The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 145 It can indeed be absorbed

But how is this possible?

Can Xie Ning still know what her plans are deep in her heart? ?

When Zhu Huizhen came to her senses, she saw Xie Ning pulling Song Youai and turning away without looking back.

Song Youfu stood there awkwardly and glanced at Zhu Huizhen's family with a headache.

"Yes, why don't you go to my house first?"

Suddenly I regretted that I had been too hasty when I took the people from Building 98 and 97 to my home.

Zhu Huizhen bit her lip and hugged her daughter tightly, feeling a trace of boundless hatred in her heart.

Why is this world so indifferent?

Why doesn't anyone want to help her?

Xie Ning's family is so capable. If they are willing to help raise Qiqi, Qiqi will definitely not be too sad in the future.

But she didn't want to. This little girl was too cruel. There was probably nothing in the world that could soften her hard-as-iron heart, right?

Zhu Huizhen cried while holding her daughter. She just felt too tired and wanted to take a rest.

If she could persist, how could she be willing to entrust her daughter to others.

"Cry, cry, cry, Sangmenxing only knows how to cry. Our Lao Wan family is ruined by your crying!"

Song Youfu looked at them awkwardly and sighed, "Let's go. We have to arrange accommodation when we go back. I'm busy."

Zhong Shichong, who stood aside with his arms folded and watched the excitement for a long time, sneered, "Look, that woman is so indifferent to her neighbors. It's a shame that you always say you want to stay at her house, because you're afraid that you won't die quickly enough, right?" "

Zhong Yayuan bit her lip, "If you hadn't been able to get up on the 14th, we would..."

"That's enough of you!" Zhong Shichong yelled at his sister, "Zhong Yayuan, I've tolerated you for a long time. Why didn't you say that you missed something by putting on makeup? You dragged me and scolded me every day."

The younger brothers shrank their necks and did not dare to speak. Seeing this, Xu Boliang stepped forward and said, "Miss Zhong Shaozhong, please stop arguing. The top priority is to arrange accommodation as soon as possible. Anyway, the troops will arrive tomorrow. Just go to the safe zone." ."

Zhong Yayuan's eyes were red, and she turned to the man with a clear, gentle and elegant face and nodded, "Let's go."

"Master Zhong, Miss Zhong doesn't blame you." Xu Boliang went to comfort the angry Zhong Shichong again, "Actually, everyone is anxious, so their tone is inevitably a bit harsh."

Zhong Shichong still gave Xu Boliang face, nodded and said nothing.

The group of people followed the village chief Song Youfu to No. 59 with their own thoughts.

As soon as Xie Ning stepped into the living room, she looked up and stared at the large ceiling fan above, and couldn't help but rub goosebumps on her hands.

"Mom, we made a stipulation that no matter who we meet in the future, no matter how pitiful they are, we can't just take them home."

Comrade Song Youai nodded guiltily, "It's my mother who wavers in her position, which makes it difficult for you."

"Mom." Xie Ning turned to look at her mother seriously, "I saw Zhu Huizhen hanged in our living room and left her daughter Qiqi with you."

"What??" Song Youai's eyes widened, showing a frightened expression.

"No way?" It took her a while to utter these three words.

"Xiao Gu made it right." Xie Ning pulled her mother to sit on the sofa, "I have awakened my spiritual power."

"Psychic telepathy and mental precognition are probably both manifestations of spiritual powers."

"When Zhu Huizhen grabbed me, I sensed her psychological activities. And the part of her hanging scene that I saw was probably spiritual precognition."

Comrade Song Youai opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, "Daughter, I'm afraid you are a genius! Look at your mother, she spent a long time before she awakened a water power. You have already done this three times. Are you awake?"

"Mom, please grasp the key points of my words!" Xie Ning rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Song Youai wiped the cold sweat on his head, "Mom, almost have to take care of the baby again? Mom's waist can't bear it, she can't carry it. But don't worry, my daughter, if you give birth to a baby in the future , Mom can definitely take care of her. My daughter is so beautiful, and my little grandson will definitely be loved by everyone in the future."

Xie Ning looked at his mother and felt a little speechless. Where was all this divergent thinking?

"Mom, you don't have a son-in-law." Xie Ning slapped away her mother's fantasy.

It's so good that my grandson even pulled it out.

"Okay, okay, mom, let's get down to business. I'm going back to my room to practice my powers. I'll probably be able to advance today. If I don't come out during lunch, you can cook some noodles and don't worry about me."

Song Youai agreed, and mother and daughter went back to their rooms to practice.

Xie Ning closed the door and sat cross-legged on her bed. She took out several crystal nuclei from the cloth bag and took out the largest secondary crystal nucleus. She held it with two fingers and observed it.

This time she saw it very clearly.

A wisp of white smoke rose from the crystal core between her fingers, and soon turned into a puddle of powder, falling into the disposable plastic cup she had prepared in advance.

Then she took the second and third one, and felt a sense of fullness from the supernatural energy. She closed her eyes and felt it, and began to hit the first-order barrier of the supernatural energy.

This process took a full four hours, which was one hour longer than the last time when I went from zero to one.

Xie Ning opened her cold eyes and looked at the time on her phone, which was two fifteen in the afternoon.

She jumped out of bed and moved her limbs, waist and neck. She felt that her body became lighter and more flexible, her jumping ability was strengthened, and her speed was probably also improved subtly.

The physique of the second-level superpower user is much stronger than before.

A metal ball flew out of Xie Ning's hand, and she quickly jumped to catch it before it hit the ground.

Good guy, a little iron ball weighing heavily, extremely honest.

Xie Ning took it and plated it in her hand, feeling inexplicably happy.

If her body can absorb crystal nuclei from now on, wouldn't it mean that it would be easier for her to advance than others?

After wiping the sweat from her head, Xie Ning tugged at her sweaty collar, wondering how her mother's training was going.

He took out an ice silk mat from the living room of the portable villa and put it on the bed. He took out a small floor-standing fan, plugged it in with the battery, and blew it hard on himself.

It’s still hot!

I wonder how Grandma and the others are doing. Will ordinary people have problems if the heat continues?

Four years before the end of the previous world, ordinary people who had no protection against the cold died in large numbers in the wet and freezing temperatures.

The temperature is now unpredictable, and Xie Ning frowns.

I heard a loud "bang" coming from the next room.

Xie Ning was so frightened that she rushed out and pushed open the door of her mother's room.

She saw her mother, who looked like a drowned rat, turned to look at her with a confused look on her face, "Ning Ning, mother has learned a new skill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a big water ball came towards the confused Xie Ning.

"Is it cool? Girl!"

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