The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 518 Danger is approaching

If the sandworms are allowed to breed and migrate over a large area, the entire Gyeonggi base will be in danger.

"Thank you so much, thank you."

When Song Youyi and the others heard Xie Ning's words, they quickly thanked Mustache.

The mustache pulled on the mask and waved his hands repeatedly, but he felt very happy in his heart.

Although he does not need praise or rewards from others for doing this, being recognized by the vast majority of people means that his efforts have not been in vain.

Song Youai and the others looked at the group of alien children on the metal plate car again, and before they had time to say anything, they heard Feng Jiamin and the others making a fuss again.

"Who are these people?"

Just now, Feng Jiamin was in a hurry to argue with Xie Ning and the others, so she only glanced at the metal truck being dragged by Xie Ning.

She didn't even notice that the metal truck that Xie Ning was dragging was filled with strange and alien children.

Now that she could see it clearly, Feng Jiamin couldn't help but look horrified. She reached out and pointed at the most conspicuous snake-shaped girl with a head bigger than a watermelon, and screamed repeatedly, "This is a monster."

"You are the monster." Child Zhu Nanxing couldn't help but choked again, "Our teacher said that only with a monster's heart can everyone look like a monster."

Mo Wanrong's eyes widened and she pulled Feng Jiamin, who looked frightened, back a small step.

She couldn't stop looking at Xie Ning up and down.

Seeing Xie Ning's calm expression and calm expression, dragging the metal cart forward, Mo Wanrong couldn't help but swallowed her saliva and asked timidly, "Captain Xie, where did you pick up these children?" Are you here? Are you... thinking of taking them back to the Gyeonggi base?"

"if not?"

Originally, she didn't want to talk to Feng Jiamin and the others, but these people kept chattering and went too far, and Song Youai couldn't help but get angry.

"Otherwise, just leave these three- to five-year-old children here and let them fend for themselves. We can't do what you can do."

Mo Wanrong's face turned slightly pale after being criticized.

Feng Jiamin said unconvinced, "My friend didn't mean to say that. It's just that these children look very strange. They don't carry any viruses and can infect other people, right?"

Xie Ning glanced behind her.

Feng Jiamin and others were far behind the team, not knowing how far away they were from her.

"If you want to be infected, you must infect me first. What does that have to do with you?"

"You are so far away from them, without any skin contact, and have never had a conversation, how can you be infected?"

"If there was a respiratory infection, I would have mutated long ago, and now you will be the first one to eat."

Song Youai nodded heavily, "You're uneducated and you still like to talk nonsense, so shut up!"

"These are victim children that my daughter rescued from the lab."

"They were locked up in a laboratory by Chen Zhaowei, the director of the base where they were sold, and they were injected with some mutant hormones to become what they are now."

"A doctor in our team has seen it and said that this situation can be controlled with medication."

"What, how can you be more professional than a doctor?"

Feng Jiamin's face changed slightly and she said weakly, "I'm sorry, I don't know the specific situation. I thought it was because the feng shui of this base was not good and everyone would mutate..."

She didn't know that all of this was the fault of the base director of the base. Wasn't this excusable?

Why are you so fierce?

"Shut up!" Song Youai glared at her angrily.

Feng Jiamin knew she was in the wrong, so she glanced at the children and silently closed her mouth without speaking again.

Mo Wanrong smiled and said softly, "Then, if the situation of these children is under control, will they become like normal children?"

At this time, even Fan Youchen, the second-rate captain of the Jinshi Haoting team, couldn't bear to listen. He rolled his eyes and choked, "What do you mean, Bai Lianhua, I cut off your arms and legs. If you treat them again, can they be put back together completely?"

This definitely can’t go back to the past!

Captain Xie also said that he could only control the mutated hormones in his body, but did not say that he could definitely cure the root cause.

This woman still asks such a feeble-minded question. Isn't this poignant?

What kind of white lotus are you pretending to be?

Fan Youchen, the eldest son of the Imperial Palace, has seen as many as eight thousand women, if not ten thousand. He has seen too many white lotuses like this one, and he can spot them with his fiery eyes.

This was the first time in her life that someone called her White Lotus to her face. Mo Wanrong bit her lip in embarrassment.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Mo Wanrong stabilized her mind and apologized hastily, her eyes turning a little red, "I'm also worried about these children, after all, they all look so young."

"The base director who sold the base was so inhumane that he actually performed experiments on these children."

"By the way, where is the current base director Chen Zhaowei? Did you find him during your search of the laboratory?"

She was met with silence.

Mo Wanrong didn't feel embarrassed at all. She glanced at Xie Ning secretly and pretended to sigh, "That's really a bit dangerous."

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Indeed, it would be of no benefit to their entire team to have such a perverted person buried in the dark. Who knows when that sick base commander will suddenly show up and bite them hard?

"Could it be that the little girl in your team was kidnapped by Chen Zhaowei?" Qu Lanping asked out of curiosity.

"I don't know, but I don't rule out this possibility." Xie Ning replied objectively, reaching out to hold her aunt's cold hand, and comforting her softly: "Yue Yue will definitely be fine."

Ever since Yueyue awakened the mutation-type wood power, Xie Ning had given Yueyue the wood-type energy ball to use.

Although Yueyue started quite late, she should have the ability to protect herself as a supernatural being. What's more, her wood type also comes with mutated healing abilities, which cannot be compared with ordinary wood type.

Generally speaking, as long as it's not particularly dangerous, Yueyue should be able to handle it on her own.

When children grow up, it is impossible to cultivate them in a greenhouse every day.

This is also the reason why everyone unanimously decided to take a few children on the road together during this operation.

The top priority is to find the location where Yueyue fell before we can find a way to solve it as soon as possible.

At the same time, Su Xiyue woke up in an old and dilapidated generator room.

Through the circles of wooden vines and vines, as far as the eye can see, the walls and the ground are stained with spots of blood.

The sound of a machete suddenly fell into his ears.

With the clanging sound one after another, every nerve in Su Xiyue's whole body from head to toe could not stop being tense.

"Do you think everything will be fine if you hide inside?"

"What a fool, if you have the guts to remove all the wooden rattans outside!"

"You dare!"

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