The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 510 Happy to be a mother

"They are a bunch of fools, they are just playing tricks on their own, and they are showing off their swords in front of Guan Gong. They are so stupid!"

Xie Ning's head was filled with black lines, which was beyond words.

This little kid's vocabulary seems a bit big...

Her hand stopped in mid-air and she didn't want to press it down anymore.

Why do you feel like this kid is like a goblin?

How old is he? He speaks in a coherent manner and doesn't even take a breath when speaking.

It looks like this small box is only one meter square. It really can’t hold a child that’s too big, right?

"Mom, you dislike me, how can you dislike me?"

A rippling cry soon came from the back of my mind, the sound of a baby crying.

Xie Ning was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, this poor kid cried whenever he wanted to.

The strange-looking children on the metal plate seemed to sense something, and they immediately felt a little irritable.

The snake-shaped girl raised her head, rubbed the metal plate angrily, and kept making hissing sounds from her mouth.

Xie Ning suddenly found it strange that the Experimental Subject Zero in this small box could still affect these alien children.

So can he still control them?

Experimental Subject Zero in the box found that Xie Ning's hand paused there for a long time, as if he didn't want to press the password anymore, so he cried even more miserably and kept shouting "Mom, Mom".

Xie Ning turned to look at Mustache.

"There won't be anything wrong with Experimental Subject Zero, right?"

Why does it feel like the mental power is a bit scary, and it can make other experimental subjects have different emotions in an instant.

Mustache looked at her with a puzzled look on his face: "Boss, is there any problem? I only know that Experimental Subject Zero is very important to this laboratory, but I have never heard of any unusual behavior from Experimental Subject Zero."

"Since the password cannot be cracked, how about we take this box back first? There must be many experts at the Gyeonggi base who can open this safe box."

"Mom, I'm hungry." The sound of milk whistling pitifully penetrated into her spiritual world.

Xie Ning hesitated again and again, stretched out her hand to press the last password key, and the lid of the storage box popped open with a click.

This movement startled Xiaohu.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strong cold air in the cryogenic box, hitting him mercilessly.

His body shrank involuntarily, and Mustache looked intently into the box.

Inside the small storage box, there was a jade-like baby lying in the middle.

The whole body is white and tender, as cute as jade snow.

She was wearing a thin cotton pajamas, her eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly like two small fans.

This kid is too pretty.

Mustache felt something in his heart and couldn't help but look at the child a few more times.

Immediately, I felt as if my head had been hit by a hammer. With a bang, my whole body couldn't help but sway from side to side.

Xie Ning frowned slightly, and hurriedly reached out to hold Mustache's shoulders, setting up a mental barrier in front of him.

"If you continue to launch mental attacks at will, I will be rude to you." Xie Ning sent a mental message in a very cold voice.

The soft voice immediately echoed in her mind, "He keeps looking at me. I don't like others to keep staring at me, except my mother."

Well, Xie Ning didn't even know what to say. This feeling of being a mother simply made her at a loss.

"Mom, I'm hungry." The child's little voice kept echoing in her mind.

Xie Ning was a little confused.

Although she had previously collected a lot of milk powder in her space and could easily make a bottle for her child, she didn't know whether Experiment Zero could drink ordinary milk powder!

She didn't know what Experimental Subject Zero usually drank, so she could only give it a try.

Xie Ning took out a can of milk powder from the space and before she had time to open it, a mental voice protested in her mind, "Mom, I won't drink this. This has no taste and doesn't taste good."

"I like the bottle in my mother's bag. That's good. I like it very much."

That bottle in the bag?

Xie Ning was stunned for a moment, then took off her backpack with her backhand, took out the thermos cup inside, and looked slightly hesitant for a moment.

What she filled in the thermos cup was replenishing well water.

Yes, Experimental Subject Zero is definitely not an ordinary baby.

Xie Ning thought, he should be a strange hybrid energy body that needs to absorb energy to grow.


Experimental Subject Zero is likely to like things like crystal nuclei.

It would be too expensive to raise this little guy. You don’t drink ordinary milk powder. You just like to drink energy water?

You can't be forced to be a mother.

It’s too expensive and must be rejected!

Xie Ning gave Experiment Zero a cross in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the little boy seemed to sense it again, and Ai Ai pretended to be pitiful, "Mom, mom, I, I don't eat much, really! The baby can only eat one meal a day. And I don't eat much." , can be eaten, even dirt can be eaten!”

Xie Ning was a little dumbfounded.

Still eating dirt!

Seeing how fat and white he is, it would be better if he really eats dirt.

It’s too heartbreaking...

Experimental Subject Zero himself is not particular about things, but Xie Ning is a particular person.

She still brewed milk powder for him, but this time she used heated tonifying well water to brew it for the child.

Taking out a brand new milk bottle, Xie Ning poured the energy milk powder into it.

As soon as it was put to the baby's mouth, the little guy started sucking hard.

While eating, he did not forget to send her a spiritual voice, "Mom, this is delicious! It tastes better than all the energy liquids I drank before! This energy liquid is so rich and refreshing, I really like it. After drinking this, I can drink it again Want a bottle?"

Xie Ning was too lazy to talk to him. After feeding a bottle of energy-boosting milk powder, she wanted to close the storage box.

The little guy was unhappy, and Spirit Sound kept yelling at her: "Mom, this place is too dark and I don't like it. Can you take me into your personal space? I like it there."

"I feel like that place will make me feel very comfortable."

Xie Ning was stunned when she heard this.

She really didn't expect that the newly born Experimental Subject Zero would be so mentally powerful.

Can he still feel the portable space on her body through the air and allow people to enter? ?

Then the question comes again, can such a powerful spiritual body be contained in space?

Xie Ning immediately rejected the proposal of Experimental Subject Zero.

Now she just feels that this Experimental Subject Zero is too abnormal!

Although he is just a little baby now, he is no ordinary baby.

Xie Ning couldn't just put the experimental subjects into her own space casually, not to mention her grandparents living in the farmhouse space.

Although the experimental subject seems to be slightly harmless at this time.

But who knows?

After the end of the world, anything impossible will become possible. Anyway, you are right to be cautious.

Xie Ning closed the lid of the box without mercy, and a cold mental voice came over: Keep sleeping and don't make any noise. If you make any more noise, I won't give you milk powder, and you will be hungry all the way to Gyeonggi.

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