The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 706: Break through (on)

"Damn, he even escaped! Can he jump over a distance of more than 20 meters? Is there an iron chain in his hand? Like Spider-Man? Does he have any weakness?

do not know? Hundreds died, and then you gave me this answer? ,

Enlarging the encirclement and contacting Okinawa. Now I can't help but need to use the army. Otherwise, sufficient encirclement cannot be formed.

I'll call the headquarters first. "

A man in Soshibo Base Command thundered wildly. He didn't want to use the army. After all, if thousands of people couldn't hold 8,000 people, the entire navy would become a joke.

But the current situation, the opponent is a bit tricky, like a monkey, can not catch at all. The shot was extremely fierce, hundreds of people were lost in just a few contacts, and all died on the spot.

Now the other side has changed an area, the area is larger, and it is more difficult to surround.

Compared to such an important goal escape, face can no longer be ignored.

At the military camp in Okinawa, there are 28,000 people.

Even if some people are brought in, they can form a sufficiently thick and powerful encirclement.

After making a phone call a moment later, he looked up again: "All commanding points must be equipped with snipers. And, live."

"General, according to the current situation, if there is to be caught, there will be greater casualties. In fact, the body can also be studied."

"The above will not agree. His existence shows that China has completely surpassed our country in biochemical research.

In order to obtain the research data of Hua Guo, even the greatest sacrifice will send him back to Washington alive. If China is completely ahead of our country in this regard, then it will be more than just this.

However, if you do not shoot and use the target's skill, you will definitely not catch it and you may run away. So try to shoot non-critical. "

"I see." The other man immediately understood. The bullet has no eyes. If it hits the point, it will be impossible. It is better than being run away by him.


Ren Baqian licked his fingertips, and he just swallowed the last beef.

In just half a day, the 20 pounds of raw beef had all gone down.

Although the taste is not good, he does not like to eat raw food, but he feels hungry even worse.

Now he began to worry about what to eat afterwards.

The consumption during the battle is too large, and the energy contained in the food of the earth is too low. It seems that after dark, we must find a way to find some food.

After eating the last bit of beef, Ren Baqian stood up and looked around. This is the depression on the roof of the two warehouses. It is difficult to see it in other directions.

As for the warehouse below, he glanced at one of them, which contained various marine machinery, and he was not interested.

"There are footsteps below, one, two, three ... sixteen people ... are the two combat squads acting together!" Ren Baqian slowly walked to the edge of the probe and glanced.

The following dozens of people are slowly advancing in a battle formation, and people are staring in almost all directions. One of them is looking at the direction where Ren Baqian is.

"On it."

Ren Baqian retracted his head and left in the other direction.

Now that they found the location, other people would soon be around.

"Well, there are people on this side too? Eight teams in all ..." Ren Baqian shrank back in one direction, but was still found by the other party.

Eight teams are searching in this direction in four groups, with each group separated by only fifty meters.

At the same time, Ren Baqian once again felt that he had been targeted.

Still a sniper, but this time one on the lighthouse and one upstairs in the distance.

"A bit troublesome." Ren Baqian quickly retracted into the depression between the two warehouse roofs and said to himself, looking at the curved warehouse roof on both sides, Ren Baqian had an idea. .

The top of this warehouse is a layer of iron sheet, and the bottom is completely empty. Or it should be said that the entire warehouse is a layer of iron sheet, which is also called the iron sheet house in China.

Ren Baqian made a circle with the tip of the gun, leaving only a little, and then picked the tip of the gun and went straight to the side.

In front of him was a circular hole with a diameter of one meter.

Ren Baqian glanced down and jumped straight down.

The iron cable wrapped around the beam, Ren Baqian's figure paused, and then he let the cable loosen the upper beam and landed gently on the ground.

Ren Baqian walked around the rows of wooden boxes, walked to the back door of the warehouse, and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

There are only 16 people in this direction.

Ren Baqian heard the depressing breathing coming from close to the iron plate of the warehouse.

"Two." Ren Baqian secretly said. It seems that these people are scattered.

Taking a step back, two spears were pierced by a spear in their hands. The two outside had no idea that the danger would suddenly come from the warehouse wall they were close to. When the gun tip emerged from the chest, they looked down A glance.

"Artillery! Alpha!" Exclaimed immediately in the distance.

The two fell to the ground one after the other, and the others that spread apart no longer hesitated, firing at the warehouse immediately, punching countless bullet holes in the iron sheet.

At this time Ren Yaqian had changed positions.

Go to the side of the warehouse, and then make a stroke on the iron sheet, and then remove the iron sheet, it is a door to let him in and out.

This is the same warehouse.

In this row, there are 38 such warehouses.

Ren Baqian passed through a warehouse until the last one saw the iron plate, but the interior of the warehouse full of equipment and wooden boxes was not seen ~ ~ but a piece of grass.

On the other side of the grassland were hundreds of soldiers.

Everyone aimed at themselves with a gun.

"You've been surrounded!" A man shouted at Ren Qian with a lame Chinese language.

"Fuck." Ren Baqin flinched back, then leapt back into the air, threw out the iron cord, and hung himself on the beam.

"Da da da……"

Numerous bullet holes suddenly appeared on the warehouse wall below.

Sunlight ran down the bullet holes into the warehouse, forming beams of light.

Ren Baqian squatted on a steel beam, looking relaxed before.

This direction seems impossible.

This direction wants to break through this lawn, at least 50 meters away.

In addition, there are hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition. If they go out from here, it will be faster than their own or the opponent's gun.

As for behind him, it must have been surrounded by people, and even someone in the warehouse behind them had chased them by the doors they had opened.

With the topography of the warehouse, as long as you don't go out, you should be able to persist for a while.

But this is nothing more than a trance.

It's useless even if you insist on it at night, as long as the other party moves over the searchlight, the area can be photographed like daylight, and as the time goes by, the other party's surrounding circle will be better prepared. It is almost impossible for him to break through at night.

If only there were a few smoke bombs.

Ren Baqian pondered, he still had to go back and kill the corpse.

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