The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 509 Experimental Subject Zero

With Xie Ning's words of reassurance, Mustache felt full of strength all over his body.

Even the courage to face fear has increased unknowingly.

The boss is really gentle and beautiful, kind and considerate to others. He is truly an invincible little fairy.

Xie Ning patted the silver storage box in her hand: "Do you know how to open this thing?"

Mustache shook his head and looked embarrassed.

"Actually, Chen Zhaowei has always been wary of me."

"Even if I have been servile and pretend to please since I took office, I can't really penetrate into their core."

"At least Chen Zhaowei never lets me ask about laboratory matters."

Mustache looked bitter, "I don't know if this is a good thing. At least now I can stand in front of the boss and say seriously that my hands are definitely not stained with any blood."

"But because of this, I actually know very little about the things going on in the laboratory. If it hadn't been for this emergency, Chen Zhaowei wouldn't have been able to transfer Experimental Subject Zero to me."

"And I think it's precisely because I don't know the password to this storage box. That's why Chen Zhaowei can safely hand over Experimental Subject Zero to me."

"Before, I pretended to be in a hurry and left Experiment Zero and some important information in the laboratory."

"Looking back now, maybe Chen Zhaowei was already suspicious of me at that time. So he actually didn't come back with me at all, but mentally controlled two masked men to be the scapegoats."

"I think he doesn't dare to directly confront you, the boss, and he does this on purpose."

"Send us little guys here. It would be better if we can luckily bring the experimental subjects and important information back safely. If not, you might want to kill me on the spot."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hu couldn't help but pat his chest: Fortunately, fortunately, the boss was vigilant, so his life was saved.

"But I've heard that their storage box cannot be forcibly opened from the outside, otherwise it may self-destruct. In this case, Experimental Subject Zero may not be saved."

Xie Ning nodded and returned to the experimental building carrying the silver storage box.

Only then did Mustache see a group of strange little dolls sitting in a row on the metal plate tied to the stairs.

There was a girl with a particularly big head who raised her head when she heard the sound. The big head almost seemed to fall off her neck, which made people frightened.

This should be the group of alien children who were previously locked in the experimental cabin.

Ji Xiu Ming's eyes turned red with anger.

He really didn't expect that such a crazy guy like Chen Zhaowei could actually do such an immoral thing.

They seem to have completely lost their humanity.

Children were directly used as guinea pigs.

Ji Xiuming felt that there was no need for such a shameless scum to survive.

It's a pity that he is soft-spoken and weak in strength, otherwise he could have eliminated Chen Zhaowei's gang of birdmen with one knife.

"Can these children be saved?" Mustache asked with red eyes.

Xie Ning didn't know if he could be saved.

At present, it seems that each individual has some degree of mutation. To what extent, I am afraid that further examination can only be done after seeing Yu Tianfeng and the others.

Xie Ning shook her head emotionally, "I don't know either."

All she could think of was to give these alien children to Yu Tianfeng to try.

Try to find a way to suppress the mutated growth hormone in their bodies.

If possible, maybe the children can grow up smoothly.

As for other things, Xie Ning didn't dare to think about it.

The power of an individual is meager, and thorny problems like this must still be solved by the strength of the group.

As for Experimental Subject Zero, there is no way to open it now.

Xie Ning could only hold it in her hand, thinking with a headache that she would wait until she saw Gu Chen and the others later.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her mind: "Mom, Mom, I know the password. Open it quickly. I'm hungry."

Xie Ning turned around and looked at the big-headed doll.

The "Don't go" she heard before going out just now, she thought it was the big-headed doll using his mental power to transmit messages to her, but now it seems that's not the case?

This spiritual sound transmission seems to be?

Xie Ning's hand holding the silver storage box tightened, she looked down at the calm box, and tentatively used her mental power to communicate, "Are you talking to me?"

"Hmm, it's me, mom, mom, please open it quickly. I'm hungry." The milky words were introduced into her spiritual world.

Xie Ning was stunned and heard several sets of numbers being revealed by the other party.

The figures are reported in a realistic manner, and they look quite similar!

Xie Ning lowered her head in confusion, and followed the instructions with her fingers to press the password on the silver storage box.

After repeating the operation several times, I discovered that there were actually 8 sets of passwords they had set.

So the question is, how did Experimental Subject Zero in the storage box know such a complicated password to open the box?

And I can still remember it word for word.

Xie Ning's finger that pressed the last key paused in mid-air without pressing it.

The sound of her milk squeezing inside entered her spiritual world somewhat unhappily.

"Mom, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Don't you want to see your little baby as soon as possible?"

He actually called himself little baby...

Xie Ning seemed to be struck by lightning, and her whole body froze.

"I'm not your mother!" She refused decisively.

"You are who you are! You are it!" The little voice said softly and cutely: "You are so beautiful and I am so cute. We are mother and son at first sight. Don't try to deny it, I know everything. ! I understand everything!”

"Those ugly white creatures tell the baby that the first thing he sees is his grandma."

"But they are all so ugly, there is no way they can be my mother!"

"Humph, they all think I'm stupid. Just seeing an ugly species can be regarded as their mother?"

"No! Yes! It's possible!" Xie Ning couldn't help laughing when she heard the child muttering and complaining. When he said the last three words "impossible", he was even gritting his teeth.

So the child’s criteria for choosing his biological mother is based on looks?

My looks are not good enough to be the mother of this child...

But the question arises again. She has wrapped herself up so tightly that her whole face is not exposed. How did the little boy know that she is good-looking and that she is very qualified to be his mother?

"I can see everything!" There was a hint of indescribable pride in the child's soft voice.

"I have a strange ability. I can see the essence through phenomena! I can penetrate the spiritual world and see the essence of the human heart!"

"No matter who is in front of me, they can't escape my discerning eyes."

"Do they think that by making the password so complicated, I won't remember it?"

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