Along the way, Xie Ning saw bright lights in the base.

Many well-trained patrols gathered in the large square in front, and a vehicle filled with ammunition slowly passed by them.

Even the air gave people a slight feeling of tension.

As soon as Xie Ning walked into the control room, she saw seven or eight pairs of eyes looking towards her.

"Ning Ning is here." Gu Chen waved to her in front of the main control screen.

"What happened?" Xie Ning walked over and stood beside him.

"Look at this." Gu Chen pointed at the screen and asked her to pay attention.

"Calling the cameras near the base, we can now see up to fifteen kilometers away."

Xie Ning soon noticed that there was an area that seemed crowded with people.

To be precise, there should be many corpses moving forward quickly within the camera.

"The snow melted, so the zombies came out?"

Although this sentence is a question, Xie Ning knows that the current actual situation is probably like this.

"Yes." Gu Chen moved the screen to one side, "According to the speed they are advancing, they will arrive at our base in about two to three hours."

"Why are they moving towards the base?" Xie Ning paused slightly, "Evolved?"

"It should have evolved to sense heat and be able to move towards crowds." A thin-faced man wearing thick bottle-bottom glasses suddenly turned his chair to look at them.

"Lu Congwu. Currently, he and Dr. Xie and Dr. Wei belong to the same project team for developing virus reagents."

The man with thick-bottomed glasses extended his hand to Xie Ning generously, "Hello, Miss Xie."

Xie Ning nodded slightly, shook his hand slightly, and turned to look at Gu Chen, "What are you going to do?"

"Here at the base, we hope that all major teams of superpowers can join in the city defense work."

Xie Ning nodded and was pulled by Gu Chen towards the small room next door.

The small metal door closed heavily, blocking out the curious eyes of a group of people in the main control room outside.

Xie Ning dragged a stool and sat down in front of Gu Chen, "I read some information about the X world."

"Does this zombie evolution have anything to do with them?"

"The evolution of zombies is inseparable from this ice age." Gu Chen walked up to her and gently held her hand. "Three years ago, we learned about the existence of the Have a high-level conversation.”

Xie Ning pricked up her ears and listened carefully, feeling that classmate Xiao Gu might be about to reveal a big secret.

"The content of the conversation is unknown, but after that, seventeen survival arks began to be secretly built around the world."

"We have three ships here in Kyushu."

Xie Ning nodded with a serious look on her face, "Is it finished?"

“It’s almost in the completion stage.”

"So this global academy of superpowers was already prepared to take all the rich people who had money to pay for the boat tickets, as well as the superpowers, on board the ship and run away?" Xie Ning couldn't help but sneer.

"But they didn't expect that the worldwide zombie crisis would come so quickly. It almost caught them off guard, right?"

"Now that's good, the rich are likely to die in this crisis. The tickets can't be sold either!"

Gu Chen heard the ridicule in her tone and subconsciously reached out to touch the little girl's head, "Ning Ning."

"What do you want to do now?" Xie Ning smiled half-heartedly, "In three hours, a large number of mutant zombies will come to surround the Gyeonggi base. Those people are planning to run away again, right?"

"The ship is almost finished. Since Gyeonggi cannot be defended sooner or later, we should lose the base and run away. The worst thing is to get on the ship as soon as possible!"

Xie Ning slammed the table, "Don't think about me rushing in front and fighting for these rubbish. I don't care whether they live or die, get out!"

Gu Chen was startled and quickly stepped forward to hug the irritable little girl, "No, it's not Ning Ning. Just listen to me. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. That's it."

"We will not give up any of the survivors at the Gyeonggi base. Regardless of men, women, old or young, all will be moved away by then."

"But the finishing work of Ark, including re-inspection and transporting relevant goods onto the ship, may take more than half a month."

"We can't move there now, so we must hold on to the Gyeonggi side."

"After half a month, we will gradually move to the Ark. At that time, we will also go to East China and South China to pick up the survivors of all the bases, including the Jinshi Base."

"Everything?" Xie Ning was confused and stared at Gu Chen's eyes as dark as two deep pools.


"If possible, we hope to help every compatriot and work together to overcome the difficulties."

Xie Ning slowly calmed down, and after a long time she said calmly, "If I were an ordinary person without powers."

Gu Chen picked her up and rubbed her little face hard, "Hello ordinary Ning Ning, no matter Ning Ning is ordinary or not, I will protect you. So don't think about it, okay?"

"Even if you lose your powers in the future, or have no space, or even if you have nothing. Don't worry, your boyfriend can still make you fat and happy."

"As long as your boyfriend has a mouthful of soup, you will have a mouthful of rice, be good."

Xie Ning looked at him expressionlessly and snorted, "Then...for the sake of my boyfriend, my girlfriend will reluctantly cooperate with you."

"Tsundere." Gu Chen couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

"Actually, I asked you to come here because I want you to be mentally prepared in advance. Although the base will recruit all superpowers to help on the front line, it is a last resort."

"Our defense work in Gyeonggi Province has been doing pretty well for more than a year."

"As long as this side can be defended..."

Xie Ning stretched out her hand and pinched Gu Chen's face, "There's no need to work so hard. Since you plan to defend the base, issue the recruitment order as soon as possible. Your teammates are not tough either."

"The earlier we have more superpowers involved, the better the protection will be."

"Okay." Gu Chen looked down at his girlfriend, "What will the sixth level of the gold system look like?"

Xie Ning thought about it for a second, nodded her head seriously, "Very, very awesome."

Gu Chen couldn't help laughing.

When the two of them walked out of the small, airtight room, everyone outside was already extremely busy.

Seeing him coming out, Lu Wei quickly stepped forward and said, "Secretary-General Chen is here, let you pass."

Gu Chen nodded, gently shook his girlfriend's hand and whispered, "Wait for me, let's have dinner together later."

Only when you are full can you deal with a large number of zombies.

Xie Ning nodded obediently and followed Lu Wei to the small conference room next to her.

Seeing Xie Xuezhi and Dr. Wei approaching, Xie Ning paused and continued walking without changing her expression.

Xie Xuezhi saw his daughter running forward and said, "Ning Ning."

Xie Ning didn't want to talk to him and followed Lu Wei into the small conference room.

"Dr. Xie, your conference room is next door. Dr. Lu and the others are already waiting for you there." Lu Wei turned to Xie Xuezhi and said.

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