The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 538 Give me a pillow if you feel sleepy...

There are quite a few wooden ropes and the like existing in the farmhouse space.

But it takes a certain amount of time to make a wooden raft, not to mention there are so many people here, it is not practical to do this.

In just over half an hour, the road in front of her turned into a vast ocean. Xie Ning didn't say a word, but in her heart she felt that the situation was very serious.

If the rain doesn't stop, the road will turn into a river in more than an hour.

When Xie Ning returned to the farmhouse space, the two elders hurriedly came forward and asked cautiously, "Is Yueyue okay?"

"It's okay, grandpa and grandpa, Yueyue is safe and her level of super powers has improved a lot."

When the two elders heard that nothing happened, they breathed a sigh of relief.

When they learned that Yueyue was missing, they felt a little uneasy even in the farmhouse space.

Now that I know that my granddaughter is safe and sound, I can't help but have a smile on my face.

"Did something happen again?" Song Yaoguo asked with a serious face.

Xie Ningyuan didn't want to hide anything, so she nodded when she heard this, "It started to rain heavily outside, and the roads were almost flooded. I came in to see if there was anything I could use."

The second elder followed her towards the warehouse, "Ning Ning, tell us if you have anything to do. We have nothing else to do here, so if you want to help, just ask."

"It's raining so hard outside now, it's too late to build a raft right now."

Xie Ning took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, grandpa and grandma, I'll go to the warehouse to check first."

She remembered that there should be a lot of life-saving equipment on the first floor of the farmhouse's storage warehouse. Things like floating ropes, life vests, etc.

It's better than nothing, Xie Ning thought, ducking into the storage room to rummage around.

The little broken parrot flew in, flapping its wings and continuing to chatter, "Little Master, little Master, what are you looking for? Little Master, I can help you."

"My lord, as long as we establish a spiritual connection, no matter where you are, I can dig out your things and give them to you."

"I can rummage through all your space for you."

"We have spiritual power, so what are we afraid of, right?"

Xie Ning put a few lifebuoys on her front and back, and suddenly stopped her hands, "What did you just say?"

The broken parrot flapped its wings and flew up and down, "We have spiritual power, so what are we afraid of?"

"No, the previous sentence."

"I can give you all the space you have with my spiritual power..."

Xie Ning's eyes lit up, she grabbed the parrot and said, "Let's go."

She found that her brain was not working well and she had forgotten one thing.

Just before, the seventh-level space superpower from the X realm sent her space from thousands of miles away, showing little courtesy but great affection.

Later, due to a series of delays involving the alien children, she never went to check out the gift given to her by the seventh-level space superpower.

Xie Ning held the croaking parrot in her hands and stood by an open water area, her eyes shining brightly.

"Oh my God." Xie Ning stood there and exclaimed.

The little broken parrot followed her and exclaimed "Oh my God".

One person and one bird stared at the scene in front of them with two pairs of eyes in amazement.

The water stretches to the sky and is vast and boundless.

Xie Ning used her mental power to radiate out, but she was unable to touch the edge of the pool.

A casual search with mental power will reveal that the pond is filled with abundant aquatic products.

A seventh-level space system user is truly amazing, actually holding such a large pond with abundant aquatic products.

No wonder that person was so committed before and wanted to cooperate with her.

Sure enough, it has strong capital.

Thinking back now, Xie Ning remembered that the superhuman called Xiaoyu had clamored that he owned a super-large fish pond that the world could not imagine.

In addition to all kinds of edible aquatic products, there are also many other supplies inside?

When Xie Ning thought of this, she couldn't wait to release her mental power and look around along the vast water space.

"Xiao Huang, you really made a profit this time." Xie Ning held the broken parrot's head and shook it excitedly.

"My lord, you almost knocked me out."

Xie Ning ignored it and her mental power continued to spread outward.

There are about twenty smart mobile warehouses for supplies neatly placed beside the pond, the kind that can be entered by swiping your face.

Of course Xie Ning can't brush his face, but metal-type superpowers can enter any metal door or window. This is the advantage of superpowers.

In addition to some common food and daily necessities collected by Xiaoyu, there are also two warehouses full of high-end nutrient solutions.

In addition, there are many high-tech products from the X world.

Xie Ning didn't have time to check them one by one now, her eyes stayed on the row of boats parked by the pond.

I have to say, the people in this X world are really very polite.

He really gave Xie Ning a pillow as soon as he fell asleep...

There are everything from wooden boats, rubber dinghies, Zodiacs, ordinary power boats, etc. to medium-sized cruise ships, cargo ships, and large three- and four-story cruise ships.

These vessels are all new. Looking at the style of the assault boat, it is slightly different from the assault boats they had before the end of the world.

It should be an emerging product invented by the X world.

Xie Ning rubbed her eyes and looked face to face with the little parrot holding its head in its hand.

"Can you swim?"

"My dear, are you stupid? Have you ever seen a bird swim? At most, it can just glide across the water like a dragonfly."

"I can swim." Xie Ning smiled at it, "Put a rubber band on my body and I can swim to the stars and the sea."

On the little parrot's furry face, the pair of small croton-like eyes seemed to be rolled up.

"Then, little master, you still have to drag your family with you and swim to the sea with them."

"As long as the water outside doesn't cover your chest, you can leave." Xie Ning didn't want to take out these dazzling high-tech products from the X world and use them as a last resort.

However, with a batch of life-saving supplies in hand, Xie Ning couldn't help but feel reassured.

After grabbing the little broken parrot and returning to the farmhouse space, Xie Ning happily hugged her grandma and jumped, "Grandma is fine, she's fine."

The old lady looked at her granddaughter with gentle eyes, and smiled along with her ups and downs of emotions, "I knew our Ning Ning was the best."

Xie Ning took out a small bucket and handed it to her grandfather.

"Oh, these two black fish are so big and fat."

"Grandpa, grandpa, I want to eat rattan pepper fish fillet for lunch today."

"Okay, okay." Song Yaoguo smiled happily, "Grandpa will fillet the fish right now. The remaining fish bones can also be used to make soup."

Xie Ning nodded repeatedly, picked up two cups of red bean milk tea and left the space.

The little broken parrot flapped its wings and flew above the old man's head, shouting noisily, "Grandpa, grandpa, I want to drink water. Just now, the cerebellar tiger snatched half of my water, grandpa."

"Wait a moment. Grandpa will fillet the fish first and then get you some well water."

When Xie Ning went out, she heard her grandpa and the broken parrot talking to each other, angry and funny.

Not to mention, after the mental mutation of this poor parrot, it seemed as if it had become spiritually intelligent and became more and more anthropomorphic.

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