The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 465 Parasitic Alien Species

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the car fell silent and held their breath for a moment.

Qu Lanping shouted angrily through the air barrier, "Captain Xie, what are you doing?"

"We are all comrades on a mission together. At this time, you have to point the tip of the knife at your own people??"

"How are you sure she's human?"

"Ah?" Several female team members in the seats in front and behind Ma Yu glanced nervously at the woman standing still by the window.

Ma Yu looked calm on the surface, but there was already a storm in his heart.

"Who are you?" Xie Ning looked her up and down, "We'll find out in just one more minute."

Ma Yu's heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to stand up, a metal knife suddenly appeared in front of him and was pressed against his throat.

The blade shone with a hint of black gold, which was a bit dazzling.

Liu Fen, who was sitting next to Ma Yu, was almost crying.

She asked in a trembling voice, "Thank you, thank you, boss. Can I, can I change positions?"

She was so scared that she almost peed!

Xie Ning's speed of drawing the sword was beyond her ability to see.

Even if she trained hard for eighty years and chased eight horses, she still wouldn't be able to touch the edge of Mr. Xie...

She was so scared.

Xie Ning lowered her head and glanced at the little girl who was about to cry, and moved her position expressionlessly.

Liu Fen hurriedly lowered her head and dodged out, hiding far away, and squeezed into the last row.

No matter how calm Ma Yu was, he still felt a hint of fear when the blade was pressed against his throat.

Xie Ning wouldn't really take action in a place like this, would she?

Even if she doesn't care about her reputation, she still has to pay attention to the impact.

Wouldn't attacking his teammates without any warning really cause public outrage?

And what did she mean by what she just said?

Why wait another minute?

At this time, Xie Ning had received the feedback information from the little spider's scan in her mind.

"Detecting an abnormal aura of the person in front of me, asking the subject if he needs to turn on a higher level system check. It will take five to fifteen minutes after turning it on."

Xie Ning frowned slightly.

I can't detect the specific details for a minute.

"Turn on."

"System 00009250 is detected on the other party's body and asks the subject whether it needs to be shielded."


"The system is being blocked. Countdown, five, four, three, two, one..."

After Xie Ning waited for the little spider to make no sound, she continued to cast a glance at Ma Yu, "You had no powers at that time. You should have been injured by me all over your body."

"If you fall from the third floor, even if you are lucky enough to survive, it is impossible for you to be unscathed like you are now."

Ma Yu looked back at her with a fearless expression, but the depths of his brain waves kept calling the system 00009250.

However, after trying it again, twice, and three times, the system showed no response.

Ma Yu knew something was wrong.

"what have you done?"

"What did I do?" Xie Ning smiled at her.

"You also have a system from the X world."

"Of course." Xie Ning did not deny it, raising her wrist to show her her binding bracelet, "Everyone in the car, we all have each other, don't you all know?"

"No, I'm not talking about this low-level binding bracelet, I'm talking about... you know what it is."

"What do I know?" Xie Ning looked at her with a hint of disdain, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"Third floor, burns, how to explain?"

"Don't be so self-righteous." Ma Yu clenched his fists, looked at Xie Ning coldly, and said word by word, "Do you think you are the most capable person in the world??"

"You can awaken your powers, but others can't?"

"The moment I fell from the third floor, thanks to you, I awakened my fire power on the spot."

"So those burns are of no use to me!"

"I am a fire element user, what use is that fire to me? Oh, it's you, you selfish ghost."

"At that time, it was clear that the spatial power had been awakened, but it was still hidden from everyone!"

"If you weren't selfish, how could we have gotten to that point?"

Xie Ning looked at her seriously, "My fault?"

"Of course it's your fault!" Ma Yu shouted sternly, ignoring the metal knife pressed against her throat, "You had to tell us early in the morning that you had awakened. At that time, there were so many classmates present, didn't they all Can you survive?"

Xie Ning almost laughed out loud, "The person who can push his best friend out of the house for more than ten years to serve as zombie food, is now suddenly shrouded in holy light and sympathizes with those classmates who can't even pronounce their names?"

"I really don't know whether I should say that your acting was terrible, or that your whole person... exuded a trace of falsehood."

"Ma Yu, I think I have never been sorry to you, right?"

"You lived with your grandmother in the West City since you were a child. My mother took care of you and me, and to be honest, I took care of you and my grandson."

"As long as I have a mouthful to eat, you will have a mouthful to eat. From childhood to adulthood, in our elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university, you ask yourself, how can I be sorry for you?"

Real tears welled up in Ma Yu's eyes, "Do you think I was willing? I was just trying to save myself. Who knew you had awakened your powers at that time? We saw you had a high fever and thought you were going to mutate."

"You are always so self-righteous. You hide everything and don't say anything. How will we know if you don't tell us?" Ma Yu screamed.

Xie Ning nodded slightly, took back the knife and smiled lightly, "Yes, save yourself, I really have no reason to blame you."

"What's wrong with saving yourself? No one's life is more precious than your own."

"You're right." Xie Ning took a step back slightly, then suddenly turned around and left with a serious face.

Everyone looked at her leaving figure in bewilderment. They didn't understand why Captain Xie had just put away his sword and left after all the words were said.

"The subject of the scan is a parasitic alien species."

"As the name suggests, parasitic alien species are newly developed in the X world and are the third creature between evolved humans and ordinary humans."

"There is a source of parasite inside the parasitic alien body. Condensation body, you have to be careful. If you kill the alien species here, the source of parasite will come out of the body, and everyone in the vehicle will probably suffer."

"The source of parasitism depends on the situation. The parasites in some alien species are quite powerful and can almost directly control the main body. The condensed main body in front of you is an example of the parasitic source being higher than the main body."

"Once the parasitic source causes an abnormal riot, it must be controlled as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause widespread casualties."

"Has it sensed your presence?" Xie Ning took a deep breath and hurriedly got out of the car to ask, "I mean, what kind of parasite source is that?"

"Probably not. I have always been in the subject's space and am only connected to the subject's spirit. It is impossible for the parasitic source to detect my existence."

Xie Ning took a deep breath, lit the binding bracelet and walked straight to the back.

"Gu Chen, come quickly."

When Gu Chen received a few words from his girlfriend, his expression suddenly became serious.

He had a hunch that something was wrong.

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