The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 464 Meeting old friends

"She, she...she seems to be here." When Liu Fen uttered these words, even she couldn't figure out why her voice was trembling.

The people in the seats in front and behind Yu felt a trace of pressure weighing heavily on themselves.

Unknowingly, a thin layer of cold sweat had formed on the palms of my hands.

"Open the door." The cold voice contained no warmth, but it was like a needle that instantly penetrated the minds of everyone in the car.

It was clear and sharp, as if the speaker was not outside the car, but standing in their minds.

The woman driving the car was startled, and she opened the car door immediately as if she could hardly control her hands.

A gust of cold wind filled the car with sand and dust.

The earth element user sitting at the door hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab the sand to resist, and his eyes fell on Xie Ning who followed him.

The driver had already stood up from his seat and asked tremblingly, "Thank you, captain? Yes, what's the matter?"

Why does it feel like Captain Xie's aura is suddenly a little scary?

As if he came specifically to fight with them?

Xie Ning glanced at her lightly and said without any embarrassment, "Sorry, I'm looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" The female driver looked confused and turned to look at the two rows of seats behind her.

All the female members of the Women's Superpower Team were like quails at this time, firmly fixed in their positions and motionless, barely even daring to make a sound.

The female driver forced herself to close the car door to block out the layers of wind and sand pouring in from outside. The earth-type psychic at the door breathed a sigh of relief and collected the sand and dust in his hands.

"Captain Xie, who are you looking for?" The earth superpower also stood up and asked.

There was a polite smile on the woman's weathered face.

Xie Ning nodded slightly to her, "It's okay, I can just find it myself."

The earth-type superpower and the female driver looked at each other, and just as they were about to step forward to stop him, they felt like something was blocking them in front of them, making them unable to follow even half a step.

The two of them had dull faces and raised their hands to touch the empty air in front of them.

An invisible barrier was erected in front of them.

"Captain Xie, what do you want??" The earth power user did not dare to break this barrier at will.

Because she felt that if she broke the barrier wantonly, Captain Xie might retaliate.

What's more, she probably wouldn't be able to break through the space barrier of a sixth-level superpower...

Xie Ning moved her steps and passed row after row of seats with a calm expression.

"Thank you, Captain." The female driver shouted anxiously, "Did any of our teammates offend you? Please forgive them for being young and not knowing the severity."

As Xie Ning moved, all the female players in the two rows crowded towards the teammate by the window.

The two team members sitting next to each other were almost huddled together, leaning against the window and the car wall, their eyes warily staring at Xie Ning, who was scanning lightly.

Many people don’t even dare to express their feelings...

Xie Ning saw a younger girl, with wide round eyes, looking at him in horror.

She raised her eyebrows, deliberately slowed down her facial expression, and nodded to the girl, "Don't panic, I'm not looking for you."

These words made most people in the car panic.

The sixth-level superpowers released pressure, pressing them layer by layer, looking for something.

Xie Ning's footsteps stopped at the fourth row of seats at the end, and her eyes fell on Liu Fen's slightly pale face.

His gaze slowly moved back, meeting a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Xie Ning looked at the familiar person and smiled.

At this moment, Ma Yu, although there was a handful of cold sweat on his palms, he was still calm and composed and smiled.

"I didn't expect to meet old classmates here?"

When everyone heard her words, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There were even younger female team members who almost collapsed on their seats and gasped for air.

What a genius.

When old classmates met, it was as if they were meeting enemies. Their tense and tense atmosphere really scared them to death.

A stiff smile appeared at the corner of Ma Yu's mouth, "Yes."

She tried her best to keep her voice steady, "I didn't expect to meet him so soon."

In fact, she didn't want Xie Ning to notice it so quickly.

Who knew that this woman Xie Ning was too shrewd and terrifying.

She just glanced at her casually while sitting in the car, and she was noticed like this?

Liu Fen was sandwiched between the two of them, not as relaxed as the others in the car.

On the contrary, she really felt that there was some strange feeling flowing between the two of them.

She felt a little panicked for no reason.

Just as she was about to stand up, Xie Ning pressed her shoulder with one hand.

Liu Fen felt as if she was being held down by an iron palm.

In the hands of this boss, she was as fragile as an ant!

"Big, big, big boss! I, I, let me give way, let you talk about old times." Liu Fen said stumblingly, indicating that she was not running away, but giving up her seat out of curiosity.

"No need to go to such trouble." Xie Ning's eyes fell on Ma Yu coldly, glancing back and forth.

"There is nothing to talk about between us."

"Tsk!" The car door suddenly opened, and Qu Lanping rushed into the car, "What's wrong?"

It seems that a teammate used the binding bracelet to privately contact the captain of the female supernatural team.

Xie Ning turned around and glanced.

The short-inch woman's hair was tied up and she had thick eyebrows and big eyes. She was in a bad mood and stared at Xie Ning who got into the car to cause trouble.

"Thank you, captain, it's a pleasure to meet you. We were in a hurry at noon and didn't care about each other. The leader also didn't say anything about introducing each other to everyone and just set off, hahaha." Qu Lanpingpi smiled at him. Xie Ning came over.

However, it was no surprise that he was blocked in the first row by an invisible air barrier.

"Captain Xie, what do you mean?" Qu Lanping asked with raised eyebrows.

"Haha, with your status, there is no need to come over and embarrass our teammates, right?"

Xie Ning turned to smile at her.

Qu Lanping couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

The woman's smile looked cold, and there was a cold light in her eyes, as if there was a layer of killing intent slowly spreading out.

Does she want to kill someone? ?

Qu Lanping was shocked by this thought in his heart, and his whole body couldn't help but tense up.


She came out with a team of fifty female superpowers, and she had to take them back with her!

How could he let Xie Ning kill her teammates before they even reached their destination?

"What's going on, Captain Xie?" Qu Lanping said hurriedly, trying to calm Xie Ning's gradually turbulent emotions, "Yes, is there some misunderstanding? Are you looking for it?"

"Captain, Captain Xie just said that he and Xiao Yu are classmates."

"Ah?" Qu Lanping slowly looked on his face, "Oh, classmate? Well, that's an acquaintance. Captain Xie, if you want, don't make such a big fight to scare people if you want to reminisce about old times."

Xie Ning smiled at her and turned to look at Ma Yu, who was sitting by the window with a calm expression.

"Ma Yu, have you figured out how to die?"

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