The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 358 I propose that we team up with Xie Ning

Xie Xuezhi ignored him and followed his daughter around, "Ningning, daddy has something to tell you."

Xie Ning turned around and looked at him, "What else is there to say."

"Ning Ning." Xie Xuezhi hurriedly closed the door of the small conference room, walked to his daughter and whispered, "Dad has been busy with work these years and has neglected you and your mother."

"Dad knows he was wrong. For more than a year now, Dad shouldn't have left such an important task as finding someone to publish tasks to... to Kang Yunru."

"Dad really didn't know that Kang Yunru would do such a little trick in private. She has never told me the truth about you mother and daughter. Never."

"I didn't know this would be the case. I've been focusing on the research laboratory all these years. It's my fault, it's all my fault. It's me who ignored you..."

Xie Ning looked at the person in front of him and wanted to laugh for a moment.

Once upon a time, she really wanted her father to take another look at her.

When she stood in front of the warm villa that was like spring all year round, she was thinking about her father suddenly opening the door and rushing out, holding his daughter tightly in his arms and comforting her: It's okay, Ningning is okay, everything is okay. Dad is here. Don't be afraid, it will be fine, everything will be fine.

"Do you think that you can get forgiveness from others by just admitting your mistakes?" Xie Ning's tone was very calm and her voice was not high.

She didn't even have the desire to quarrel with him now.

That indifferent look made Xie Xuezhi feel nervous.

He hoped that it would be better for his daughter to yell at him and show her emotions than to face such indifferent eyes.

"Do you know that there was a time when I really... really needed you." Xie Ning leaned against the conference table and looked at her father in front of her indifferently.

"Even if you showed me the slightest bit of kindness at that time, maybe I wouldn't hate you so much."

Xie Ning sighed and said in a very calm voice, "Your work is great. You are helping all mankind to develop anti-zombie viruses."

" a member of the human race, I am grateful for your great contributions."

Your scientific experiments have saved most people in the world.

But when your daughter was in the most pain, helplessness, and need you the most, you didn't show up.

Now that your daughter is so strong that she doesn't need any help, your presence is just unnecessary.

Gu Chen raised his hand and touched the little girl's forehead, "Are you still feeling hot?"

Xie Ning shook her head.

"Just now I saw that you had no appetite at all, so I packed some porridge. After you take a shower, let Song Kexin heat it up for you and drink it, okay?"

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded obediently and did not refuse.

"Don't worry about anything today, go back and have a good rest. Come to the city wall early tomorrow morning to help." Gu Chen rubbed her head and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, everything will be fine with your boyfriend here."

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded slightly and held the disposable porridge bowl in her arms.

A warm feeling.

At the same time, in the main control room.

Several computer personnel were typing on the keyboard.

"Judging from the speed of the large force's advance, they will reach the southeasternmost part of our Gyeonggi base within half an hour."

"The members of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth teams of special abilities have all been equipped and ready to go at any time."

"Army, look here." A computer person pointed at the dark mass at the top of the screen.

"There should be mutated birds coming over."

"Let's arrange it." Lu Wei said calmly, "The people from the first team, second team and third team of supernatural powers are responsible for dealing with flying objects in the air. The fourth team and the fifth team are temporarily on standby over the city wall."

"Laser shield ready."

"How long can it last?"

"About an hour or so. It must be recharged after one hour."

"Get rid of those flying in the sky within an hour." Lu Wei hurriedly walked out with a document, "Have teams 6, 7, 89 ready."

With such a large number of zombies sieging the city, there is a tough battle to be fought.

At the same time, searchlights lit up in the main square of the base.

Li Dawei chewed a mouthful of potato and cursed, "Let all the teams of superpowers gather here. What are they doing? The cold wind is blowing in the middle of the night."

"Li Xiang, what are you doing in front? Can you see it?"

"I think something happened." Li Xiang said with a serious face, "I saw them pushing out the cannon and moving it to the city wall."

"Holy shit, right?" Li Dawei stuffed the remaining cold potato into his mouth and said while chewing, "Think about it and take a closer look. Look where Xie Ning is?"

"Why do you always look at her?"

"Hey, just look at it! Where is she? We'll just run to her later."

"I saw people from the Thunder Leopard Team coming."

"Hey, why are you watching the Xunbao Team? What's so good about them? I'll show you Xie Ning..." Before Li Dawei could finish his rant, he turned around and saw Zhuang Lei, the captain of the Xunbao Team, walking towards them with a cold face. .

"What are you doing?" Li Dawei raised his neck and glanced at Zhuang Lei.

"Let us come over here, a group of about a hundred people with superpowers. We will take turns climbing up the city wall later."

"What happened?" Li Dawei looked at Zhuang Lei confused, "Do you know? Have you seen Xie Ning?"

"I didn't see it." Xu Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Why do you thank Ning and Xie Ning every day? Who are you, Xie Ning? You can't live without her?"

"I have such a bad temper, I really don't want to spoil you..." Li Dawei raised his hand and wanted to slap Xu Yu's face, but was stopped by Zhuang Lei with a glare.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Lei separated Li Dawei's palm and glared angrily, "Don't look for trouble."

"Who is looking for trouble? You are a woman who is looking for trouble. Did I talk to her? She just got in the way."

"Clean your mouth for me." Xu Yu raised his voice with an annoyed look on his face.

Over the past few days, she had been praised so highly by the refugees that she couldn't stand Li Dawei's disrespectful attitude.

Who is Li Dawei? I don't know if he is a third-level or fourth-level power user. He can only show off his power in the small base of Jin City.

where is this place?

This is Gyeonggi.

High-level superpowers are all concentrated in the Gyeonggi base, and Li Dawei is completely inadequate.

At this time, several young men in military uniforms came over holding registration books and were nervously arranging the team of superpowers.

Li Dawei quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Leader, leader, I propose that we form a team with Xie Ning! Our Tiger Squad strongly requests to form a team with Spark Squad."

"People like the Xunbao Team are not suitable to be with us."

Feng Lijian, who was called the leader by Li Dawei, led the people to them quickly and said, "No matter what you are shouting about, please line up."

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