The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 146 Big changes in the villa

Xie Ning was a little dumbfounded, and stretched out her hand to wipe her moist face, "Mom, if you can adjust the water temperature, we will be lucky."

"Adjust the water temperature?" Comrade Song Youai thought hard and started thinking seriously.

"It means that if water boils, it boils, and if it freezes, it freezes." What did my daughter think? This idea is very bold and strange, but the problem is that Comrade Song Youai feels that he can't do it.

"Then let's go back and practice." Song Youai laughed dryly.

"Mom, how many water balls can you condense now?"

"Let's take five at a time. It's just this big, which is already my ultimate strength! If it's a small water polo, it can be seventeen or eight, no problem."

Xie Ning nodded, "Bring the water polo out to me and I'll put it in. Don't waste it like you just did!"

So much water hit her body, making her wet from head to toe, which was like taking a bath...

Song Youai looked curious, and formed a huge water ball, slowly pushing it in front of Xie Ning, "Can you still put this in? Won't your small space be flooded by the vast ocean?"

Xie Ning smiled at her mother, and then said, "In the future, open the dimensional space."

This was the first time for Song Youai to witness her daughter opening this so-called space.

A cube with blue light shining through it looks full of technology, shining with transparent brilliance in mid-air.

"In the future, take out those bags of fish first."

"Retrieving items from the dimensional space."

Bags of fish suddenly appeared on the bedside table.

"Put the water balloon in." Xie Ning turned to look at her dumbfounded mother who couldn't speak at all, and urged with a smile, "Mom, make another big water balloon."

"Oh, oh." Comrade Song Youai nodded quickly and quickly formed a large ball of water as he waved his hand.

"In the future, store this water as well."

"The dimensional space is being stored." The little spider crawled out from under Xie Ning's sleeves, and the electronic voice said slowly, "The dimensional space is stored."

At this time, two-thirds of the fluorescent blue cube rotating in mid-air was covered with supernatural water.

It swayed in the blue dim light and looked sparkling.

Xie Ning nodded with satisfaction, "Put the fish in."

"Storing in dimensional space."

"Two black fish, two crucian carp, two bass, the storage in the dimensional space is completed."

Three empty bags appeared on the bedside table. In line with the principle of not wasting anything, Xie Ning received the three bags on the dining table.

Song Youai then closed her mouth and said, "Ning Ning, your space is so technologically advanced? Then where did the beef, sheep, pork, freezers, etc. we packed earlier go?"

Xie Ning tilted her head and thought about it, "Mom, I'm only telling you one person, don't tell anyone else. In fact, I have two spaces, this is a small one, and there is another small one."

Xie Ning's mother suddenly realized, "Oh, the small space you told mom earlier was not meant for this."


Comrade Song Youai understood and pointed at the little electronic spider lying on the back of Xie Ning's hand, pretending not to move, "What is it?"

Xie Ning stroked the little spider dog's head lovingly, "It's a little pet I raised."

The little electronic spider's brain tightened and his whole body trembled.

"Mom, give me another ball of water, and I will save it in another small space."

Xie Ning touched the little spider and said, "In the future, close the dimensional space."

Song Youai looked up and watched the rotating cube disappear into the air with a "whoosh", and couldn't help but smack his lips in wonder.

After condensing the last big water ball, Song Youai let out a breath, "Daughter, if I had known you wanted water, mom wouldn't have wasted two big water balls just now."

"Mom just wants to practice her skills." Song Youai pouted, "This water polo looks like a boss. It has no power when hit on the body. It will definitely be useless against zombies!"

"Well, so if you can adjust the water temperature and turn it into sharp ice." Xie Ning stretched out her palm and exposed the sharp metal thorns between her fingers, "Can't you stab zombies?"

"And if mom can make big ice cubes, we can stay cooler when we rest later!" Xie Ning moved the water polo into the portable villa.

Song Youai immediately found his goal in life and nodded repeatedly after listening to his daughter's words, "Daughter, you are so thoughtful. Yes, yes, ice cubes, mom's goal is to make ice cubes! This damn weather is getting hotter day by day. Mom will get some big pieces of ice to put in your room so you can sleep more comfortably."

Just do it, Song Youai closed the door and started to practice the water-generating power in high spirits.

Xie Ning was thrown out of the door by her mother. She couldn't help but touch her nose and turned around to go back to her room.

After wiping herself clean and putting on comfortable pajamas, Xie Ning slowly observed her portable villa.

It had to be said that she had been shocked after taking a quick glance at it just now.

Looking at it carefully now, it was even more shocking.

The area on the left side of the first floor leading to the stairwell has all been unlocked and opened.

Including kitchen next to dining room, large storage room on one side of stairs.

Xie Ning couldn't wait to look at the double-door refrigerator in the kitchen.

Don't tell me, this refrigerator has been filled to the brim by my mother.

She remembered that her mother asked her to come back for dinner and said she bought a lot of vegetables.

A row of vegetable and fruit shelves in the corner are also filled with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

In the two small freezers next to them, when you open it, you will find a dazzling array of frozen meat, frozen shrimps and frozen shrimps.

Xie Ning silently looked away and secretly praised her mother's strength.

My mother is a hoarder!

After all, Xie Ning's mother works as an accountant in a supermarket, and the employee benefits that the supermarket usually gives out during the New Year and holidays are all kinds of supplies.

In addition, the internal price for employees is also a bit preferential. Xie Ning's mother usually can't control herself when she sees the cheap ones, and she wants to move home.

There are also various large and small household appliances in the kitchen. Anyway, as long as they are discounted and cheap, Xie Ning’s mother will buy them all...

Including things like fully automatic noodle machines, which are usually left gathering dust.

Small ice machines, bread machines, microwave ovens, ovens, steamers, whatever modern equipment my mother could see, she would buy them all.

Xie Ning twitched her lips as she stared, and quickly closed the kitchen door and stopped inspecting.

If I keep reading, I feel like I will be happy...

At first I felt how prodigal my mother was, but now I feel how capable prodigal women are.

She quickly put away her cheerful smile and got down to business.

The various medical equipment piled up in front of the TV cabinet in the living room, such as wheelchairs, oxygen inhalation machines, blood glucose meters, etc., along with boxes of medicines and things previously collected in the small pharmacy, were all moved to the new building on the first floor. Unlocked storage room.

After that, the six large wardrobes, four storage boxes, and two large iron boxes that the family packed up were also moved to the storage room on the first floor.

Finally, all the household appliances and batteries that were packed away from my grandma’s house were moved in.

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