The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 357: Panman

Ren Baqian sat in front of the city watching the militia regiments pushing back a cart of grains of grain, and a large herd of cattle and sheep.

Although ordinary soldiers in Daxia eat food, some warriors still eat meat. Although they are not as large as the ancients, they add up a lot.

"How to arrange it?" Ren Baqian asked with his head sideways.

"Give the food to the people in the city, and just go with the animals." Li Qianqiu said, those rice grains can be eaten by civilians. If the army eats, there is no need to do anything else from day to night.

At noon, the officers and men of the Central Government Office returned, and all their hungry faces were drawn.

In the afternoon, Feiqi returned to the team, and in the dozens of miles north of Beiying, it was covered with the bones of the Xia soldiers.

If it's not hungry, they can catch up with it for another day.

It's been a month, besieged for a month, and finally it's a spit in the heart.

The left guards in Dongying, like Ren Baqian thought before, slipped from behind in the morning. No army in the city chased them, so they picked up a bargain.

"Let people bury it, otherwise it will be troublesome when the plague appears." After Ren Baqian said, Li Qianqiu nodded, and they still knew this.

From the city wall, Ren Baqiyi heard from time to time someone asked, "Win?"

"Daxia Army ran!"

"When will it be called?"


Something like that. The civilians of the ancient ethnic group paid much more attention to the siege of Daxia than they feared defeat.

For these rude people, being surrounded by Da Xia for a month was a loss of Tian Da.

As for the casualties, the ancients looked very lightly.

In other words, the existence of the ancestors of the ancestors, everyone is convinced, and not so afraid of death.

Like believers in some denominations of the earth, instead of fearing death, they believe that after death they will usher in a better home.

All these manifestations show that the heart of the ancient people is not generally large.

The civilians in the city are full of joy and hearty laughter, and their voices are much louder, especially the carts of grain are being transported to the city, which makes the people in the city who are about to run out of grain very excited. Many people are from home Probe view.

As for other things, for example, when a young girl sees wearing an official uniform, the young and handsome one rushes over to send a kiss to express excitement or the like.

What should everyone do? The soldiers returned to the barracks to start eating, then lay down and slept. Some of the people helped to handle the grain, and the rest should be used to hang clothes and hang clothes.

In the hearts of the people, it was nothing more than defeating an enemy. It's a joke if you yell.

"The children of the ancient people are real ..." Ren Baqian walked on the road and saw a woman carrying a seven or eight year-old child's back neck and threw it out of the yard.

"Go out there and don't mess with me here!"

The child patted the dust on the ground, and shouted at Ren Baqian's shining front teeth, yelling and running away.

Is this your mother?

Ren Baqian was a little curious, and after having a child with the Empress herself, what would the Emperor look like!

From the personality of the empress ... it is likely that the child is watching her eating snacks there, the child is watching her eating sweets, and the child is watching her chasing dramas ...

After thinking about the picture, Ren Baqian rubbed his face, but don't think about it that much.

It was celebrated in the evening, but it was Ren Qianqian Luo. Anyway, it was the war he experienced for the first time, and after a month of hard defense, the soldiers threw their heads and blooded. The next difficult victory.

It must be celebrated.

There was no wine in the army, and the meat tube was enough. They slaughtered a small portion of the livestock that had just been taken from the Daxia military camp. The whole army was finally full, and it was considered cheerful.

There were dozens of circles around the barracks, and in each circle there were brawny men with shirtlessness performing random fights there. From time to time, someone was thrown out of the crowd, attracting an excited howl.

"Next! Who will come?"

Ren Baqian was holding the wine left by the empress, watching the free fight on the spot, and drinking a bottle of wine, he also lay directly on the ground.

The noisy night passed.

On the second day, I checked the results of the battle. In this campaign, more than half of the Daxia casualties and ancient injuries were minimal. The biggest casualties were dozens of flying riders who died in Lu Pinghai's hands.

But new news came back that day.

"Sir, the news came from the Northeast Capital Guard House, Yun Guo has sent troops and has arrived before the battle!"

"..." Ren Baqin grinned when he heard it. This is good, no need to make excuses.

After playing with Daxia for more than a month, there was no movement at all in the country of Yun. Even if Daxia prevailed, when Da Yao stepped on defense, Yun Guo was still studying there.

Now that the battle is almost over, you have started, and you are sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth if you do not fight.

It's not as professional as you are to find death.

Li Qianqiu laughed when he heard the news. He was about the same as Ren Baqian. At this time, Izumo was sending troops, but it was the worst time. If it was earlier, Daxia would still have the upper hand. If it was later Maybe they have been able to get detailed information about the Da Xia Army, I'm afraid they will reconsider the issue of sending troops.

Dayao was full of interest for going to Izumo to plunder.

However, Ren Baqian knew that this time it was not a matter of looting. After the big summer, the only thing to do was to bring down the country of Yunyun and put it into the territory of Dayao.

Minerals and salt fields in Izumo are important to Dayao.

Li Qianqiu arranged some things and took the army out of the city to the south to encircle the two Great Xia Army.

Ren Baqian waited for a long time, and returned to the earth to add a hundred mortar shells and a thousand anti-aircraft gun bullets before chasing him with his guard ~ ~ This time his guard went from fifty Raised to one hundred, one hundred ground-level masters as escorts, as long as they do not meet the enemy of the brigade, they can walk sideways.

In the summer, even the top family could not come up with such a luxurious lineup.

Ren Baqian felt that if he took the hundred guards, he could walk across the earth.

After three days of chasing on the road, Ren Baqian replenished 50 mortar shells and more than 2,000 anti-aircraft gun bullets.

With a gun in my hand, I don't panic. One hundred and seventy mortar shells and five thousand anti-aircraft gun bullets are enough, no matter what kind of enemy is encountered.

The two armies of the Da Xia Army merged together on the day they returned to Earth 8000, and then turned to the north. It seemed to be the news that Wu Shenghou died and the army outside Liaocheng was broken. If they don't retreat, it will be the spout for two days.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but after the Da Xia Army in Liaocheng was broken, they became lonely troops trapped there. Da Yao did not have to attack. As long as he was surrounded for half a month, they had to starve to death. .

Therefore, they had to retreat even if they swept the north of Da Yao in a circle and were about to occupy the most important pot mouth.

Da Xia's attack on the army outside Liaocheng was broken, and since then it has failed.

If there is any good news about this war for Da Xia, there is also the pot picker Yun Yun.

At this time, Yun Guoxia was still excited to attack Dayao together with Daxia, destroy Dayao, and wash away the shame of decades ago.

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