The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 490 Is it so strenuous?

Not only were blue flames swimming around Xia Yuanyi's body, but the surrounding area was surrounded by metal plates and crackling thunder and lightning.

This sour taste may only be felt by those who are sealed in the space barrier. What is complete despair?

Song Youai looked on, dumbfounded, and silently closed his open mouth under the mask...

The daughter's move was so cruel and cruel that even the alien ancestors would be scared to the point of peeing if they saw it.

Xie Ning expressionlessly handed Song Kexin a bottle of well water to replenish energy, "Keep setting fire."

She asked Kress in the spiritual network, "How is it?"

"Still alive." Kress replied in a serious voice, "Damn it, why can't he be burned to death?"

"How are your vital signs?"

"It's reduced a lot, but it's still alive." Kress continued to answer.

"How come this thing is still alive after being burned for so long?" Xie Ning couldn't help but complain to Little Spider.

The little spider was so frightened that he stumbled back, "Dear Lord Subject, it will take a long time for the parasite to burn, but it won't take more than half an hour."

Xie Ning was furious, "You want to burn for half an hour?"


Each parasite source needs to be burned for half an hour to exterminate the species. So what if we encounter more such monsters in the future?

The little spider is actually very scared...

It feels like the main body of Condensation is extremely cruel and terrifying to people in the X world.

Fortunately, I am a good boy and surrendered early. As expected, I can only live long if I don't commit suicide.

Xie Ning asked Kress to open the mental power on the other side to isolate the small space, and pulled the other alien bound by the wood-type rattan in front of him, and followed the same method to wreak mental havoc.

Now Lu Wei also witnessed it with his own eyes. The cruelty of the little girl towards the alien species was simply unspeakable...

Xie Ning asked Butler Youn to come over and set fire to another alien together.

At the same time, she performed even more inhumane torture on the third alien species...

This time, he used space blades to cut the opponent, commanded Xiao Lu to bind him with wooden thorns, and asked Xiao Gu to throw thunderballs.

The most terrifying thing is that the energy-replenishing well water that the little girl handed over almost continuously replenished the energy source in everyone's body.

Sure enough, after burning for half an hour, Xia Yuanyi and the parasite in his body turned into a pool of blood.

After another quarter of an hour, the other two were also dead.

Xie Ning had a cold face, and her two delicate eyebrows were almost wrinkled like caterpillars.

Song Kexin drank half a bottle of well water and cautiously called out, "Sister?"

Xie Ning took a deep breath, "If killing aliens is so difficult, I think we should reflect on whether there is a better way to deal with it."

It takes a long time to kill one person?

With so much effort, what if alien species appear one after another in the future?

The little spider hiding in space doesn't dare to say a word of nonsense.

Although it actually wants to say that it takes a lot of effort to create a mutant in the X world, and mutants are not as common as green vegetables and radishes on the streets.

But as soon as he felt the terrifying spiritual aura released by the condensed body, the little spider didn't dare to say or do anything.

Detecting that the main body of the condensation was under low pressure, the little spider thought silently in his heart: At this time, any stimulation of her nerves will lead to extremely tragic things happening...

"In the future, please test carefully and see how these three alien species are doing."

"There are no vital signs." Kress muttered in a low voice.

"Condensing the main body, the parasite source has been destroyed, and I can no longer feel any breath of the parasite source."

Xie Ning's face was still very solemn.

Turning around to face my sister's sweaty face, she was angry and funny, "You've been sweating profusely after burning for half an hour. I think you're weak. I'll start exercising more tonight. All the physical training I did before will be repeated in the future." times."

Song Kexin:? ? ? ? ?

no! No, sister! Song Kexin actually wanted to say, I wasn't sweating profusely due to arson, I was frightened to the point of sweating by your terrifying mental pressure...

Song Youai gave his niece a helpless look, and his mouth, which was hidden under the mask, was actually curved.

Although Xinxin is a bit miserable, it feels a bit funny. Why?

This is probably the legendary lying gun.

Thigh Pendant Comrade Gu Chen carefully moved to his girlfriend's side and whispered comforting, "Ning Ning, don't worry too much. Although the alien species is difficult to kill, it is not completely impossible to deal with."

"At worst, we can recruit more fire-type superpowers when the time comes. I think it won't be impossible to cope with it with everyone's strength."

"That's right." Lu Wei nodded again and again, "There are quite a few fire-type superpowers in our base, so it's not like we don't have any countermeasures."

Xie Ning didn't feel comforted, she was still a little...uneasy.

Turning his head and looking at the corridor filled with black blood, he took out a large handful of water from the portable tap water balloon on the terrace and threw it at it.

After repeatedly washing the metal plates on the ground, they were returned to unused containers in independent spaces.

There was no blockage, indicating that there was no trace of living beings on the metal plate.

She was slightly relieved and suddenly turned her head to look again.

The corridor was empty.


"Here, there!!" Comrade Song Youai, who was suddenly called by name, tensed up and straightened his back.

"Seal the corridor."

"Okay, okay." Song Youai didn't dare to say anything bad, and he didn't even dare to ask his daughter why she was like this.

A large freezing technique was used to freeze the entire corridor in front of the laboratory door.

Classmate Song Kexin stuttered and asked, "Sister, what are you suspecting?"

Xie Ning walked towards the frozen corridor step by step, with an extremely cold and sharp glint shining deep in her eyes.

The cold snow in front of me seemed to be slowly forming a mist.

Xie Ning gradually saw a black thing like a small earthworm, sticking to the laboratory door handle and sliding down to the ground.

Putting away that trace of mental foresight, a smile appeared on Xie Ning's lips.

"What a tenacious vitality!"

Deep in her snow-cold eyes, there was a hint of murderous intent without any ripples.

A dense spiritual capture net was suddenly placed on the door handle of the laboratory, and a short and sharp scream was suddenly felt in the spiritual world.

The mental power instantly turned into a substantial dagger and plunged into the body of the little black earthworm.

As traces of black energy continued to escape outwards, Xie Ning expressionlessly waved numerous space barriers to isolate all the black energy.


Song Kexin was startled and quickly released a dozen blue flames.

Butler Youn realized it later and hurriedly set fire to it.

After burning for a full five minutes, Xie Ning felt the screams in the spiritual world gradually disappear, and then her expression calmed down.

The little spider was startled and stammered, unable to speak, "You, how did you discover the condensed subject?"

It wasn't even detected!

"Intuition." Xie Ning's eyes were as deep as the abyss.

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