The End Of Life

Chapter 25 - Parking Lot

Mark slowly peeked inside the stairway through the cracked door. He caught a glimpse of several zombies that were situated near him. After slowly observing all of them, he closed the door slowly and turned towards the other 2 who were already focused on him.

"There are 7 zombies within the area of us getting caught easily. 2 of them are at the stairs leading above while 3 are there on the floor and 3 others on the stairs leading down. So we should first kill the zombies on the floor swiftly and then the ones on the stairs above."

"Denton, you need to make it count this time. Try to go for its head and swing the rod with all the strength you can muster. After we both are done with the ones on this floor, we need to go for the ones above, Mona. We should try to be as quiet and quick as we can be so we don't have to disturb any zombies on the floor above." Turning towards Mona at the end.

Mona nodded and Mark continued, " While killing these zombies we should also be careful of the ones below. This is the toughest we did till now, so do your best."

Both of them nodded and Mark turned back. Taking a deep breath he slowly opened the door and slowly went inside with Mona and Denton following behind. The three quickly made their way towards the first 3 zombies near them on the floor. Standing behind them, Mark peeked at the zombies on the stairs and noticed they weren't disturbed.

He looked at both of them and nodded, and all three of them bought their weapons on the heads. Mark and Mona were able to cleanly slice off the zombie and without waiting they jumped at the zombies on the stairs above, who already realised them.

Before the 2 zombies could do anything, their heads were sliced by the two of them and they caught their bodies to not create any sound. Mark noticed a zombie above to the 2nd floor not noticing this and slightly exhaled in relief. They kept the bodies down and turned back to notice Denton already done with his zombie. He bashed its head till it stopped moving.

Mark and Mona came down and turned towards the 2 zombies on the stairs leading down. Slowly going down to the 2 of them, Mark quickly finished them with Mona and continued down. He turned around to continue and noticed a door at the end of the stairway to the underground parking lot.

Slowly reaching the door, Mark noticed it was let open. He immediately knew there would be some zombies inside the parking lot. He turned back and noticed both of them already noticed this and nodded.

He slowly opened the door and the dim parking lot came into view. Few of the lights were not on and the other were only blinking. The lack of electricity seemed the reason for this. There was a very eerie feeling that was given out in the air. They felt chills run down their spines.

Taking a deep breath once again, all three of them entered the parking lot. Mark turned towards Denton and asked, "Which way is the control room to open the gates for the military."

Denton slowly pointed north-west and said, "It should be this way, it is near the gate itself."

Mark nodded and slowly made his way towards the direction pointed at with Mona and Denton sticking close by. He turned back towards them and said, "Be on alert. For some reason, this place gives out some wrong vibes." Mona and Denton only nodded as they continued.

Mark continued to look around as he walked, trying to search for any zombies that might suddenly jump at them. The small room was finally visible to them and Mark slowly went towards it. He noticed the words 'STAFF ONLY' on the window on the door and looked inside for any zombie and found one inside.

He turned towards Mona and gestured to her to kill it while he stayed outside for any zombies that they might have grabbed attention of. Mona nodded and slowly went inside the room and found one zombie slowly walking with its back faced towards her.

Mona quickly sliced its head and waved her hand outside for them to come in. Mark and Denton made their way in and Mark turned towards Denton and said, "Ok, now try to open the gate quickly." making Denton quickly sit down on one chair.

Mark looked outside the vast glass window and noticed the gate a few feet from the room. He turned towards Denton who was frowning and asked, " What happened?"

"The system seems to be a bit low on electricity. Someone needs to go to the main on the other side of the parking lot and restart the entire thing."

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