"I said, I said anything! Don't hit her, don't hit her!!" Chen Chong is really a loving father.

However, I don’t know how many innocent lives were lost under my loving father.

Xie Ning sneered and said, "Tell me what's going on and what the hell are you doing."

"What do you outsiders know? There was a superpower riot at Gushang Base more than half a year ago."

"The superpowers in the base think they are superior to others and ask for privileges from the leader of the base, Lion."

"Since then, the leaders of the base have become more cautious and know that those with malicious powers are very unreliable."

"Planting mutant plants that inhibit the growth of supernatural powers around the base is also a helpless move."

"Chen Chong, don't talk nonsense!" Huang Genmei couldn't help but refuted, "I have been at this base for more than a year. Basically since the beginning of the apocalypse, I brought my mother and her family here to live life."

"What's going on in the base, do you know better than me? There's nothing like what you said about the riots by superpowers half a year ago."

"Why, we don't live in the same base as you??" Huang Genmei almost laughed in anger, "And you've only been here a few months, so why are you talking about something that happened more than half a year ago?"

"Do you still have clairvoyance? Can you see things clearly before you came here?"

Hearing this, Liang Zhongping nodded and replied very pertinently, "Captain Xie, don't listen to his nonsense. I know them. Chen Chong and his daughter brought this team to our Gushan base, and it will only last for half a year at most!"

"How does he know what happened more than half a year ago?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Chen Chong showed a proud look on his face, "This information was told to me personally by the new base director's personal secretary, okay?"

"Who? Are you talking about Fan Yusen?"

"What does he know? A pretty boy who was newly promoted to the stage by Chen Zhaowei." Huang Genmei chuckled.

Gu Chen looked at him curiously, "Since Chen Zhaowei thinks that people with superpowers can do evil, why does he use you so highly?"

"Yes, what's so special about you?" Huang Genmei looked at Chen Chong, "Did you also have an affair with that boy Chen Zhaowei? I heard that he is a homosexual!"


This Comrade Huang Genmei really lets herself go.

Chen Chong's face turned red, "What the hell!"

He wanted to curse, but when he saw that everyone on his side was being held on the ground by Xie Ning's people, he had to hold back and said, "His surname is Chen and my surname is Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Chong roared angrily, "Chief Chen and I are family members separated by a generation. How could he not trust me?"

"Oh, you mean, you are trustworthy and we are all villains??" Huang Genmei was so angry that her head almost exploded.

"Because of the unwarranted accusation of being framed on people with superpowers, Chen Zhaowei and his thugs secretly planted mutant plants in the streets and alleys that inhibited the development of superpowers, allowing them to grow, and eventually a sandworm storm broke out."

Xie Ning reminded, "Don't forget, Director Chen has already developed an insecticide to isolate sandworms before."

Huang Genmei slapped her thigh and cursed, "Chen Zhaowei knew early on that planting this mutant plant would attract a large number of mutant bugs."

"In other words, this mutated plant is actually food for mutated insects."

"When the sandworms finish eating the mutated plants, they will target the superpowers with energy sources! The superpowers will become their next food."

Liang Zhongping's expression changed drastically and he exclaimed, "You, you did this on purpose!"

"Brother Zhongping, don't talk to them politely at this time." Huang Genmei spat out a series of Chinese curses.

"A bunch of scoundrels, you guys are all going to cut off your descendants! I tell you, with such viciousness, your whole family will not end up well."

Chen Jiajia cried and shouted, "It's none of our business, we just follow the rules. Let us go, let us go."

"What's going on with those ugly mermaid experimental subjects imprisoned in the laboratory?" Xie Ning continued to circle back to the topic and looked at Chen Chong with a faint expression.

Chen Chong smiled bitterly, "Captain Xie, it's not that I don't want to answer you. It's true. We are only responsible for guarding. As for the functions of the things studied in the laboratory, we really don't know."

"Oh, then we can only ask Chen Zhaowei face to face." Xie Ning nodded.

Although her voice was light, it gave people a sense of solemnity.

Yu Tianfeng smiled slightly, "I feel like this new base director, since he doesn't deal with people with superpowers, must be trying to cultivate ordinary people's cronies."

"What do ordinary people need most? Of course, being able to help them fight zombies while saving their lives."

Gu Chen's handsome face was tense, and he rarely agreed with Yu Tianfeng's conclusion, "Chen Zhaowei wants to make a batch of armor or advanced weapons."

"His laboratory must be studying more than just the ugly mermaid and one mutant fish."

"As Base Chief Chen's right-hand man, you should know where the other laboratories are."

Chen Chong hesitated for a second, and Chen Jiajia was punched three more times, with tears and snot falling from his nose.

"I say, I say, I say everything! There are three experimental areas in the base, and I can draw maps for the other two."

"But you must promise not to harm me or my daughter. After the matter is over, we must let our father and daughter leave safely."

Xie Ning smiled and nodded at Chen Chong, "Okay."

When Chen Chong saw that she agreed so readily, his heart was pounding.

Xie Ning winked at the two members of Group A.

When the latter let go of his hand, Lu Wei also untied Chen Chong.

Chen Chong looked fearful and glanced in the direction of Lu Wei and the others.

It feels like it's only been a short year, but the level of these people's abilities has completely surpassed them.

It's not like Chen Chong has never seen wood-type supernatural beings before.

When they sell a base with wood-type abilities, they usually just plant a field and plant a fruit, which is very laborious.

Unlike the one in front of him, the winding and thorny wooden vine is like a toy in his hand, which can be taken away or put away at any time.

This kind of power control accuracy is simply not comparable to those of them who sell their powers to the base.

Chen Chong honestly drew two maps and handed them to Gu Chen.

The lines are drawn crookedly, and the position can barely be distinguished.

Gu Chen handed the small map to Kress again.

The child scanned it with his mental power and nodded, "I probably know where the location is. Do you want to go now?"

"Go." Xie Ning pulled up the hat of the small down jacket and put it on her head, "Are the two laboratories close to each other?"

"Totally opposite."

"Then let's go in two groups." Xie Ning glanced at Gu Chen.

Comrade Gu was a little reluctant, but seeing his girlfriend's eyes glaring at him, he could only reluctantly nod in agreement, "Okay."

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