The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 473 Thousands of Miles Frozen

Zheng Feina glanced sideways and curled her lips speechlessly.

Seeing this, He Zhi stretched out his hand and pulled down her sleeve.

Zheng Feina couldn't help complaining, "Why are you dragging me? I'm not wrong. Isn't it ridiculous? These are not people. Strictly speaking, they can no longer be called human beings."

"Zhuang Xinyi didn't know anything about the situation, so she immediately jumped out and showed her mother's heart. Before blaming others, shouldn't she understand the actual situation?"

"I just said don't bring her out to make the mission more difficult. Doesn't this make our revitalization team look down upon?"

Zha Peng was very embarrassed, glanced at them, and quickly ran over to chase Zhuang Xinyi.

Zheng Feina sneered, "That's enough."

Soon, Zhuang Xinyi's suppressed cries and Cha Peng's soft comfort came from over there.

He Zhi grabbed Zheng Feina and said, "Bring them all out, please stop saying a few words."

"Go, go, you're used to being a good old man. Every time I attack her, you get in the middle of it. By doing this, you're not protecting her at all. You're hurting her, you know?"

"If it weren't for the fact that Cha Peng and you were always there to protect her like bodyguards in our team from the very beginning to now, how could she still be so naive and ignorant of the world now?"

"To put it bluntly, a loving mother is a loser. She is already an adult, and you still protect her like a child. If one day she leaves us, or our team disperses and she is left alone. What do you mean? , what will happen to her?"

"Yes, yes." Good old He Zhi nodded repeatedly and carefully smiled at Zheng Feina, "I know you are doing it for her own good, so...even if you want to teach, you have to do it little by little. This kind of growth cannot be achieved overnight. .”

Zheng Feina rolled her eyes, "Look at Xie Ning's team, ah, the unity and cohesion are so good. Look at us!"

"There are two or three half-year-old boys and girls in the team! No matter how ignorant Zhuang Xinyi is, she is so old! How can she be as sensible as a few boys and girls?"

"Look at someone who jumps out and says you can't do this, you can't treat the elderly like this! You will get old too."

"Are we targeting the elderly? She doesn't understand the actual situation at all!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, calm down." He Zhi could only comfort Zheng Feina and calm her down, "Nana, don't worry, I will follow Xinyi from now on, and I will definitely not let her do anything too outrageous."

"When it comes to life and death, you still have to take care of her!" Zheng Feina rolled her eyes and huffed, "You should worry about yourself."

"Hey, I know, I know, stop complaining, get in the car first, get something to eat. You haven't even eaten dinner, you must be hungry."

He Zhi persuaded and coaxed Miss Zheng into the car, turned to look at Zheng Heng who was looking towards her, smiled bitterly and sighed.

"Take care of yourself first." Zheng Heng did not complain about Zhuang Xinyi with his sister, but simply said, "Before coming out, Cha Peng promised that he would protect Zhuang Xinyi without us having to worry too much."

"Let's go up first." Zheng Heng nodded to the other team members, "Everyone, please pay attention. We will arrive at Gushang Base in more than an hour."

"The team leader said before that there should be microorganisms in the wind and sand, which look like bugs. Pay attention to protection. Will you plug your ears with cotton? Wear goggles."

"Yes, Captain!"

Xie Ning looked at Xiao Gu and asked in a low voice, "Have you made contact?"

"Yes." Gu Chen nodded, "But it will take some time for Gyeonggi to send people over to deal with them."

He frowned slightly, "And we can't stay here long."

So after much deliberation, he thought that he should only be able to leave some team members to watch these savages until someone came from Gyeonggi.

"Don't worry about this." Xie Ning smiled confidently at him, "Just ask my mother."

"Aunt Song has a way?" Gu Chen looked slightly happy.

Song Youai was helping the members of Team A tie up people nearby. When she heard Xie Ning and Gu Chen calling her, she hurriedly ran over.

Seeing the beautiful couple standing together from a distance, Song Youai's eyes turned into peach shapes.

My daughter and Xiao Gu are truly a match made in heaven. How come they are so matched? The more I watch, the more I like it.

"Mom, Xiao Gu, I have something to ask of you!" Xie Ning said with a smile.

"What's the matter, Xiao Gu? No need to ask, just ask." Song Youai laughed, "As long as Auntie can do it, I will definitely help you."

"Aunt Song, Ningning said you have a way to trap these people here? Prevent them from escaping."

Song Youai blinked and turned to look at her daughter in confusion.

Her client didn't know she had this ability...

Xie Ning also winked at her and made a rather joyful gesture, "Mom, use that ultimate move! You told me before."

Song Youai's eyes lit up, "Oh, yes, yes, Xiao Gu, it's easy to trap them, just seal them in an ice wall."

"Aunt Song can make such a big ice wall now?"

"Hahahahahaha!" Song Youai laughed comically with his hands on his hips, "Auntie, I am a fifth-level superpower now. It will not be a big dream to reach the sixth level in a few days."

Xie Ning looked at her mother expressionlessly.

I don’t know who this braggart learned from, it’s a bit too much…

"Don't worry, Xiao Gu. You gather these people in one place, and I will create a prison for them."

"Then if it is completely frozen, will it..." Gu Chen coughed lightly, "Suffocated to death?"

These people indeed deserved to die, but they had to be handed over to the base for unified processing. He did not have the power to deal with the life and death of these nearly a thousand people at will.

"No, no, no," Song Youai said with a sure expression on her face, "I'll leave a few more gaps for them, and I'm sure they won't die. At most, they'll jump from the cold."

"Aunt Song, I'll leave it to you!" Gu Chen became happy.

Auntie really did him a big favor.

Song Youai nodded with a smile, and when Gu Chen ordered the team members to drive all the wild men to the center of the field like ducks, Song Youai began to use her ultimate move.

Xie Ning stood aside, preparing the magical well water, staring at her mother.

The cold air began to release from her body, and a powerful energy spread out in all directions.

Li Dawei, Zheng Heng and the others all cast a surprised look at Song Youai, and everyone crowded behind Gu Chen, Lu Wei and others.

Mainly because it was too cold when standing in front, and I could only feel the cold rain hitting my face.

Ever since he reached the fifth level, Song Youai's ice-making skills were beyond ordinary people.

At this time, thousands of miles of ice spread all the way, making even ice superpowers feel ashamed.

"What are you doing, you??" When the old lady with the flower-armed man saw this, her eyes widened in horror and she screamed, "You can't do this!"

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