The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 151 Continuous high temperature and lack of water

"Where is my uncle?" Xie Ning asked Song Guang's wife.

"I was sulking in the room. I locked myself in the room and was bored, refusing to talk."

"Then what did Third Uncle say?"

"What can he say, you damn old man." The third aunt scolded through gritted teeth, "I can just sit in the living room and sigh, what can I do. She always said not to think so bad of people, but now she is just luring the wolf into the house, and it will be difficult to invite them out again. ”

"No, I'll fight it back for you." Song Youai's anger surged, "It's a shame that our old Song family won't suffer."

"Don't go." The third aunt grabbed Song Youai, "They are very powerful in numbers, and they have knives in their hands. Even Li Dawei is now on their side, saying that we shouldn't hide our secrets, saying that we live together We should be blessed together under one roof.”

Song Youai was furious, "Thankfully I said earlier that Dawei looks like a man! It turns out that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit!"

Xie Ning had a strange expression on her face, "Why hasn't Li Dawei left your house yet?"

"No, I have been comforting Miss Zhong." The third uncle spat, "Miss Zhong looked weak and frail, saying that she was shocked and couldn't eat, so Li Dawei took out some salted bamboo shoots and gave it to the young lady. "

Mother and daughter looked at each other.

Could it be the 200 grams of small side dishes that their family gave me earlier?

Li Dawei actually didn’t want to eat it even after saving it? ? In such hot weather, it’s time for the food to go sour...

"Let's go back first and see if we can collect some food nearby tomorrow."

In the end, neither mother nor daughter offered to send food to their third aunt.

I was holding it back a little bit, but it didn't give people the impression that there was a lot of food and water in their house. It's as if the door can be opened for anyone to snatch.

Every family has its own life, and it is best to stand up on your own to solve the current predicament.

Therefore, the third aunt said that it was right to let the family go out to collect supplies tomorrow. Don’t rely on others for everything. It is better to rely on yourself than relying on others.

Xie Ning also plans to go to the nearby aquatic products market tomorrow.

After discussing with her mother, Comrade Song Youai strongly requested to go together, euphemistically saying that she would share the collection work with her daughter.

Xie Ning agreed, and the mother and daughter drank a bowl of mung bean soup, ate two small pancakes, and then went back to their rooms. They took the time to practice their powers for a while before falling asleep.

It's surprisingly quiet tonight.

In the early morning of September 20th, the temperature reached 35 degrees, and a heat wave hit me as soon as I stepped outside.

Xie Ning took out the sunscreen spray and sprayed it on her mother and herself. The mother and daughter put on sunscreen clothes and got into the RV.

Although the car had been parked in the shade, it was still very hot as soon as I got in the car.

In order to save fuel, both of them decided not to turn on the air conditioner!

But sitting in the car felt like being fished out of the river, sweating profusely...

Xie Ning's mother glanced at her daughter's clean and beautiful face and joked, "It's a good thing you don't wear makeup, otherwise it would be all over your makeup now."

Xie Ning rolled her eyes, "The human body has to undergo a process to adapt to high temperatures. We don't turn on the air conditioner, firstly to save fuel, and secondly to allow the body to adapt slowly."

"From now on, we will have to live in an environment without air conditioning. By the way, Mom, how is your ability to control the temperature?"

Song Youai couldn't help but curl her lips, "Mom is not a genius, of course this can't be achieved overnight, just wait."

"But Mom, let me tell you, Mom's power has increased a lot! The water released now is much bigger than peeing!"

Xie Ning:......

Suddenly I didn’t want to drink the water created by Comrade Song Youai.

Xie Ning drove the car and pulled her mother towards the west door.

Along the way, I saw Zhong Shichong, his brother and his sister crowded into a car, going in the same direction as them.

In a blink of an eye, Xie Ning saw a dozen battery cars following them. They seemed to be people who were out looking for water and food.

There were seven people crammed into a car. Zhong Yayuan couldn't help complaining to her brother, "Didn't you say that the troops came yesterday? Why didn't they come to transfer us?"

"How did I know this?" Zhong Shichong was also very angry.

The driver was a handsome young man, Xu Boliang, the popular star that Li Xiang had been trying to get recently.

The young man looks good, but anyone who hasn't showered for more than ten days will look gray and greasy.

The star's halo seems to have dimmed a lot.

Li Xiang sat in the passenger seat, looking at her crush with a smile, her eyes widening.

Zhong Shichong felt so sick that he wanted to vomit.

If he hadn't seen that Li Dawei was a talented person and could protect himself, he wouldn't have won over this stupid brother and sister.

Brother and sister Zhong Shichong were crowded together with Li Dawei, Wang Shao, and Chen Man'er. The five of them were so crowded that it was impossible to feel comfortable.

Especially Chen Man'er was almost crying at this moment. The water-white dress that hadn't been washed for more than ten days was even more oily and black, making it completely unsightly.

Mr. Wang is no longer interested in her. Who would be interested in someone who hasn't been washed for more than ten days and has a rancid smell?

Chen Man'er was very panicked in her heart. She was just the breadwinner in this team.

If Mr. Wang is no longer interested in her, he might kick her out of the team and leave her to fend for herself.

How could she, a weak and helpless woman, survive in such a terrible world?

"That woman is out too!" Zhong Shichang suddenly leaned against the glass and stared at the RV with a fierce look.

The moment the RV passed by, the windows were wide open, and the strong wind was blowing. He saw Xie Ning with her head in a bun.

The dead woman is so beautiful, as if even the sweat on her forehead is crystal clear.

Compared to the two greasy and unsightly women beside him, Xie Ning is so refreshing and clean!

"Who?" Li Xiang turned around to look, and all he saw was the butt of the RV.

She was shocked, "Whose RV is this?"

These days, having an RV traveling all over the place is like a mobile home. How pleasant it is.

Li Dawei gritted his teeth, "Who else could it be? It must be the mother and daughter."

"Xie Ning??" Li Xiang exclaimed.

Xie Ning stepped on the accelerator and let the hot wind blow on her face, "Mom, all the survivors in the Song Family Pavilion are probably out looking for water today."

Song Youai nodded and hesitated, "How about mom pack some water and send it to your third uncle's house tonight? I'm mainly worried about the child Xiaolong. Third uncle also asked him to think about third aunt and the children. When people get old, they become stubborn and don’t listen to advice.”

"Li Xiang, this woman has awakened her visual powers. We don't know if she will secretly spy on this scene." Xie Ning shook her head, "If she finds out that her mother has water powers but hides it without telling us, we will be in trouble. It’s a target of public criticism.”

Song Youai trembled all over, and suddenly stopped talking when he thought of Li Xiang's big mouth.

"Mom, until you are fully able to protect yourself, don't get involved, or you may get burned."

Song Youai nodded and broke into a cold sweat.

This RV has good performance, and the chassis is raised, so it can easily crush a few zombies without eyes.

Xie Ning drove the RV to the side entrance of the aquatic products market.

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