The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 705: Base (below)

Sasebo Naval Base covers an area of ​​405 hectares, with a total area of ​​4 million square meters and a total length of 62 kilometers.

Eighty-six percent of it was used by that western power, and only 14 percent of it was used by the original owners here.

Although the bases in the past were busy, they were in order.

Today is very different.

Teams of soldiers searched with a live ammunition in the base, and some chickens jumped.

This puzzled the next Self-Defense Force, trying to find out what was going on.

However, they could not have imagined that only one person caused the disturbance.

"Oh!" Ren Baqian shook his wrist and twisted his spear out of his throat.

In addition to the sound of blood spurting, there was a sound that seemed to leak.

Ren Baqian remembered a sentence: "I once heard people say that if the knife is fast enough, when the blood spurts out of the wound, it sounds like wind."

At that time, when I saw this sentence, Ren Baqian felt a little sad and also beautiful.

Now that he really heard such a voice, he felt nothing, as if he had killed a chicken.

I have died so many times, I have been drowned, burned, thirsty, and died of blood so many times. How can I feel?

There were eight people lying all around, but one shot was not fired.

This is already the eleventh batch, and Ren Baqian is getting better and better. Whether it's murder or marksmanship, it's getting faster and faster.

Relying on the five senses more than ordinary people, Ren Baqian can always ambush each other in a suitable position.

At close range, these people now look like grass in his hands.

Ren Bachi pushed the door open with a gun in his hand and glanced outside. There were more and more people nearby. It seemed that the other party was shrinking the encirclement.

When I killed the two soldiers who were searching before, it was more leisurely.

But over time, more and more teams searched around him, and he paid more and more attention to covert movements.

What he didn't know was that the other party did not hunt him in the first place.

Instead, a surrounding circle was arranged at the first time.

It was afraid that he would run away.

Only then began to search in this range.

Now the entire base is moving. In addition to the components of the encirclement, a full 2,000 troops have been invested in this area to search for him.

"There!" As soon as a man in the opposite building walked into a room, he saw Ren Baqian standing in the opposite window and immediately reported his position.

Ren Baqian could already hear the running sound coming downstairs. He was not in a hurry to leave, but was standing at the corner of the staircase. He was waiting for them to come up.

Although the other party had begun to take it easy, he still could not hide his ears.

The two combat teams came from upstairs and downstairs, gestured to each other, and then moved forward with a good fighting posture.

Out of the room was the corridor full of corpses. Pushing the window open, Ren Baqian jumped out.

Not down, but up, jumping six or seven meters high, almost flush with the roof.

At the same time, he turned his palm and threw it, and a silver iron chain was immediately thrown out to entangle the drainage pipe on the roof of the house. Ren Yaqian's arm pulled himself close to the wall, and then he kicked on the wall and turned directly to the roof.

This is a new usage he has just developed.

In this complex environment at the base, the use of iron cables is more than just killing people.

You can also impersonate Peter Parker.

"He's on top! Go to the top of the building!"

Ren Baqian fell to the top of the building and looked around first.

There are a lot of buildings nearby. Some of them are about the same height as their own, and the distance is within 20 meters.

This is the distance I can currently reach.

Seventeen meters is the longest distance you can jump after running up, and if the iron cable is going to entangle things to help yourself, then you can use up to nine meters.

That is about 26 meters.

Looking into the distance, they found some problems.

Rows of soldiers stood in many places around, aiming in this direction with firearms.

They are in an empty lot, just surrounding the building.

"Is this surrounded?" Ren Baqian found that he was not too nervous afterwards, but jumped in the other direction. The distance of more than ten meters passed and even the iron cables were useless.

"Do you have this direction?"

Ren Baqian moved quickly on the top of the building and soon found that he was indeed surrounded.

It seems that there are about a thousand people in each direction, and there are three people almost every ten meters, forming a large net to firmly block this area.

Seeing what they mean is to block themselves in these dozen buildings.

"Unfortunately, you can't do it as you wish." Ren Baqian smiled. He was now in this direction in front of them. Below was a two-lane carriageway.

On the other side of the driveway, there is still a small four-story building with a distance of no more than 25 meters in the middle, which is still within its own moving range.

Their blockade is useful for ordinary people, even if they are greatly restricted before they actually use the iron cable, but for themselves now, it is not too threatening.

What's more important is that there is a row of warehouses not far from that small building.

I just don't know if it's a material or ammunition warehouse.

Ren Baqian stood on the roof and looked forward, but suddenly covered himself.

"It was targeted!" Ren Baqin thought to himself, and then shot sharply towards the right and rear.

"Ding!" A little spark appeared in the air.

Then came the sound of gunfire from a distance.

"Is it a sniper? The target is his right leg?" Ren Baqian looked in that direction, a lighthouse, but unfortunately he couldn't see who was on it.

Ren Baqian stood with a gun and turned his head to show a cold smile in that direction. If the other party is closer, he will let the other party know what a sky gun is ~ ~ Unfortunately, the distance is too far.

Then he walked forward two steps, leaping forward, and when he reached the distance, he threw out the iron cord, and immediately pulled himself to the opposite roof.

He just jumped over everyone's head like this, and disappeared into the sight of the sniper.

On the distant lighthouse, a man slumped behind the sniper rifle and opened his mouth for a long time.

What did he see just now? The other party actually blocked the bullet with the stick in his hand?

And still after shooting yourself?

The opponent moves faster than a bullet?

"On it, he jumped over! God, is he Spider-Man?" Ren Baqian just jumped over, and he was confused immediately below him.

Ren Baqian's speed is too fast, almost passing by, even if the people below are always staring overhead, they can only see a faint figure. Even if he found out, he couldn't stop it.

He simply broke through the encirclement of the opponent with thousands of manpower.

On the one hand, the environment of this base is very complicated. In addition to the port, there are many multi-story buildings in other places. This makes it convenient for the operation to be unimpeded, but it blocks other people's footsteps.

On the other hand, the opponent is not accustomed to playing with opponents beyond ordinary people.

Even if they have repeatedly overestimated Ren Qian, this overestimation is within the scope of what they understand as a biochemical person.

Such as greater power, faster.

However, the power of Ren Baqian is the overall power, strength, speed, five senses, coordination, and two powerful soldiers with great power.

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