The End Of Life

Chapter 24 - Problems (VII)

Holding their hearts in their hands, all three of them quietly sat down below the desk as the zombie was right above them, growling. They could feel the sense of dread and their mind shouting them to flee.

Time slowly passed as the zombie above continued to stand on the other side for over 5 minutes, which felt like hours for all three of them. As the zombie continued to growl, it suddenly stopped. This made all three of them become alert. They could hear the zombie slowly moving away from the desk.

Releasing the air they held up, Denton slowly crawled out and peeked over the desk to notice the zombie on its way back to its previous position. Once again exhaling in relief he got back down and nodded and both of them. Mark turned towards Mona who nodded and got out of the desk.

She crawled her way out of the long desk, followed by Denton right behind her. Before, Mark followed, he once again peeked out to notice all the zombies and their positions for any possibilities of distraction. Noticing everything was all right he continued behind Denton.

Mona went at a slower pace than before and the distance was also small for the hallway from the desk. There was only a single zombie in their path, and Mona took care of it quickly. This time she was able to react and catch the body before it fell.

She slowly continued after placing the headless body down and reached the hallway. She slowly peeked inside the hallway while Denton and Mark were on the lookout for any zombie which might catch them. She slowly counted the zombies in the hallway and held out her hands indicating 6 to both behind.

Mark nodded from behind and slowly touched Denton and whispered, "Tell her to go ahead and try to kill the zombies if they are near."

Denton nodded and slowly relayed the information to Mona, who accepted and slowly made her way into the hallway. She continued going to the nearest zombie while still crouching down and stood up only after it was within her blade's reach and instantly killed it.

Denton who observed this made his way inside the hallway, followed by Mark. As Mark entered the hallway, he noticed the zombies inside. There were still 5 more zombies and were pretty much grouped together at the middle of the hallway. He slowly turned towards Denton and Mona, who by now set the body down and nodded.

He slowly made his way towards the small group with only 2 zombies at front with their backs turned towards them. Mona and Mark were able to quickly finish the 2 zombies and noticed the 3 zombies in front of them facing them.

Without waiting, Mark and Mona jumped on the 2 zombies at the side as the middle one went for Denton. Denton held the pipe as tight as he could, noticing the zombie coming right at him. The zombie came right at him with its arms stretched, trying to get a hold of him.

Denton tried to dodge it and immediately ducked down, evading the attack. He felt a bit ashamed to be dodging the zombie and noticed it turning back and making its way towards him. He immediately swung the rod to its head, eyes closed in hope to get a hit.

He was able to land a solid hit right at the head and push the zombie to the side. Crashing to the wall, the zombie fell down. Denton slowly opened his eyes after a few seconds and noticed a hand coming closer to his legs. He noticed the zombie was yet to die and immediately bought the bar down on its head, closing his eyes and continued to hit until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He stopped and immediately turned back, opening his eyes. He noticed Mona stopping him and heard her say, "You can stop now, it's already dead." pointing behind him.

He slowly turned back and noticed a complete pool of black blood with a mush of black flesh inside a cracked head. He could notice that the black flesh was brain matter once he thought about it and had an urge to vomit. Closing his mouth, he forced it in once again.

Mark only shook his head and said, "You have to get used to this, Denton. You will feel like this at the beginning, but you will get used to this." Mark told this with a bit of experience he had. He felt the same when he first killed a zombie and is slowly getting over it.

Denton only nodded and turned back, feeling a bit better. The three of them slowly made their way towards the door to the stairway and noticed it was open. Mark looked back to have a look at both of them before opening the door to peek inside.

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