Suddenly, everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Inside is a large laboratory warehouse, containing many brand new and unopened experimental equipment and consumables.

The instruments are arranged neatly from large to small and placed on one side of the long table.

Xie Ning and the others walked in and took a look, then used the spiritual network to contact the space superpowers Wu Meng and Ji Taixian to come over and help Yu Tianfeng receive the goods together.

When the two came over, they saw a strange-looking thing lying in the sewage on the ground, and they both looked at it curiously.

"Xinxin, what is this?" Ji Taixian looked surprised and involuntarily moved a few steps towards Song Kexin.

"Be careful, that thing is very powerful, it can launch mental attacks."

"Is it a human?"

"It's not a human!" Song Kexin rolled her eyes at him, "Xiaoyu just tested it and found that this thing has no human life characteristics at all. It is a mutation of a large fish."

"Oh." Ji Taixian originally wanted to say, what kind of big fish could mutate into such a ghostly state, but when he saw that everyone was neatly packing up the equipment in the laboratory, he hurriedly shut up and rushed to help.


Xie Ning pointed to a circle of lamps hanging on the surrounding walls, "These are lamps made by metal superpowers, with fire energy burning inside."

"No power consumption."

"Okay." Yu Tianfeng looked up and said, "This is more energy-saving. Let's knock down all these lamps and take them away together."

"Okay, okay." Ji Taixian nodded several times and started working together, quickly dismantling the metal lamps hanging above one by one and installing them into his own space.

Xie Ning gave them a funny look.

This is a group of guys who have nothing but bald skin.

However, this style of leaving nothing behind is still worthy of praise...

Everyone packed up the various equipment and consumables in the laboratory, regardless of whether they were useful or not, and swept them back into the space.

Xie Ning took out a bundle of metal thorns from the container, transformed it into a metal thorn cage, and put it on the ugly mermaid.

The Ugly Mermaid didn't know if it was due to being overly tortured by Yu Tianfeng before, but she was still wilting now and couldn't bring herself to have any energy.

Xie Ning didn't care about it. After putting the cage on it, a metal whip came out of his palm and shook the thing into the cage.

The ugly mermaid opened her eyes weakly.

A pair of small black bean-like eyes stared at them rather bitterly.

Xie Ning frowned.

"I'm afraid I can't keep this thing. Are you sure you want to transport it back to Gyeonggi?"

"It's okay." Yu Tianfeng didn't know when he took out a huge syringe from the space.

Everyone standing around him was shocked.

"what is this?"

"Things like sedatives can help it sleep."

It's better to just take it with you after sleeping, rather than having to guard against its mental attacks and commotion from time to time while you're awake.

Xie Ning waved her hand and sealed the bottom metal frame, sealing the ugly mermaid in a metal cage.

At the same time, Yu Tianfeng's big syringe has also been pushed into the ugly mermaid's body.

"This mutated fish has a very high defensive power." Yu Tianfeng explained to everyone, "And it also has some cherished spiritual powers."

"It is of great research value."

"Besides, if you kill it, its fish skin can probably be used to make several sets of very unusual armors."

Xie Ning raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

A chain was tied to the cage, "Who will drag it."

A member of Group A walked out beside Yu Tianfeng and silently took the metal chain.

Yu Tianfeng gave Xie Ning a funny look, "Don't dislike it, Ning Ning. The armor made will definitely be invulnerable. You will like it."

"Thank you." Xie Ning glanced at the ugly mermaid and felt that wearing that kind of fish skin armor would definitely not be very beautiful.

Yu Tianfeng saw the disgust in her eyes and shook his head in amusement, "Don't worry, it's not allowed to be worn by you, it's just a shell."

"And when the time comes, it will be polished and some other metal things added, so it won't be so ugly."

"No one else can buy it even if they want to! Only our Spark Team has this kind of privilege to get the best armor first."

Gu Chen rarely felt that what Yu Tianfeng said was more reliable, so he did not refute him.

No matter how ugly it is, it is still a high-end armor. It would be better to give Ning Ning an extra layer of protection.

An hour later, everyone finally packed up all the equipment in the room and returned to the corridor happily.

Song Kexin trotted over, "I've burned every corner again. Sister, why don't you use your mental power to check it again?"

Xie Ning nodded approvingly towards her sister.

When you go out to do a task, you need to be careful and be cautious in everything you do. After all, in such a big environment, it is very likely that one wrong step will lead to the next wrong step.

Xie Ning used her mental power to cover the entire corridor, carefully searching the front, back, left, and right, including the gaps in the ceiling.

"Okay." The instinctive prediction of danger has not been activated, indicating that this place is indeed safe enough.

Song Kexin breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Youai also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Then let's go down now. Your second uncle and the others are still waiting for us in the workroom downstairs."

Xie Ning said lightly "Oh", her attitude was not very enthusiastic.

Song Youai didn't dare to say anything. He smiled and called everyone to go to the corridor.

When going down the stairs, Xie Ning kept letting go of her mental energy to scan around, but found nothing unusual.

It shows that the source of parasitism has indeed been completely resolved.

"Is every source of parasitism so difficult to deal with?" Xie Ning used her mental power to communicate with the little spider, "This is still so difficult to burn after Song Kexin's supernatural fire was upgraded."

"Aren't those third- and fourth-level fire-type superpowers unable to deal with parasites?"

"Yes." Little Spider said with emotion.

The main body of the condensation is actually very powerful, but the parasite source is really troublesome.

"Using fire to attack the parasite source is the most effective and simple method." Little Spider Hui reported, "The parasite source on the condensed main body and these three alien species can only be regarded as Class B."

"People like Ma Yu are A-level parasites, and they are more powerful than the three of them."

"And the parasite in Ma Yu's body can already control Ma Yu himself. That one is more difficult to deal with. The main body of Ning Ning needs to think of a way to deal with it."

The source of parasitism is higher than the main body. Xie Ning feels a headache when she thinks about this.

This means that this damn parasite is likely to break away from its body at any time and escape invisibly.

And as long as half of the parasitic source survives, it can resurrect and come back.

It's a real headache.

"Ma Yu, please don't touch her yet." Xie Ning said calmly with a calm face. She sent a message to Kress through the mental network, "Can your mental power mark Ma Yu's location?"

"Let me try."

After a while, Chris sent a message to her, "It has been marked, but five percent of the supernatural energy needs to be consumed every hour."

Xie Ning breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

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