The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 517 Changing the Meeting Place

What's so awesome about her? Isn't it the end of the world that will change everything?

Feng Jiamin curled her lips and muttered with dissatisfaction, "Don't worry, even for the sake of the Feng family's face, she won't dare to do anything to me."

"The old man of the Gu family had a close relationship with my grandfather before. Even if my grandfather is not here now, Mr. Gu, who is so nostalgic, will definitely make the decision for me."

"If she dares to go too far with me, I will not let her go!"

Mo Wanrong smiled and responded softly, "Yes."

When he raised his eyes, he saw Team Shark, Team Hungry Wolf, and Team Jin Shihaoting all turning around and walking away with Xie Ning and the others...

Feng Jiamin was stunned and quickly shouted, "Hey, what are you doing? You are all crazy, it's not like your child is missing and you are following him to join in the fun."

The gold-type captain of the Shark Team didn't even look at Feng Jiamin and the others, and said coldly: "We are all from the same team. Now a teammate is missing. Since we have the ability and free time, it doesn't hurt to go and help. We won't As cold-blooded as some people are."

Feng Jiamin was scolded as cold-blooded and couldn't help but stomped her feet in anger. She pointed in the direction where the three teams left and cursed in a loud voice: "You say you are so righteous and invincible, but don't you just want to please Xie Ning? Do you want to show off in front of Xie Ning? ?"

"What's wrong if I don't want to go? If you still have such bad intentions after the end of the world, be careful not to know how you will die in the future!"

At this time, Zhou Bing, the captain of the second team of women's superpowers who had been silent from beginning to end, spoke calmly.

"If you had the power of the Invincible Supreme, others would surround you and support you to please you. If you don't have that fate, don't be envious and jealous. Let's go."

Everyone else was laughing muffledly, secretly observing Feng Jiamin's angry green face.

"Captain, please tell me clearly. What do you mean by envy, jealousy and hatred?" Feng Jiamin chased after them reluctantly, "Oh no, you, why are we following them back?"

"A message has been sent to the group. The meeting place has now been changed to the underground shelter. Everyone else is there too, so why don't you go? If you don't go, you can stay here alone to watch the gate."

Mo Wanrong twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling that the captain had not spoken for ten thousand years, but every time he spoke, it hurt his heart.

Zhou Bing usually doesn't care much, but he seems to know everything about the team.

Vice-captain Feng Jiamin handles daily affairs, including accepting and handing over tasks.

Zhou Bing also saw that although Feng Jiamin was arrogant, she was capable and managed things well, so she kept her in the position of vice captain.

At least with Feng Jiamin here, I, the captain, can have a lot of leisure time...

After all, Feng Jiamin relied on her family background. Usually, her second team could get the green light in the base to accept sales tasks, clean equipment and apply for weapons, which was actually good for the entire team.

It would have been better if she didn't have that broken mouth, Zhou Bing thought.

Even she found Feng Jiamin's buzzing mouth very annoying, not to mention someone like Captain Xie...

People disdain to talk to Feng Jiamin, a bastard, but maybe they have already been thinking in their hearts to find a place with few people to kill and bury her.

Zhou Bing felt that he had saved a teammate's life. If Feng Jiamin was a sensible woman, she should be grateful to her and never be ignorant of good and evil.

Feng Jiamin belatedly took out the binding bracelet and took a look.

Sure enough, there was a latest news popping up on it.

Feng Jiamin was so angry immediately that she gritted her teeth and muttered secretly: "You are really holding me back. If you didn't have to go back to find the child, why would Brother Chen give such an urgent order?"

Little did he know that after walking in the sand and going back and forth for more than three hours, Feng Jiamin now felt a little exhausted.

Thinking that it would take more than half an hour to walk from the entrance of the base to the shelter, Feng Jiamin felt an unknown evil fire in her heart rushing straight to the top of her head.

So depressing!

That bad girl from Team Spark would have gone missing sooner rather than later. It would really kill someone to have to disappear at this time.

Xie Ning and the others knew that Feng Jiamin was very resentful, and they could hear the deliberate banging sound she made while walking through the crowd.

Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh coldly. If she had the strength to toss, she could continue to toss. Anyway, walking with heavy steps like this would not consume Xie Ning's physical strength.

Zhou Bing couldn't stand it any longer and glanced sideways at deputy captain Feng Jiamin, "What are you doing? Do you have the strength but no place to spend it?"

"Captain Gu ordered to gather at the shelter because there is a very difficult situation there, and the men's supernatural teams are a little confused. It's not entirely because they are looking for that child, right? "

"Anyway, the directions are exactly the same. What do you have to complain about? Isn't it just a matter of convenience?"

"You also said that you know your brother, but it turns out you are the one who knows him the least!"

Zhou Bing continued to complain with an expressionless face, "When did Gu Chen do anything for personal gain? After the child disappeared, he didn't lead Xinghuo's people all the way to find it. When did he trouble you?"

Qu Lanping listened on the side and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Oh Zhou Bing, Tieshu is different when he speaks. I feel that you are very reasonable when speaking. You are so good at talking. Let's talk more about it in the future."

Zhou Bing had a dull look on his face and didn't want to say anything.

The main reason why she doesn't want to speak in front of others is because of this Comrade Qu Lanping!

She always likes to tease herself. As soon as she opens her mouth, Tieshu will speak. Who would want to talk like this again?

A team of female players grabbed the captain's shirt for speaking out loud.

Qu Lanping pouted.

Zhou Bing, the captain of the second team, just can't bear to make jokes. When she makes a joke, she grows an iceberg face.

Huh, what a boring person.

Song Youai, who was worried, only then noticed that his daughter was dragging a metal cart with a group of little children sitting on it, followed by a man with a lewd smile.

Seeing her turn her head, Mustache quickly pulled down his mask and nodded at her, smiling so hard that his teeth couldn't be seen.

The two mustaches trembled slightly in the wind, and they looked really distinctive.

"Ning Ning, who is this brother?"

"It's the deputy next to Chen Zhaowei at the Gushang base."

"They were the ones who broke through all the obstacles this time and sent sandworm photos and information to the Gyeonggi base."

Thinking of the pervert Chen Zhaowei, the base commander, Comrade Song Youai immediately respected the mustache.

Looking at him now, I feel that his face is full of justice and awe-inspiring, without any trace of vulgarity.

"Oh comrade, thank you so much. If you hadn't sent us the message, we would still be in the dark about such a big thing happening here."

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