The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 494 What the hell is going on?

Anyway, she can supply an unlimited amount of replenishing well water, which is enough to seamlessly connect the power consumption.

Several people packed up the equipment and consumables in the laboratory and hurried to the workroom to join other team members.

"Aunt, are you all okay?" Song Shijun came forward and took a closer look at everyone.

There was a violent vibration in the whole building just now, which scared everyone in the workshop.

Chen Jiajia even encouraged his father Chen Chong to run away immediately with his men, thinking that the building was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Chen Chong's IQ was online and he did not agree to his daughter's unreasonable request.

At this time, seeing Xie Ning and his party returning safely, Chen Chong deliberately put on a smile on his face.

"Leader, leader, leader. It's great that you all are back safe."

Gu Chen glanced at him and looked at him carefully, "How come you are not contaminated by sandworms?"

Chen Chong almost vomited blood at the man's words.

Why, everyone on the Gushang base will be attacked by sandworms?

Although he was very angry in his heart, he had to pretend to be cheerful on the surface, "Leader, you don't know something. We didn't move to the underground shelter with the large army."

"You've been guarding the laboratory?" Xie Ning interrupted Chen Chong directly.

Chen Chong was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly, "Yes, yes."

"Then you must know about those ugly mermaids raised in the laboratory?" Yu Tianfeng raised an eyebrow, "What does your base commander want to do with such a big move?"

Chen Chong wanted to say that he didn't know, but after a few glances, he noticed the expressions on Xie Ning's and others' faces, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "Yes, I know a little bit. But we are generally not allowed to go to the experimental area."

"We only patrol the outer part." Chen Chongqi Ai Ai replied, "Leader, we are just some small superpowers. We just follow the orders given by their senior managers."

"That's right." Chen Chong was surrounded by several familiar-looking supernatural beings who shouted together, "We were all kept in the dark and have no idea what they are doing."

Xie Ning had some impressions of these people.

Shen Wei, the teaching director of Suzhou No. 2 Middle School, and several of his colleagues are also colleagues of Xu Yu.

These people have met before.

However, it has been a long time, so I only have some initial impressions of them.

However, Song Youai saw that these people all looked dishonest and couldn't help but choked, "You guys should stop trying to clear up the relationship."

"Do you think we are stupid?"

"You still want to lie to people!" Song Youai sneered, "Don't you know what the laboratory is doing?"

"Otherwise why don't you have sandworms on you?"

Xie Ning nodded, "The mutated bugs in the wind and sand like to suck the energy source of people with superpowers."

"You don't have any traces of sandworms on your body, which can only mean one thing."

Chen Chong's heart skipped a beat.

Chen Jiajia was the first to lose his composure and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense! What do you want to do? Do you still want to create conflicts between us and other people with powers?"

She glanced nervously at Sister Huang and the others, "Aunt Huang, Uncle Zhongping, don't listen to this woman's nonsense. We are all from the same base, and we can't let others take advantage of it."

"Why are you nervous?" Xie Ning looked at her with a faint smile, "I haven't said anything yet!"

Being so nervous is not a sign of guilt.

Huang Genmei also realized something was wrong at this time.

"Thank you, Captain, please speak clearly."

Xie Ning glanced at Chen Chong and his daughter, "If my guess is correct, the base has been testing drugs to inhibit the growth of superpowers."

Xie Ning does not need to explain this again.

Because everyone knew very well at this time that Dr. Jade had already explained before that there was a mutant plant planted around their base, which naturally controlled the growth of superpowers, and the inhibitory effect was very obvious.

This mutated plant is even one of the main reasons for the growth and growth of sandworms.

"The reason why you don't attract sandworms at all is not because you are so powerful." Xie Ning glanced at Chen Chong and his daughter and ordered, "Search them!"

"What are you doing? What are you doing!!" Chen Jiajia panicked on the spot, turned around and was about to run out.

But how could she get faster than a few guys from Group A? They directly held her arms down and turned her around with a pincer.

Song Kexin jumped forward and punched her in the stomach.

Chen Jiajia opened her eyes wide, and before she could cry out in pain, she watched Song Kexin pull out a red rope from under her neck.

There is a small bottle tied to the red string, only the size of a thumb.

But a green medicinal liquid was clearly visible inside, flowing freely.

Song Kexin handed the small bottle of medicinal solution to Yu Tianfeng.

Yu Tianfeng started testing on the spot.

At the same time, Chen Chong, Shen Wei and others on the other side were also controlled by the members of Team A and could not move.

"What are you doing? What do you want to do??" Chen Chong choked his neck and roared, "Don't think that there will be no law after the end of the world. Why do you have to search? What right do you have to search... uh?"

Lu Wei released a circle of vines and tied the person tightly.

They took out the same small bottles of green liquid from the pockets of these people's pockets.

Xie Xueli, Huang Genmei, Liang Zhongping and others all changed their expressions.

"What, what is this?" Xie Xueli's face was full of anger.

A few minutes later, Yu Tianfeng put away the testing equipment with a calm expression, turned around and smiled at everyone, "It is similar to an insecticide. But the function is to wear it on the body, which is enough to effectively prevent insect bites."

"In other words, this green liquid has a smell! We humans can't smell it, but it is very unfriendly to sandworms."

"Sandworms will stay away if they smell this liquid."

Xie Ning raised her lips and said, "Xinxin, fight!"

Song Kexin opened her bow from left to right, punching Chen Jiajia hard with a few punches, and used her as a punching bag to practice boxing.

Next to the key was Ji Tae-hyun, a good-for-nothing with a distressed look on his face, muttering incessantly, "Xinxin, don't hit your hands because they hurt! Put on the gloves and hit again!"

Everyone barely looked at them!

Xie Ning's face was expressionless and sullen, ignoring Chen Jia Jia's shouting voice, and turned to look at Chen Chong, whose eyes were about to burst, "Do you want to explain?"

"You woman!!" Chen was so angry that he almost went crazy.

This is the case again, she really has the most vicious heart of a woman, beating her daughter every time to force him to submit.

Just like the time at the competition venue a year ago, it was exactly the same, and it was also aimed at his daughter!

The means are bad and outrageous.

"Keep beating!" Xie Ning ordered calmly, "Kill them to death and throw them out to feed the sandworms."

"No, don't! Don't." Chen Jiajia's liver and gallbladder were split, and his eyes widened in fear, "Dad, dad! Save me, dad."

Chen Qifeng couldn't help but struggle, but someone suppressed his arm so hard that he couldn't move at all.

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