The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 150 Rescue Didn’t Come

When Xie Ninglin went out, she glanced at everyone in the villa.

Lu Qin knelt at the door of the kitchen and cried loudly, while Zhu Huizhen turned pale and huddled in the corner holding her daughter, panting.

Zhong Shichong sat on the ground and had not recovered yet.

Li Xiang stood next to a tall young man with a pale face, carefully comforting him.

The world is nothing but this.

Xie Ning and the others walked out of gate No. 59.

Turning his head to look at Song Xiaolong who was following him silently, Song Youai couldn't help but sigh, "Xiaolong, you saw it just now. None of the survivors in your villa are willing to reach out to help others. It shows that they are very caring in their hearts. Selfish."

"Your grandpa has been a good man for decades, and he is even a little indifferent to the inside and the outside, which makes my aunt suffer." Song Youai sighed, "There are so many outsiders living in your family now. Sometimes being undefended is the biggest crisis."

"Auntie, I will remind the family to pay attention."

Xie Ning glanced at him, "You'd better hide the food and water earlier."

Although I had stated in advance before moving into No. 59, it was only a temporary stay and no food or water would be provided.

But when people are extremely short of water and food, there is no guarantee that they will not take any extreme actions.

In Xie Ning's opinion, the third uncle just lured the wolf into the house, and he may not end up well in the end.

The three of them met Uncle Ge Liang and his daughter running over in the Songjia Pavilion exercise equipment area.

"I was just going to find you." Ge Liang was relieved when he saw Xie Ning and the others, "Something happened to Chen Juan's family on the 96th."

Ge Liang looked annoyed, "Remember when we saw two people grabbing soda crackers yesterday? One of them was eaten to death by a rat man, and the other ran away."

"The one who ran away was Chen Juan's eldest son. His high fever just mutated one night and killed his wife and son. When Yanzi and I rushed over, the big one and the little one were all riddled with bites. It was so pitiful."

"Hey." Comrade Song Youai stamped his feet repeatedly, "Why don't you tie people up when they have a high fever?"

"Big sister, you don't know. Yesterday, Chen Juan and some people went to the No. 13 Iron Pillar canteen to rob. Many people were caught in the rain and fainted on the spot. Others turned into zombies. Only Chen Juan finished. After a high fever, I awakened my powers."

"They didn't care when they saw that their eldest son also had a fever, and they were even very happy! They must have been lucky, thinking that the eldest son would awaken some particularly powerful powers like his father, but who knew it would end up like this."

Song Youai and Xie Ning looked at each other.

Uncle Ge Liang felt quite guilty, "It's a pity that Chen Juan's grandson is only five years old. If only we could have found out that he was scratched."

"I remember that Chen Juan's son fell and suffered a bloody head." Xie Ning said.

"That's right." Uncle Ge Liang said "Hey", extremely annoyed, "It must be because of this that the virus got in. It didn't attack at that time, and the fever didn't start until the evening."

Comrade Song Youai sighed and suddenly said, "Everyone has his own destiny." Uncle Ge Liang also sighed, "It's so pitiful for such a small child! Alas."

"Uncle, let's take a quick look around and get rid of the zombies on Zhuangzi as soon as possible."


A group of five people walked around in the village, quickly cleaning up any zombies they saw.

When I turned to the door of No. 96, I saw Aunt Chen Juan sitting at the door, crying loudly, beating her husband hard and yelling curses.

Xie Ning, Song Youai and others walked around the village to make sure there were no more zombies escaping, and then they went home.

It was already early two in the afternoon, and the mother and daughter were tired and hungry, so they collapsed on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Xie Ning took out a small velvet bag containing cosmetics from her backpack and threw a handful of crystal cores into it.

Just after walking around Zhuangzi, Xie Ning and her daughter got the bulk of the zombie crystal nuclei. Now they have nearly twenty first-order crystal nuclei in their hands.

"Let's eat lunch, mom."

"No." Xie Ning's mother sat up straight, "Let's use a small cassette stove to cook some noodles quickly. We can eat lunches or something later when we have difficulty moving."

Xie Ning nodded, took out the cassette stove, a handful of vegetables and a package of fat beef rolls. The mother and daughter worked together to wash the vegetables and pots, and soon ate them.

The two rested for half an hour and then went back to their rooms to practice their powers.

It wasn't until about seven o'clock in the evening when shouts came from outside the big iron door that I came out of the room.

Xie Ning mixed all the large buckets and small buckets of water that her mother had produced in the past two days into the large water storage tank on the terrace. It was not yet full.

It was already dark now, the rain had stopped in the morning, and the ground had been extremely dry after being scorched by the scorching sun all day.

Xie Ning and her mother went downstairs, locked the villa door as usual and walked to the front yard.

When she opened the big iron door, she saw her third aunt and her daughter-in-law standing at their door. Tears fell from their eyes when they saw them.

"Third Aunt, what's wrong with you?" Song You fell in love and stepped forward to support the old man, then turned to look at the middle-aged woman, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with Third Aunt?"

Song Guang's daughter-in-law choked with sobs when she opened her mouth, "I can't survive this day. Even now, the rescuers haven't come, and those people brought into the house by Grandpa Xiaolong can't sit still. They smashed the lock of our cellar door, rushed in and robbed again." Take it again. The rice bag is torn."

Comrade Song Youai began to stomp his feet again and again, hating the fact that iron could not become steel, "Why don't you ask Xiaolong to go back and tell you how to fix things?"

"What's the use? Grandpa Xiaolong said that we are all gentlemen. The cellar is locked and no one will take it. Let us put our hearts back in our stomachs and don't think as bad as others think."

"But just half an hour ago, those people robbed all the inventory in our house." Song Guang's wife held her old woman in tears and kept crying.

"We really have no choice. If we don't have anything to eat, we can wait until tomorrow to find it. But even the well water and mineral water we have at home have been snatched away by them. I'm so thirsty that I can only shamelessly come to ask you for two glasses of water. .”

Song Youai was so angry that he said, "Uncle San took them in, but they repaid him with kindness! I want to argue with them."

"Don't go." Song Guang's wife grabbed Song Youai and cried, wiping her tears. "You can't defeat so many of them. There are more than a dozen of them."

"Xiaolong had already argued with their leader, but he was beaten by Zhong Shichong's two younger brothers." Song Guang's wife wrung the lid of the cup in her hands, looking very haggard.

Xie Ning had a sullen face, took the thermos cup from the two of them, ran back to the villa and poured them two cups of warm water.

The third aunt cried and felt ashamed, "It's all because of the sincerity of my old man. He always thinks that there is nothing wrong with helping others. But now he is dragging you two down. You don't have much water, so just give us a drink." .”

"Xiaolong was beaten. Let him drink water and rest early. My old lady will die of thirst. She is already old anyway."

"It's not that far, auntie." Song Youai was angry and sad at the same time.

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