The young man seemed to be one of Master Zhong's followers. After his throat was bitten by a zombie, his hands and feet were still struggling.

The blood poured into his throat, choking him to death.

On the other side, Zhong Yayuan was holding on to the door frame and retching repeatedly. Suddenly she saw a zombie jumping in front of her, and she screamed in panic.

"elder brother!"

Zhong Shichong was so frightened that his face turned pale and his hands were trembling. He could not care about his sister, so he turned around and ran up the stairs.

A fat woman with drooling saliva and her face covered with green and black stripes came down in front of her.

Zhong Shichong recognized that the woman seemed to be a relative of the head of the household, Song Youfu. She seemed fine yesterday, but why did her face look so weird today?

Before he could react, the aunt's whole body pressed towards him.

Zhong Shichong's mind went blank. He turned around and tried to escape, but it was too late. He was pressed hard by his aunt at the corner of the stairs.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Zhong Shichong could only yell in a hoarse voice, but he was pinned to the armrest and unable to move.

Seeing the aunt pressing closer, her smelly saliva almost dripping down his face, Zhong Shi felt nauseated and retched, and in his haste, he hurriedly pulled the younger brother who was following him.

Ignoring the little brother's yelling and wailing, he directly brought the person to the aunt's mouth.

The "crunching" chewing sound is eerie.

Zhong Shi rushed to his courage and pushed the little brother in front of his chest to stop the aunt from biting him. He struggled to get out from under the aunt, rolling and climbing down the stairs.

When I looked up, my sister Zhong Yayuan was being protected by a man with a strange face.

The man was tall and powerful, holding an iron hammer. With one hammer blow, the zombie's head was blown open.

The shredded brain tissue is very visually impactful, making people feel sick and vomiting.

Song Youai looked at the chaos and quickly stepped forward to help kill the zombies.

Since awakening his powers, I feel that my agility has become much more flexible, and my arm strength and my own speed seem to have improved slightly.

When I used the metal knife given by my daughter, I felt like I was dancing like a tiger, and the knife was silky and smooth.

Xie Ning followed her mother for a while and saw Comrade Song Youai cutting off the heads of several zombies with great courage, so he gave her a few words to tell her not to use too much force.

Killing zombies also requires skill.

Originally three points of force can kill a zombie, but if you use ten points of force, it is a waste of force.

Comrade Song Youai humbly accepted the adjustment of combat methods, and gradually became more comfortable in killing.

Seeing that her mother was on the right track, Xie Ning retracted her gaze with relief and looked around.

At this time, Villa No. 59 was in a mess, with screams and shouts coming from the bathroom, kitchen, and guest bedroom.

Two zombies leaned on the glass door of the kitchen and slapped it twice, causing the glass to make a crisp "click" sound.

Xie Ning single-handedly dispatched a fat zombie, rushed to the kitchen door, and stabbed the zombie in the back of the head.

The women hiding in the kitchen were all wide-eyed with fear, and their shrill screams could be heard through the glass.

One of the girls with shawl hair and darker skin cried and stood up to rush out, but was held back by the old woman and middle-aged woman beside her.

Xie Ningtian turned the tip of his blade and drove it straight into the head of another zombie next to him.

After looking through it and finding no zombie crystal core, Xie Ning turned around and wanted to leave.

In the kitchen, the girl with shawl-haired hair suddenly threw away the hands of the two people beside her, rushed out the door and screamed at Xie Ning, "You killed my grandfather and father!"

The old woman hurriedly ran out, "Luqin, don't talk nonsense, this is our eldest brother's granddaughter. Your grandfather and father have both mutated. What can you do if you don't kill her?"

"Where are third uncle, Brother Xiaolong and third uncle?"

"They should all be upstairs."

A girl with shawl hair named Lu Qin stepped forward and shouted, "You killed my father and grandfather, you killed...grandma!"

She covered her mouth and looked at a fat woman who jumped down from the stairs.

The aunt's face was covered with blood, she must have just had a big meal.

Her white eyes looked into the crowd, and she limped towards Zhong Yayuan at an extremely fast speed.

Zhong Yayuan collapsed on the ground and covered her mouth and screamed. Li Dawei, who stood in front of her, was like a doomsday hero, nailing the aunt to the ground with a hammer.

"Grandma!!" Lu Qin almost fainted.

The third aunt and daughter-in-law hurriedly stretched out their hands to support her, with a hint of unbearability flashing in their eyes, "Lu Qin, don't be so sad. The first priority is to protect yourself first."

The joys and sorrows of others did not affect Xie Ning at all, so she walked upstairs.

After about half an hour, the situation was stabilized.

Xie Ning helped her third uncle, whose legs and feet were weak, to come downstairs. Behind him was his cousin Song Xiaolong, who had a dark complexion.

At a glance, she saw Li Xiang standing blankly at the top of the stairs, holding a hammer in his hand like her brother, with dark red blood dripping from it.

Tight tube top miniskirt, this is probably the only type of clothing her family has in summer.

At this time, the filth was sprayed on the head and body, and it was also covered on the legs...

Xie Ning saw her shaking while holding the hammer and glanced sideways, "That..."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear you talk now!"

Xie Ning touched her nose, walked to her side, stirred the zombie's head with the sky blade, and silently put away a crystal core.

She walked around the room and found three more zombie crystal cores.

It's not that she doesn't want to tell them, but every time she opens her mouth, brother and sister Li Dawei and Li Xiang stare at her with vicious eyes, as if Ning Ning is some kind of murderer.

The living people were slumped on the sofa and at the door, mumbling as if they were insane.

Li Dawei and Li Xiang both looked at Xie Ning as if they were perverts.

Who in a normal person would mess with a zombie's head? He killed everything and still stirred things up, he was simply a pervert!

Xie Ning glanced at Li Dawei's brother and sister again, "Actually, inside the zombie's head..."

"Shut up!" Brother and sister Li Dawei yelled at her.

Xie Ning turned around and left in anger. Song Youai followed her daughter to comfort her, "Ignore them, they are just a pair of lunatics."

It’s not like I haven’t killed zombies, so why do I hate their family Ning Ning?

"Grandpa, daddy, grandma." Lu Qin's heart-breaking shouts echoed in the villa.

But people's joys and sorrows are not common. Most people are just glad that they escaped.

"Third uncle, we have to go to other places to see. All the zombies in the village have to be cleared away."

Song Youfu nodded tremblingly and turned to look at the other people in the villa, "Who can go with Xiao Ning to help?"

No one moved!

It is important for Li Dawei to protect the beauty Zhong Yayuan now. His legs feel like they are nailed to Zhong Yayuan and cannot move.

Song Xiaolong stood up and said, "Ning Ning, I'll go out with you to take a look."

Xie Ning nodded and did not refuse.

In fact, ordinary people like Song Xiaolong can only guarantee their chances of survival after the apocalypse by killing more and practicing more.

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