This may be an instinctive intuition about danger accumulated over many years in the last life of the previous life.

She instinctively felt a sense of danger spreading, which words could not describe.

"This parasitic source was burned to ashes and there was still half of it left." Song Youai and the others felt extremely horrified.

If only just now, Ning Ning had not turned around and asked her to seal the entire corridor.

Does that mean that this half of the parasitic source can slip away quietly from under their noses and find another parasitic host?

The expressions of everyone present became solemn.

"Sister, I will burn the corridor again!" Song Kexin volunteered and threw out several balls of blue flames, burning every corner of the corridor.

Now her flames are basically within her control, only burning the target and bypassing the rest.

Butler Youn could not yet achieve this kind of precise fire control ability, so he followed Song Kexin to help make up small fires.

Kress surveyed the entire corridor carefully and mentally several times, and finally took a deep breath and said, "Nothing."

Xie Ning nodded, and the strange feeling in her heart gradually subsided.

This instinctive sense of crisis had brought her back from the brink of death many times before.

This time is no exception.

Doing her a big favor again.

Including the ability of spiritual precognition, we must continue to increase our efforts to practice in the future, and the more skilled we are, the better.

Xie Ning walked to the heavy laboratory door, twisted the metal door lock, and opened the laboratory door in minutes.

At this time, Yu Tianfeng ran over with several people.

When he saw the laboratory door open, he quickly followed Xie Ning and the others in.

The entire laboratory wall is light blue, surrounded by rectangular fish tank-like glass dishes.

They were stacked one on top of the other, and the water inside was a bit turbid.

The laboratory is very depressing. As soon as you walk in, you feel dizzy and your eyes feel a little uncomfortable.

Xie Ning's eyes passed over the glass dishes in front of her, and finally settled on the front.

The large fish tank in the middle is much larger than the glass containers next to it.

Through the thick glass, everyone could only see some muddy yellow water.

Xie Ning's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly gave instructions in the mental network: "Spiritual barrier!"

Without thinking, Kress activated his mental power and erected mental barriers around everyone.

At the same time, Xie Ning drew out a ray of mental power and condensed it into a knife, slashing directly forward.

No one reacted, and the next moment they felt as if their heads had been hit by something. There was a "buzz" sound, and their expressions changed drastically.

Gu Chen was not as responsive as Song Kexin and others. When everyone covered their heads and lowered their heads, he could even concentrate and look towards the source of the sound.

I saw half of a strange thing crawling out of the big glass dish.

It has a human-like head, but its face is very ferocious.

The green-faced fang looks like a monster, with no hair on its head, but a pair of filamentous gills growing out from behind its ears.

I saw it slapped the glass plate hard, and the turbid water inside rose and fell.

Gu Chen and Lu Wei saw clearly at the same time that the green-faced fanged monster was slapping the water with a fish tail more than one meter long.

"Fuck you." Song Kexin covered her head, raised her eyes, and let out a quintessential Chinese cry, "What the hell is this? A mermaid?"

Yu Tianfeng took out a pair of noise-cancelling headphones from his bag and stuffed them into his ears wrapped in a heavy scarf.

The world feels much cleaner.

He took the medical kit and took a step forward, "I didn't expect that there is a laboratory for studying fish monsters hidden in the Gushang Base Medical Center."

"I'll go take a look first."

"Wait a minute." Xie Ning pulled the kid back.

"This thing is too disgusting. If the mermaid looks like this, how can the prince still want her??" Song Kexin shook her head and followed Yu Tianfeng's example to reach for the noise-cancelling headphones from her bag.

Xie Ning glanced at them, expressionless, "Are you stupid? It's not a sonic attack, it's a mental attack."

What kind of noise-canceling headphones are there?

Song Kexin pulled at the earphones for a moment, then zipped up her backpack in frustration, "Sister, what should we do now? Can we still walk there at a close distance?"

"Are the things in these glass dishes next to me all mermaid monsters?"

Although so far, the glass dishes next to it have been quiet and motionless.

But if they were all mermaid monsters that could attack mentally, then they would have to exit first.

"It's okay." Kress said with a serious face, "According to my mental test, the ones next to them should still be in the deep sleep stage of their childhood."

"Where did you get this kind of mermaid?" Song Youai was surprised, "Does everyone else in Gushang Base know about it?"

"Probably only people in the laboratory area know." Xie Ning said calmly with a sullen face.

This is the end of the world, so it’s not surprising that all kinds of monsters and monsters are crawling out.

"What is the name of the leader of the Gushang base? Is there something wrong with him? Why does this base plant mutated plants like inhibitors and breed this kind of mermaid monster?"

Gu Chen nodded, "There must be something wrong."

The problem is quite serious.

According to Huang Genmei's people, Chen Zheng died half a year ago.

Did these things begin to be cultivated after Chen Zhaowei came to power, or did they exist before?

No matter what, there must be something wrong with Chen Zheng and Chen Zhaowei.

"Then we have to go to the underground shelter to find them later?"

"Let's wait until everyone is gathered." Gu Chen looked solemnly and turned to look at Lu Wei.

Lu Wei nodded, "I'll report it right away."

It seems that we need to report the strange situation here to Gyeonggi in real time.

Including the strangeness of Chen Zheng and his son, as well as these mutated plants and the freaks in the petri dish.

Yu Tianfeng put on double protective gloves, turned around and smiled at everyone, "It's okay, I'll go over and take a look."

Gu Chen pulled him back without any expression, "Wait a minute!"

He sent a bolt of thunder and threw it into the glass dish.

In the flash of lightning, the turbid water in the glass began to crackle.

Yu Tianfeng was still distressed, "Nonsense, you killed it, why are we still studying it? Stop fussing quickly and let me collect samples."

Xie Ning was a little dumbfounded, "You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

"Have you never experienced the mental attack of this thing?"

"Let Kress use the mental net to control it first, and then we will accompany you there."

Yu Tianfeng blinked, "Okay, you guys move quickly! A dead experimental subject is of little value."

Everyone divides labor and cooperates.

First, let Kress use his mental power to isolate the glass container in front of him.

Just in case, Xie Ning erected space barriers around it, enclosing the central glass vat.

After doing this, Xie Ning and Gu Chen led Yu Tianfeng, who was eager to try, towards the glass dish.

Lu Wei immediately connected the phone to the official conference room in Gyeonggi Province and directly transmitted the picture.

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