Ten minutes later, a long queue formed at the gate of the base.

The residents who came up one by one were lined up in order and waited quietly.

"Name, age, home address."

"Wang Tieda, age 32, lives in No. 392, Xinyuan Community, Laotandong, Songhua District, Magic City..."

"Are you willing to sign a life and death contract? It cannot be changed in the future, and you cannot regret it or escape at the last minute."

"I... I, Wang Tieda, am willing."

"Okay, sign the agreement and the life and death statement here, and follow the team members to collect basic benefits over there. In addition, you will only be given one day to go home and say goodbye to your family. Then you must return to the base immediately to report, and you cannot delay."


Soon, a man was taken away by the team members.

Next, more and more people walked to the gate of the base and began to report their resumes.

At this time, noisy sounds were heard from the back of the team.

"This Beidou base is so rich, they let us claim the basic benefits, and they are not afraid that we will run away after claiming the benefits, and they don't even want to be the suicide squad."

"Their own people don't want to be the suicide squad, and they let us do it. How dangerous is it to be the suicide squad?"

"What if we take the benefits and run away, and never come back? After all, the benefits are very generous, and we can enjoy ourselves for a long time if we take them away."

When these words were heard, many people in the team had evil thoughts, and their eyes were rolling.

At this time, the person in front sneered and said sarcastically:

"You don't think that everyone in Beidou Base is stupid, do you? Beidou Base can trap millions of zombies, is it because of its wealth?"

"Look at the green light on the ground, it's all left by the people in Beidou Base when they killed zombies. If you really robbed the robbers, you probably wouldn't know where you died."

"That's right, and everyone in this city has owed Beidou Base a favor. Even if you run away, where can you run to?"

Hearing these words, the people standing in the back suddenly shrank their necks, and a timid look flashed in their eyes.

Soon, someone turned a blind eye.

"Haha, we were just joking, don't take it seriously, brother, just joking, just joking, livening up the atmosphere."

"Ah, yes, yes, we were just joking."

"Beidou Base is such a powerful force, how dare we offend them? It's all a joke, don't take it seriously."

The people behind nodded quickly and smiled awkwardly.

After they said this, no one else refuted.

Not long after, everyone in the team walked forward one after another, and this little episode was over.


Three days later.

Beidou Base, outside the castle.

In the dark night, many people gathered outside the castle.

Those people stood outside the castle, holding flashlights in their hands, and their faces were full of worry.

Among them, two people were the most worried.

One was Shen Xueer in a maid outfit, and the other was Xu Dazhuang with a simple face.

"It's been three days, why hasn't the young master come out yet? This is really worrying."

"Let's wait a little longer, Sister Xue'er. It's not a good idea to be so anxious. Promotion is originally a life-and-death test. The higher you go, the bigger the level you have to pass, so it's normal for the young master to take a little longer."


Looking at the foggy castle, Shen Xue'er reluctantly lowered her head and sighed again.

"I just hope the young master can get through it safely."

"It doesn't matter even if she can't get through it, as long as the young master is safe."

It has been three days since the young master said that he would disperse the people in the castle, and the young master still didn't move, which made people very worried.

She also stayed in this castle for three days and prayed for the young master for three days.

"Young master, you are the most powerful god I have ever seen. You must protect yourself and bless yourself to be promoted to a fourth-level capable person."

Xu Dazhuang, who was next to him, looked a lot weird when he heard Shen Xue'er's prayer.

"Sister Xue'er, why are you..."

"What's wrong?"

Shen Xue'er, who was called, raised her head with confusion on her face. She didn't know why Xu Dazhuang called her.

Xu Dazhuang frowned awkwardly and finally shook his head.

"Nothing, Sister Xue'er."

"It's just that you pray to someone to ask her to protect herself, which is quite... rare."

He Xu Dazhuang was really enlightened. He had never seen someone like Shen Xue'er in his life.

First, he took the little master as his own god, and then prayed to the little master to ask the little master to protect the little master.

This is really a bitch.

Hearing Xu Dazhuang's words, Shen Xue'er's face wasHis face flushed and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Just...just...I just think that the little master is omnipotent and should be able to...protect himself."

"I understand, I understand."

Honest Xu Dazhuang smiled and nodded.

At this moment, the radio communicator on his chest suddenly sounded.

"Captain Xu, a large number of military trucks are attacking outside the door."

"There are about a dozen military trucks, and they have entered our territory."

Hearing this voice, Xu Dazhuang's face immediately became serious.

He took off the radio communicator on his chest, pressed one of the buttons and said:

"Have you found out who is coming?"

"It looks a bit like our own car, we are carefully identifying it."

The voice in the communication was a little nervous.

Not long after, the voice changed from nervous to excited.

"Captain Xu, Captain Xu, these are our own military cards, with our base logo at the beginning."

"Captain Xu, these military cards have entered the five-kilometer range of our base. They are reinforcements from the Yegouling branch."

"Reinforcements are coming from Yegou. Let them pass all the way. Let them come in quickly and notify Mr. Meng to come to the castle immediately."

Hearing the words in the radio communicator, Xu Dazhuang was also excited and spoke immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, the team members in the communicator agreed one after another.

Not long after, Xu Dazhuang put down the communicator in his hand, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Great, Mr. Meng from Yegouling is here."

"They all say that Mr. Meng is a high-level light-type psychic. Even if the young master has problems, Mr. Meng will have a way."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Xueer next to him couldn't help but push him, with an anxious look on her face.

"Captain Xu, look, look at the castle."

"What's wrong?"

At Shen Xueer's urging, Xu Dazhuang, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately raised his head and looked at the castle.

He opened his mouth in surprise after just one look.

The castle in front of him was already surrounded by fog.

And in the castle surrounded by fog, a strong milky white light suddenly emanated.

That light cut through the darkness.

"Young Master..."

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