The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 514 A great victory

She used space barriers to separate several areas inside.

Things that are temporarily stored like this are placed in a separate compartment by her.

It is also very convenient to take it directly when you arrive.

Xie Ning opened the metal door of the warehouse on the right again.

This warehouse is a temperature-controlled warehouse, and the contents inside seem to have been completely untouched.

They are all large-scale equipment, brand-new experimental cabins, freezing cabins and other technological products.

Xie Ning followed suit and put out her mental power to check several times.

After feeling that there was no problem, in line with the good spirit of never letting go when passing by, I put everything in the warehouse, including large equipment and some instruments, into my own independent space.

Good guy, after closing it like this, the independent space that originally seemed relatively empty became a bit crowded now.

Chen Zhaowei probably couldn't take all these large equipment away at once, so he had no choice but to stay here.

What Chen Zhaowei could take away was probably some information, finished medicines, small instruments and the like.

The remaining large equipment and instruments should be a very painful blow to Chen Zhaowei.

He probably clamped his tail and ran away, but his heart was bleeding all the way.

Poor perverted man.

If he were Chen Zhaowei himself, he would definitely not be willing to run away like a lost dog with his tail between his legs.

So where will he be hiding now?

Xie Ning had a smile on her face and focused on every detail of the corridor.

After such patient inspection, I found that there seemed to be a secret door at the end of the corridor.

Because when her mental power bypassed that side, she could feel an unusual energy fluctuation.

It's just that the small secret door is built very concealed and almost blends in perfectly with the earthen corridor next to it, so no one usually notices it.

It must be something good if it is hidden so well.

Xie Ning couldn't help but perked up.

Of course, it is worth being happy to find good things, but after all, Xie Ning is also a person who has seen big scenes, so naturally she will not be dazzled by impulse. .

She remained cautious.

He used his mental power to patrol back and forth at the end of the earth corridor several times. After confirming that nothing was abnormal, he put on his defensive cloak and stepped closer to the end of the earth corridor.

Because of her caution, she soon discovered that there was a slight fluctuation of powers on both sides of the earth corridor, and the situation was strange.

Suddenly, there was a slight tingling sensation in the spiritual world.

This is an emergency warning given to her by her mental precognition ability when she encounters a very dangerous situation after her mental abilities have been upgraded.

Xie Ning did not hesitate, instantly spread her metal wings and left the place.

At the same time, the gray matter that had been dormant quietly on the earthen walls on both sides suddenly rushed toward her.

Xie Ning took a closer look and saw several gray vines.

The vines were thrown very fast. If Xie Ning hadn't been vigilant and immediately moved her position, she might have suffered a secret loss and been restrained by these vines.

Fortunately, she was cautious and had mental foresight and warning, so Xie Ning instantly avoided these vines.

When she looked closely, she found that these vines had dense barbs and some unknown pieces of meat attached to them.

Xie Ning's scalp felt numb after just one glance.

Chen Zhaowei was a bitch. Although she had never met him in person, she felt extremely murderous towards him.

This kind of person cannot be left behind. He must be found as soon as possible and dealt with as quickly as possible.

Once such a vicious and thoughtful guy is confirmed as an enemy, Xie Ning will never let him go.

At this moment, she was already planning to inform Kress and use her maximum mental energy to search for this person.

It would be best if we could quickly deal with this person here at the Gushang base.

If not, it might be a bit troublesome.

After all, it is best not to keep procrastinating on problems that can be solved quickly, lest procrastination will cause disaster and harm others and yourself.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Ning had already dodged three vine attacks and hit the golden sledgehammer at the right time.

The vine is a living thing. And it looks like it must have been transformed by people like Chen Zhaowei using potion, so it looks like this... thick, strong and ugly, with hidden thorns.

As long as it is a living entity, it will be easy to solve.

As long as something like this finds its foundation, it can be uprooted at once.

In front of him, there were piles of dancing vines, making it completely difficult to see clearly.

However, Xie Ning's mental power traveled through the wall without any obstacles, and she found the burial place of the vine roots in one go.

It's on the back wall of the darkroom.

Xie Ning did not hesitate, and the hammer fell, causing the wall to rustle and dust to fly.

The mutated plant seemed to feel that danger was approaching, and it waved its vines on the branches more and more crazily, lashing towards Xie Ning one by one.

If she were hit by this vine, an ordinary person would definitely be covered in barbs. However, Xie Ning relied on the defensive cloak to help her carry it. She walked back and forth among the branches and vines, slashing with several knives, and a piece of it fell on the ground. A dead branch twisting like a snake.

Xie Ning landed on the ground, crushed half of the dead branches with her heels, and when countless vines rolled towards her again, she flapped her wings and took off.

The little girl set up a circle of knives on the outer circle of her defensive cloak, and the metal knives were spinning around her body. No matter which vine attacked desperately, it would inevitably lead to its own destruction.

After another ten minutes of stalemate, Xie Ning quickly found a breakthrough with quick eyes and hands, and his whole body was wrapped in a metal knife and rushed inside.

The vine scraped against the metal knife and fell down, causing the mutated plant to make a shrill chirping sound.

"Call you uncle!" Xie Ning stabbed the knife into the wall of the darkroom door with her backhand. She felt the tip of the knife hit something hard, so she stabbed it hard again happily.

The shrill screams became louder, and the entire earth corridor wall was cracking.

At the same time, Ji Xiuming, who was standing in the middle of the small courtyard, also felt a slight earthquake-like tremor coming from the ground. He quickly grasped the chain of the metal plate cart and cast a worried glance towards the entrance.

Half an hour had passed, and he didn't know what happened to the boss inside. Ji Xiuming felt a little panicked for no reason.

After another fifteen minutes, the feeling of ground motion became stronger and stronger. Ji Xiuming held the metal chain and walked around the space barrier, praying secretly for safety.

At this time, a gray-faced head emerged from the top of the hole and flew out of the hole with a whoosh.

Ji Xiuming's eyes were very good, and he could see clearly that it was Xie Ningfei who had come out. He immediately smiled and waved to her, "Boss!"

Fortunately, the boss was okay. If something went wrong with the boss in the underground warehouse, Ji Xiuming would probably regret it to death.

Xie Ning swooped down, waved her hand to unlock the space barrier around them, "Let's go, run out!"

Ji Xiuming pulled up the metal truck and ran away without saying a word.

A ball of gleaming green light spread out from the depths of the cave.

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