But who cares about her?

Everyone looked at Song Youai with all their attention.

Several ice power users even went to Song Youai's side one after another, wanting to get closer and take a closer look.

The speed of freezing was unexpectedly fast.

Five minutes later, the center of the field was covered by a wall of ice that blocked out the sky and sun.

There are also many gaps in it, which does not affect the air circulation.

The most amazing thing was that the ice wall was crystal clear. Standing outside, they could clearly see the terrified expressions of the savages inside.

The few savages closest to the ice wall were shouting desperately, stretching out their two legs tied together and kicking hard.

However, it does nothing but make their unlucky legs feel even colder.

The ice wall was motionless, and they probably wouldn't be able to break it even if they relied solely on their manpower to knock and kick it.

In addition, these people had their hands and legs tied tightly before, and they were unable to break free for the time being. They could only rely on some people nearby to roll to the ice wall and kick them randomly, but it was of no use.

Several ice power users cheered and gathered around Song Youai. They looked at her with bright eyes and asked repeatedly, "Auntie, how do you do this skill? Does it consume a lot of energy?"

"What level is it? My level 4 feeling can't create such a large ice wall. Can Auntie give me some experience?"

Xie Ning squeezed her way through the crowd, sweating all over the place, and handed her mother a bottle of magical well water.

Song Youai took a big sip and felt the supernatural energy rising up in his body, recovering a lot in one go.

She glanced at her daughter in surprise, but said nothing in front of so many people.

"so far so good."

"It consumes a lot of energy." Song Youai smiled and replied to the group of young people around him, "Don't worry, when you reach the fifth level, you will feel the power of your powers increase significantly."

"When I build this ice wall, I will probably consume 80% of my superpowers."

"Wow, it's only 80%." The young ice superpower said with envy, "Auntie is so awesome."

Xie Ning's head was black and she was squeezed out by a group of superpowers. She could only look at her mother helplessly.

Several ice superpowers blew their rainbow farts as if they were free of charge, blowing loudly and saying "Auntie is awesome," as if Song Youai was their biological mother...

Xie Ning couldn't help but look away.

But indeed, my mother is quite powerful.

An ice wall more than ten meters high, together with a thin ice roof, is equivalent to locking these people in a frozen conference venue, completely isolated from the world.

At this time, there was some chaos inside the ice wall.

Mainly because some people wanted to roll to the edge and use their legs to push on the ice wall. As a result, the crowd was extremely crowded, and it was easy to squeeze in others by rolling around.

Some of the grumpy old men stretched out their legs to kick the butts of those who rolled over.

They started kicking each other randomly, but no one was convinced, and eventually it turned into kicking and biting each other.

Everyone stood outside, watching it with great interest.

"Auntie, how long can this ice wall seal them? Will it continue to consume your supernatural energy?"

"Twelve hours should be guaranteed." Song Youai said very confidently, "I'm not sure if it will take longer."

"It will continue to consume some abilities, but compared to the abilities of creating ice walls, it's nothing."

This means that the consumption is basically negligible.

"That's awesome, auntie."

"Auntie, can you teach us?"

"Of course. We are all ice-type superpowers. Don't talk about teaching or not. It's normal for us to communicate with each other and learn from each other's experiences."

"Thank you, aunt."

"Auntie, let's add a friend!"

"Yes, yes, aunty, add me, add me!"

Gu Chen originally wanted to squeeze in to say thank you to Song Youai, but he was pushed out by a group of teammates and couldn't squeeze in for a long time.

After looking at everyone speechlessly, Gu Chen turned his head and looked at his expressionless girlfriend, bursting into laughter.

"I picked up a girlfriend on the side of the road, come with me." Gu Chen smiled and took her hand, "Auntie's ice power is so powerful, it must have been guided by Ning Ning. Ning Ning is the most powerful, Ning Ning is my eternal goddess."

Xie Ning:......

"It's useless to say so many nice things. It still can't cover up your dishonesty in concealing the truth."

Gu Chen blinked with an expression of "Girlfriend, what are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending, I've seen through the mystery of you." Xie Ning cast a look at him pretending to be serious, "Tell me, what kind of fancy second awakening ability is that of yours? It's pretty good at hiding it."

When Gu Chen heard this, he suddenly showed a bitter expression, "Girlfriend, do you know everything?"

He quickly squeezed her hand and said, "I didn't hide it from you on purpose."

"I know, you have gone to Comrade Song Youai to report the situation a long time ago." Xie Ning rolled her eyes and said, "You are the most cunning, and you fooled my mother for a long time, but what did you say? She didn't know anything about her situation. have no idea."

My mother is also a funny guy. She pats her thigh and talks to her. Xiaogu talks nonsense for a long time. It seems that he has said everything, but he seems to have said nothing...

Gu Chen rolled his eyes at her, "Okay, I'll confess, I'll confess everything. But Ning Ning, you have to send four. After I confess, you can't dislike me, let alone hate me! Okay?"

Xie Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She raised her head and glared at him, "Stop talking nonsense and tell the truth."

Gu Chen nodded pitifully, "Okay, I'll explain everything to you."

He pulled her away from the crowd and murmured in a low voice, "I have a very strange power."

Xie Ning couldn't help but roll her eyes, "What, you want to fool me again like you fooled my mother?"

"No way!" Gu Chen looked down at her with a smile, "No one can fool me, Ning Ning."

"Speak quickly and don't try to change the subject."

"My second awakening power seems very powerful, but in fact it is quite useless. It is a power similar to destruction." Gu Chen paused and said, "Wait a moment."

Xie Ning was thinking about the meaning of Gu Chen's words.

A power similar to destruction?

Not long after, they saw a young and somewhat familiar man running towards them.

"Hello, captain, hello, sister-in-law!" the young man shouted.

Xie Ning raised her eyes and looked at him, "You are the one..."

"Yes, that's me! Wu Meng from Traffic Police Squadron 1."

Xie Ning smiled at him and nodded, "How are you mastering the space blade?"

Wu Meng touched the back of his head in embarrassment, "This is my first glimpse of the world. I still have a lot to learn from my sister-in-law."

The young man smiled like a flower. In a blink of an eye, he saw his brother staring at him with a serious face. He quickly adjusted his flower-like expression and said seriously, "Captain, I'll let it out right now."

In the blink of an eye, Wu Meng waved his hand and released an open coffin, with a zombie lying inside.

Through the scarf and mask, Xie Ning could smell the corpse smell and couldn't help but stare at her boyfriend.

What kind of quirk is this? Put a zombie in the space?

"Ningning, look!"

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