The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 144 Spiritual Precognition

Comrade Song Youai's consciousness suddenly rose. Xie Ning was very pleased. He directly plunged the sky blade into the rat man's skull and skillfully found the right place to pick out the crystal core.

Xie Ning's mother watched her daughter's movements, and after learning for a long time, she finally managed to get one, "Why am I so slow?"

Xie Ning couldn't laugh or cry, "This is a skilled job. It will be much easier to get started if you pick it a few times."

An hour later, Xie Ning and his team of four eliminated six rat-men in total. They checked around and found no problems before stopping.

Uncle Ge Liang was only willing to accept two crystal nuclei, and Xie Ning did not refuse the other four.

The subsequent six rat-men were all first-level, their skulls were not as hard as the first one, and they were slightly easier to kill.

When Xie Ning and her mother walked to their home, they saw their third uncle Song Youfu leading a group of people towards their home at No. 59.

The mother and daughter looked at each other and sighed.

There really are such nosy people in the world. This is the life of my own family. Taking so many people back, just arranging food and accommodation will be troublesome.

At this time, a woman holding a child rushed out from the group of people who were originally following Song Youfu.

Seeing her stumbling up to Xie Ning and her daughter, everyone else couldn't help but stop and look at them.

"Miss Xie, I wonder if you can take our mother and daughter in for a day or two?" Zhu Huizhen hugged her daughter tightly and looked at Song Youai and Xie Ning with longing eyes.

"We can bring our own food and water, so we don't need to trouble you. It's just me and my daughter. We are all female, so it's convenient to live in, right?"

"Xiao Zhu." Song Youai looked at her with an embarrassed face, "Have you ever asked your husband and mother-in-law about such a big matter?"

Grandma Liu was already wearing a pair of rag shoes and chased after her angrily.

In front of Xie Ning and Song Youai, Grandma Liu grabbed Zhu Huizhen's hair and pulled her to death, "You unruly shrew, I'll beat you and me to death! You little bitch, you hug me What are you doing with a child? It’s all because of you, a bitch who has lost his family and can’t give birth to a son. Ever since I married you into my family, I’ve been unlucky all the way to the end.”

Seeing this, Song Youai hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Aunt Liu, don't do this. Aunt Liu, why are you grabbing Xiao Zhu's hair? Let's talk to him if you have anything to say."

Grandma Liu stared with a fierce look on her face, "This is our family's family matter. What do you, a married woman, care about?"

"This shameless bitch has been slept with by two wild men. It's good that our old Wan family is willing to keep her. How dare you stir up trouble for me!" Grandma Liu slapped her daughter-in-law on the face and spat. scold.

Song Youai was so anxious that she waved back and called Zhu Huizhen's husband, "Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan, come here, Xiao Wan! Xiao Wan, please advise your mother not to treat your daughter-in-law like this. We are all members of the same family. If you have anything to say, you can't say it properly." ?”

Zhu Huizhen held her daughter, but she couldn't strangle the old woman to death with one hand. She was beaten several times, and her daughter Qiqi burst into tears in her arms.

Song Youai was anxious, "Why are you trying to scare the children by beating me? You are really, Aunt Liu, it's not good for you to do this."

Zhu Huizhen hurriedly gave the Qiqi in her hand to the expressionless Xie Ning, slapped the old woman several times with her backhand, pulled out her hair and started beating her.

With those movements and expressions, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must have had more than one fight at home.

"You damn old woman, you are just like your useless son! They are both scum and trash. Where were you when I was bullied by wild men? You didn't even dare to resist. You just raised your hands and knees to beg for mercy! You guys Are you human? Are you worthy of being human?"

Zhu Huizhen pushed the old woman down and knocked her to the ground. She punched the old woman hard several times and aimed at her face, making her scream and scream.

"It's all my job to wash and cook. Every time you lie down there every day, it hurts here or there. Are you a human being? Ninety-two and ninety-four are all dead. How come you, a damn old woman, can't do it?" Immortal? You are the one who deserves to die!"

Qiqi cried loudly in Xie Ning's hands.

Xie Ning looked at the child expressionlessly as if holding a hot potato, and raised her hand to pat her awkwardly.

Song Youfu dragged Zhu Huizhen's husband up and hurriedly separated the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were fighting fiercely.

"Killed by a thousand cuts." Mother-in-law Zhu Huizhen collapsed on the ground, trembling with anger as she touched the handful of hair that had been pulled off her head.

"This bitch, bitch." Grandma Liu muttered, "You should divorce her, divorce her."

Zhu Huizhen's husband squatted on the ground and helped Grandma Liu, "Mom, what do you have to say that you can't talk to Huizhen about?"

Can't you survive the day like this?

Zhu Huizhen didn't bother to look at the mother and son, and rushed straight to Xie Ning, suddenly holding Xie Ning's hands tightly, "Miss Xie, Miss Xie, I can do anything, Miss Xie, how about you take us in for a few days? Please?" Show your kindness. Just once, okay?"

Xie Ning's whole body was agitated, and she looked deeply at Zhu Huizhen in front of her.

At the moment of contact, Zhu Huizhen appeared vaguely hanging in her house, and her mother held Qiqi in a daze with an ugly look on her face.

Xie Ning trembled and immediately shook off Zhu Huizhen's hand.

"Aunt Song, Aunt Song, please help me, help our mother and daughter." Seeing that Xie Ning was unmoved, Zhu Huizhen immediately burst into tears and knelt down in front of Song Youai.

She had a fight with Grandma Liu, her hair and clothes were torn and her clothes were in a mess, and now she was crying and kneeling like this, it was really desolate.

Song Youfu couldn't bear to look at Xie Ning and her daughter, "Ning Ning, You Ai, why don't you take them in for a while? It's not that they can't live in the house, they are both girls, so there is no inconvenience. ."

Song Youai was very embarrassed, "Third uncle, please don't force yourself on others. Since our living habits are different, it will inevitably be inconvenient to live together."

"Aunt Song, please help me, help our Qiqi, Qiqi is only two years old and she is very good." Zhu Huizhen carried her daughter to show Song Youai.

The little girl cried miserably and her cheeks turned red. Song Youai couldn't bear to look at her.

Why do conflicts between adults harm children?

"Alas." Song Youai sighed and turned to look at his daughter, who had a sullen face and no expression at all. "I can't decide on this matter. I have to ask Ning Ning. In fact, you..."

"No." Before her mother could continue talking, Xie Ning refused to answer.

All the crying, yelling and cursing on the field suddenly stopped. Song Youfu looked at the frozen and terrifying expression of his granddaughter and couldn't help but tremble.

Xie Ning grabbed Zhu Huizhen who was kneeling on the ground with one hand, with great ease.

"Miss Zhu." Xie Ning reached out to pat her and looked at her deeply, "It is better for the child to live with his mother. Although life is very difficult, it is not impossible to survive, don't you think?"

Zhu Huizhen had a sudden feeling in her heart. At that moment, she suddenly felt like Xie Ning had seen through the mystery.

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