"It's the young master."

Shen Xue'er and Xu Dazhuang both looked at the castle emitting milky white light, with shock on their faces.

"What happened to the young master?"

The milky white light illuminated the night sky, making the entire castle shine brightly, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the Beidou base.

At the same time, everyone standing outside raised their heads and looked at the tall castle, and finally their sights fell on the top floor of the castle.

"What is that?"

"Such a bright light, it came from the young master's room, the young master hasn't come out for many days."

"Everyone in the base is saying that the young master is going to become a fourth-level superpower. This is the young master's promotion."

"The young master is really different from ordinary people like us. Not only is she upgrading quickly, but the momentum of the upgrade is so huge."

"The young master, the eternal god."

Countless people raised their heads and looked at the top floor of the castle. They murmured in their mouths, and their eyes also emitted a fiery light that was almost blindly worshipped.

Not only them, but also the team members closest to the castle were full of enthusiasm.

"Little Master..."

"I have seen so many superpowers, but I have never seen a superpower like the little master. She subverted my understanding of superpowers, as if there were no flaws at all."

Standing under the castle, Xu Dazhuang opened his mouth.

And Shen Xueer beside him also stared at the castle intently, with two blushes on her face.

"Little Master, she has been different since the beginning."

"No matter where she is, she is shining."


As soon as Shen Xueer finished speaking, the radio communicator on Xu Dazhuang's chest sounded again.

"Captain Xu, Captain Xu, something happened again."

Hearing the voice in the radio communicator, Xu Dazhuang's face changed again.

"What happened again?"

"A large number of black shadows suddenly emerged from the northwest corner of our base. They were extremely fast, as if they were rushing towards our base like a group of leopards."

"Those black shadows were faster than zombies, and they all had human shapes, but their eyes seemed to have red nematodes crawling, unlike normal people."

"Behind those black shadows, there were figures tied with milky white silk threads, and they were also running towards our base, which was very scary."

"Captain Xu, what should we do?"

The voice in the radio communicator kept ringing, and Xu Dazhuang's face became worse and worse after hearing all this.

"Why did those shadows suddenly attack the base?"

"Captain Xu, we don't know either. They don't look like they're going to attack the base. They just seem to want to pass by our base, and they don't show much tendency to attack."

"Prepare the mortars. Once they show a tendency to attack us, kill them immediately. Don't be soft-hearted."

"But the monsters behind those shadow monsters seem to have the mark of the young master..."

The person on the other end of the communicator hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Dazhuang hesitated for a moment.

"Then wait for a moment, and report immediately as soon as there is the latest situation."

"If those monsters have a tendency to harm the base, immediately notify the Wild Dog Ridge team members outside the base and let them work together to kill those monsters."

Xu Dazhuang thought deeply for a while, and finally said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Xueer next to him exclaimed again.

"Ah, young master~"

This time, Xu Dazhuang's attention was attracted again.

He and Shen Xueer looked at the top of the castle, both with strange expressions on their faces.

At this time, the top of the castle filled with milky white light faintly revealed the appearance of a white-haired little Lolita.

The white-haired little Lolita was sitting in the center of countless milky white lights, and in front of the little Lolita there were a large number of crystal cores like a small mountain.

And those crystal cores were almost absorbed, and the light inside was extremely weak.

But the more they were like this, the brighter the light on the white-haired little Lolita became, and finally it was dazzling.

When that kind of light was emitted, everyone under the castle trembled in their hearts and shivered slowly.

"Why is the little master emitting light, but I feel so cold, as if my soul is about to be frozen."

"The little master... is a psychic."

"A rare psychic, there is no such psychic in the base, the little master has always been unique."

"No wonder we feel our souls trembling, it turns out that the little master is a psychic, this... is too strong."

Looking at the white-haired little loli floating in the air, the team members who raised their heads all opened their mouths, with shock on their faces.color.

At this moment, the radio communicator sounded again.

"Captain Xu, those black shadow monsters stopped three miles from our base and didn't move forward."

"When they stopped, there was a black van that kept moving forward. It seemed to be the car of our base."

"Okay, I know."

"Those black shadow monsters didn't move, so we don't need to care about them."

"Yes, Captain Xu."

After a simple conversation, the radio communicator was also turned off.

After putting the communicator back, Xu Dazhuang looked up at the top of the castle again.

On the top floor, the white-haired little Lolita became brighter and brighter, and the cold breath emanating from her body became stronger and stronger.

Not long after, her momentum gradually climbed to the peak.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face showed a faint expectation.

"Little master, you will definitely succeed."

"Enhance the Beidou base at this moment."

At this moment, a white van rushed towards the castle, making a rumbling sound.

Soon, the van stopped.

An old man got off the van, cursing. He was wearing a jersey, with white hair and a youthful face, and looked very young.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry."

"Is it easy for me to run here from Wild Dog Ridge? You're still urging me when you're at the door of this house. Isn't this a hurricane?"

"That little girl is really annoying. Every time she makes a mess, she asks me to solve it for her. I don't know what kind of mess she made this time."

"I'm obviously much stronger than her. Why should I listen to a little girl like her? This time I'm going to let her see how powerful I am..."

After saying this, Old Man Meng hummed and looked up again.

But after taking a look at the shining white-haired little loli above, he was silent for a second, then turned around and left.

He walked back to the white van in a muffled voice, and shouted loudly with a dark face:

"Drive, drive for me, the old man."

"This damn little girl, no wonder she keeps urging the old man, it turns out she is here to attack the old man, drive for me, the old man..."

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