The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 515 Must thank you in person

Xie Ning made a quick decision.

He immediately took out a metal plate that glowed with electric light from the space.

Not only was this metal plate crackling and flashing with lightning, it also had rows of sharp barbs denser than needles.

The hammer in Xie Ning's hand was instantly replaced by this metal plate covered with lightning and barbs.

Seeing the group of sandworms emitting green light rushing out of the hole, she didn't hesitate to face it with the metal plate in hand.

How did the mutated sandworm know that the humans in front of it were so ungrateful to martial ethics.

Take a death metal panel and let them pounce on it one after another, destroying themselves.

Although the sandworms were very dense, the lightning metal plate in Xie Ning's hand was not covered with it.

In just three to five minutes, the green light went out and fell to the ground like rain.

This scene was captured by the expressionless Xie Ning, with no ups and downs in her heart.

The mutated sandworms were not fools. Seeing that they could not break through Xie Ning's defense from the front, they flew into the sky one after another, trying to attack Xie Ning from above and from the back.

Seeing the mutated sandworm approaching fiercely, Xie Ning quickly moved the metal plate to her side with one hand, flying up and down, dancing in an airtight manner.

She hung up and down in mid-air, using the metal panel as a shield.

Because of its mental pulling effect, it can accurately predict the direction of the sandworm attack every time.

No matter whether these mutated little sandworms moved from top to bottom or from left to right, they could not break through Xie Ning's defense line after several attempts. On the contrary, more and more people died.

At this point, the ground has been covered with a fine layer of white sand.

At first glance, it seems to be connected with the surrounding ice and snow, which is quite artistic.

Xie Ning controlled the metal power to block the metal plate behind her, then took out a power gun from the space and turned it around.

A raging line of fire emitted from the barrel of the gun, overwhelmingly attacking the mutant sandworms around it.

The reason why these little bugs need to be contained in the yard is to eradicate them completely. It is best not to release even half of them.

She had already set up a space barrier around the empty yard. Even though these little mutated sandworms could penetrate the sky and the earth, they could not fly out of this palm-sized sky.

Xie Ning spent another five minutes burning all the mutated sandworms, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After flicking her wrist and putting away the metal plate and the supernatural gun, Xie Ning continued to carry the silver storage box and walked out of the small courtyard with a calm expression.

Ji Xiuming didn't run too far.

He was dragging a metal cart and stood under an old tree two hundred meters away, looking worriedly at the sky.

Seeing Xie Ning walking out of the courtyard with a gray face, Ji Xiuming's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but exclaimed with joy, "Boss, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xie Ning smiled at him.

The reason why we were able to obtain the large amount of supplies left by Chen Zhaowei so smoothly this time was definitely due to Comrade Ji Xiuming.

Previously, she dug out hundreds of boxes of large and small crystal nuclei in the underground darkroom at the end of the earth corridor, as well as a large amount of strategic materials.

It looks a lot like the national reserve warehouse on the Gushang base.

The supplies are complete and the varieties are rich, almost everything you need is available.

Because the independent space was a little too crowded, Xie Ning could only temporarily throw all these things above the villa courtyard.

The blue boundary line of space could no longer be seen in the sky above the courtyard. When Xie Ning looked up, she could only see densely packed materials.

The space in the courtyard could be stacked up to an infinite amount, so she could hardly bear to look directly at it now.

Although I am very happy to see the great harvest, the densely packed things hanging above my head are, ahem, too depressing.

Fortunately, she had already donated the mountain-high supplies she had collected from the Canghua Home Building in Jin City to Zuo Li.

But now it seems that that small pile of supplies, compared with the supplies collected in the reserve today, can be described as a ditch and the sea.

Chen Zhaowei is really a rich man who can shed oil.

It's a pity that with so many things, all he could take away were some of the research equipment and pharmaceutical information that he considered the most important. The rest were all in vain for classmate Xie Ning.

Xie Ning felt that she should thank Chen Zhaowei on behalf of the people at the Gyeonggi base. After all, he was so generous, which was beyond imagination.

The best thing is to find Comrade Chen Zhaowei and express gratitude to him in person.

Xie Ning thought of this, and smiled very friendly at Ji Xiuming, raised her hand to pat away the dust and dirt on her head and body: "It's not a big deal, it's just that the hole inside collapsed before I left, so there was a problem. A little embarrassed, but nothing else."

Ji Xiuming saw that she spoke with ease, and he understood in his heart that it took the boss forty-five minutes to complete the entire underground warehouse. During this period, he must have experienced very dangerous things, and he must not have been as lighthearted as she said.

"Did Chen Zhaowei install any other mechanisms or other things in the underground warehouse?"

"There are no mechanisms." Xie Ning shook her head. "He kept a lot of mutated wild dogs and mutated wild wolves inside. He probably wanted to launch a surprise attack. Unfortunately, these things are no match for me."

"Finally I found a darkroom, but was attacked by an extremely powerful mutant plant at the door of the darkroom."

"The mutated plants are at least level five."

If it were someone else here, he would really have to be found in the dirt corridor of the underground warehouse.

Fortunately, Xie Ning's abilities were quite strong and she was not tricked by Chen Zhaowei.

That's why she was so eager to meet Comrade Chen Zhaowei in person and repay him for his deep kindness.

Ji Xiuming patted his heart and let out a breath, "It's okay, okay, if something happens to you in there, I really don't know what to do."

Xie Ning raised her hand and patted his shoulder, "Let's go, let's go to the meeting place now."

If nothing unexpected happened, Gu Chen and the others should have arrived at the meeting point. They might have been a little impatient waiting.

Xie Ning took the metal chain from Ji Xiuming's hand and dragged a cart of strangely shaped children forward.

The big-headed doll girl raised her head and looked around curiously.

The diffuse wind and sand whizzed across the oilcloth, making a rustling sound.

She turned away her big head very unhappily and made a weird sound.

Xie Ning smiled, put a hand through the mouth of the oilcloth that blocked the wind and sand, and gave each of them a bucket of yogurt.

Then he turned around and threw a heavy backpack to Ji Xiuming.

Ji Xiuming was stunned and quickly waved his hands to refuse, "No, no, I'm already under your protection, how can I ask for your things again?"

"This is just a small reward. We will reward you based on your merits when we return to the Gyeonggi base. Let the leaders at the base make good arrangements for you."

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