Chen Chong's eyes were about to burst and he shouted Chen Jiajia's name.

But Chen Jiajia rushed ahead because he ran too fast, and he had no time to stop him.

Therefore, he could only watch Chen Jiajia being enveloped by the bright green light.

Chen Chong beat his chest and feet, cried out his daughter's name in a heartbroken voice.

But no matter how much he yelled, it was of no use.

After a few minutes, the bright green light receded from Chen Jiajia's body, leaving only a rustling wreckage in the wind and sand.

Chen Chong cried and shouted and ran forward, trying to pick up his daughter's bones scattered on the ground.

The green light flew up and landed on his palm again.

Only now did Chen Chong realize that he had thrown himself into a trap?

He lowered his head and glanced at his flesh-filled palm, which was almost eaten away by sandworms in a matter of minutes.

Chen Chong's eyes widened in horror. He didn't even have a chance to call for help. In an instant, he was completely eaten up by the small sandworms that were approaching quickly.

He probably won't understand until his death what went wrong.

Xie Ning's eyes fell on the entrance to the dilapidated Gushang Base.

Three corpses that had been sucked clean by sandworms stood there, with eyes like black holes staring at them faintly.

"Alas." Xie Ning closed the window, turned to look at her smiling boyfriend, and whispered, "I don't know what Comrade Xiaoyu did. Chen Chong and his daughter died too quickly. "

"He should have replaced the pesticide solution, or directly added some other substances to the solution, causing qualitative changes."

Xie Ning nodded.

In short, Chen Chong and his daughter were deceived by their own self-confidence.

If they accept the labor reform at the Gyeonggi base peacefully, they might be able to survive for a while longer.

Unexpectedly, he jumped out of the car and fled, and ended up hurting both of them.

"Ning Ning." Gu Chen pulled up a curtain to block the dazzling sunlight coming in from the outside.

He picked up a heavy bag and handed it over, "I asked people to clean it up quickly to see if it is of any use."

Xie Ning opened the bag and looked down. It was a bag full of crystal nuclei of various colors.

You can help people around you one after another and quickly improve your own abilities.

Xie Ning turned to smile at Gu Chen and whispered, "Take out the energy later and give it to you to distribute to others."

Gu Chen's eyes lit up and he nodded hastily.

My girlfriend is such a kind and beautiful little fairy. She actually wants to help improve the overall strength of her teammates. Those monkeys are really lucky!

Xie Ning pressed her body against the window glass, stared at the gray sky outside the window, and said softly, "It seems like it's going to rain."

Half an hour later.

The anxious survivors of the Gushang base huddled together, staring at the pea-sized raindrops outside the car window in a daze.

The downpour had started minutes ago.

The rain was so heavy that the wipers scraped the car windows back and forth, giving people an unusually dull feeling.

The world is gray.

The water vapor seemed to have completely engulfed the entire sky and earth, giving people a feeling of extreme irritability.

The rain came quite suddenly.

It was as if a hole had been ripped through the sky, and the rain was pouring onto the ground desperately.

The originally very cold day was washed away by the rain, and an extremely cold air rose up all around.

Xie Ning rested on a pillow, feeling a little drowsy.

After a night of hard work, almost everyone fell asleep at dawn.

Until the heavy raindrops fell on the windows, waking people up.

When Xie Ning raised her head, she felt someone pass her hand over and straighten her head that was lying on the side.

The pillow behind his neck was gently adjusted.

Xie Ning opened her eyes with a confused look on her face and turned to look at the pouring rain outside the window, "How long have I been sleeping?"

"About half an hour."

Xie Ning stretched out her hand and yawned, "Then I'll sleep a little longer."

Gu Chen stuffed a soft cushion behind her again and gently held her hand, "Well, let's sleep for a while. I'll ask you to get up for breakfast when it gets completely bright."

Xie Ning nodded, originally just wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, I looked at the time on my wristband and saw it was almost half past ten.

"Why didn't you call me?" Xie Ning yawned and raised her hand to rub her eyes.

"I see you're too fast asleep." Gu Chen smiled at her.

Xie Ning discovered that there seemed to be a hint of sadness between the man's brows.

"What's wrong?" Xie Ning sat up straight and cheered up.

Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh, "Look outside."

Xie Ning glanced out at the window glass, then opened her mouth in surprise.

"What's going on?"

How long has she been sleeping?

Why, when I opened my eyes, the outside world changed drastically.

At this moment, I looked over and saw a vast expanse of water.

Fortunately, their trucks and buses have high chassis, so they can barely drive in heavy water.

It's just that the driving is a bit difficult.

And we don’t know how long this flood situation will last.

If this continues, their entire convoy will probably be forced to stop.

"It's been raining for half an hour?"

There's something wrong with this amount of rainfall.

How could there be so much water on the ground when it normally rains for half an hour?

"Well." Gu Chen was quite worried, "We have to hurry up and hurry up. If we are blocked by floods..."

Although he didn't say anything later, Xie Ning also understood.

This is never a good thing.

At this time, the other members of the Spark Team who were originally drowsy were also awakened by the sound of rain washing.

Everyone looked up at the rain pouring down the ground outside the window, their expressions a little confused.

"It's raining too much." Song Kexin straightened her back and looked out the window.

It was nearly noon, and it was so foggy outside that I couldn't see anything clearly.

"This rain... is so weird." Song Kexin murmured to herself.

The misty situation outside, for some reason, made people feel a little panicked.

A series of buses and trucks were rushing forward through the water, and the water splashing on both sides was half a meter high.

Xie Ning felt inexplicably uneasy and looked out the window from time to time.

Zhu Yong frowned and suddenly said, "If this continues, our car will probably stall when it reaches the deep water area ahead."

Gu Chen made a decision immediately, "There is no other way. We can only put the car away and organize them to move forward on foot."

As a result, the time consumption is difficult to estimate.

I don’t know how long it will take to hike back.

"Send a message." Xie Ning stood up and glanced at the vast expanse of water, "I'll leave the space first."

After her voice fell, she disappeared from her seat.

When I was collecting supplies at the dock, I never thought about loading a boat into space.

Xie Ning had a headache.

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