placed it next to the emperor.

Then Hongwu suddenly thought of one thing: "Your Majesty, wouldn't you just grab the elder Yuandan for that kid? If so ... the old man would slap him in the palm of his hand."

"You think too much," said the Empress lightly.

"Your Majesty has only known that boy for less than a year ..." Hong Wu's sadness is really a big deal for women!

"Stop killing you again." The empress hate gritted teeth, why didn't I find this old man so annoying before?

At the same time, he vowed secretly that when he was able to move, the old man must be carried out.

After a long sigh, Hong Wu pressed the thoughts of the woman in her heart down and asked Liao Cheng about it. Before the empress came here, he asked about Liao Cheng's side, but it was said that the army had been killed and not many people stayed in Chenglingfu. At this time, the emperor woke up and could ask the emperor.

"Wu Shenghou is dead," said the Empress indifferently, and then told about what happened at night. She didn't understand a lot and didn't say it.

Hong Wu only knew that Ren Baqian had made something and was carried back to the camp by the Da Xia Army himself. Then Wu Shenghou and most of the senior generals were killed. Fei Qi and Li Qian Qiu Department broke through the Da Xia Army and hid all the way.

Hearing this, Hong Wu was overjoyed.

All plans for the Great Xia's southern invasion were made by Wu Shenghou. Now that he is dead, it is not easy for Da Xia to find another person who can replace him.

As long as Tiesuoguan and Shuncheng hold the Daxia Army here, there are Flying Riders and Li Qianqiu, as well as 3500 defenders and Nandu Hufu reinforcements. Among them, there are 11,000 troops and more than 1,000 people. Such strength is enough to obliterate those Daxia troops in the north of Dayao, and then the siege of Tiesuoguan and Shuncheng will be released.

Da Xia this time can say that the loss of soldiers will get nothing.

We must know that Daxia has already invested 700,000 troops, and there are still 180,000 troops outside Tiesuoguan and Shuncheng. Originally, there were 110,000 troops at Wushenghou and 140,000 troops inside Dayao, a total of 430,000.

Now that Wu Shenghou is dead, the Da Xia Army is concealed all the way, even if he can escape, only half.

If the two troops in Da Yao are wiped out, then the Da Xia Army will only have more than 200,000 in the south, and they may not be able to cope with the future attack of the ancient people.

After the two sides talked, Hong Wu left with great joy ~ ~ After a while, he sent the radio to the room, which was requested by the empress.

Ren Baqian was sitting on the head of the city at this time, and Feiqi had hunted all the way out.

Three thousand soldiers broke through the two reinforcements and hunted down towards the north.

Thousands of guards in Dongdaying were ignored at this time.

They were afraid they had to sneak away.

Some militiamen were sent to Peking University to collect grain and grass.

He was here waiting for the empress to return.

"It's all four hours, right?" Ren Baqian counted his time, and didn't know where His Majesty chased Lu Qi, but he hadn't returned for so long.

The distance is too far, and the walkie-talkie cannot be contacted, but if I want to come to the strength of the female emperor, as long as I don't break into the Daxia army alone, I can come back safely everywhere.

"Master Ren, Your Majesty is at Tiesuoguan!" Suddenly someone hurried to the city wall and said.

"How did Your Majesty run there?" Ren Baqian was surprised.

"Your Majesty is on the radio and waiting for you," said the soldier.

Ren Baqian hurried back to Cheng Lingfu.

"Your Majesty? Why did you run off the chains?"

"Hmm ... why are you here?" The Empress lost her temper. It hurts in the first place, you still ask this nonsense!

"Your Majesty, you are the boss, what you say!" Ren Baqian confessed immediately.

"I am here for a few days, waiting for you to destroy the enemy army to pick up the enemy." The emperor said in a cold tone again.

"Yes! I will pick up the seven-colored clouds at that time!"

"If you can't see the seven-color cloud, you know the consequences."

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