The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 561 Do you dare to kill even my contribution points?

On the side of the fire-type superpower, countless golden threads as thin as threads have been tied into his fist, and each one penetrates his fist, leaving it full of holes.

Xie Ning glanced at the man, and a very cold smile appeared on his lips, "It seems that your fists are not as tough as your words."

There was a trace of fear and hatred in the eyes of the fire superpower user, and he looked down at his scarred fist.

Fresh blood dripped from between the fingers.

How could this happen?

Is this the significant difference between high-level and low-level abilities?

Can the difference be so big?

He stretched out his hand and unwillingly held the fist that was bleeding out. He looked at Xie Ning with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Can't you understand people?" Xie Ning pulled out dozens of golden threads and put her fingers together in her palm.

She looked at the fire attribute user with cold eyes, "Do you know who these people are?"

Xie Ning pointed around with an expressionless face, "My contribution! Do you dare to kill me?"

"Let me see how capable your Liaoyuan team is. Dare to kill me in front of me to contribute points." Xie Ning pointed her finger, and hundreds of golden threads quickly emerged from her palm.

Guan Kun, who was standing behind the fire superpower, could see it very clearly.

In an instant, countless filaments were seen sprouting from the fingers of Captain Xie, who had a solemn expression.

This scene is too scary.

Those seemingly soft filaments are flying in the air, like the thin whiskers in the stamens, but they are extremely sharp and hard.

Cold sweat broke out on Guan Kun's forehead, and Bago, who had brought people up to make trouble, stepped back more than a dozen steps and almost fell to the ground.

The flying whiskers intertwined and fluttered in the air, launching a general attack in an instant.

All the filaments rushed toward the fire superpower user.

The fire superpower roared, and was so frightened that he swung countless fireballs, trying to break the dense filaments floating in the air.

According to common sense, it must be that fire defeats metal.

but now……

The fire power user found that his fireball looked like a child's broken toy in front of the opponent.

The golden threads directly penetrated the fireballs he sent out, and in less than a second, the dozens of fireballs of different sizes he sent out were completely crushed, decomposed, and completely shattered.

Those thin threads even wrapped around his body from all directions, scaring the fire superpower user into screaming in terror.

He knew that he couldn't beat the opponent. This was not an opponent of the same class at all!

He is so arrogant that he doesn't know what the future holds, and he actually wants to compete with the world's number one metal superpower...

The fire superpower turned around and wanted to run away, but the golden threads were already wrapped around him, densely packed with countless strands.

"Don't come here, don't come here!!" The fire superpower let out a high-pitched scream, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in gold threads.

The onlookers could see it clearly.

The golden thread penetrated the fire-type superpower's neck and came out from the body, and the thin beards danced gracefully.

It is obviously such a soft and thin golden beard, but it has a hint of bloody cruelty. The hair of those who look at it stands on end and a chill goes up in their heart.

When the starlings saw this, their calves were trembling with fear. They clenched their fists and stuffed them into their mouths, not daring to make any sound.

They wanted to climb down the stairs quietly along the wall, but they saw Xie Ning turn her head and glance towards their side with cool eyes.

"Ahhhhh!" Bago and the others were so frightened that they all held up their hands and begged for mercy, "We didn't do it on purpose, no, we didn't do it on purpose."

"We know we were wrong, please, please let me go."

Xie Ning flicked a thin gold thread on her fingertips and said, "I was scolded for going upstairs to steal. I got angry and got angry. Isn't it intentional?"

"Planning to provoke quarrels and provoking trouble, specifically picking on novices to kill people and set fire to them."

"Why don't you fight us? Instead, you want to find some ordinary survivors who are far less powerful than you."

Bago and the others were speechless, their eyes rolling around in their sockets.

The person behind him couldn't hold his breath and shouted, "Run!" and ran downstairs first.

Fearing that he was running too slowly, Xie Ning used a piece of gold wire to hang him on the spot.

When Bage came back to his senses, he didn't dare to talk nonsense to Xie Ning anymore, and quickly took a few members of the Liaoyuan team and ran downstairs in a mess.

At this time, they wish that their mother would give them two more legs so that they could run faster and even faster.

"Where to run? Do you think you can run??"

Xie Ning's sneer rose behind them.

They didn't have to worry about it for too long. The golden thread spread faster than their visual perception.

Even Ba Ge and the others didn't see clearly when the golden thread came to their eyes, and a cool feeling came from their necks.

"Gudong dong dong dong." Several people held their throats and couldn't stop the bleeding holes. They stepped on the stairs and rolled down the stairs one after another.

The entire sixteenth floor stairway fell into an eerie silence.

Guan Kun stood there alone, sweating all over his body, staring at the woman in front of him with frightened eyes.

He wants to kneel down!

If it weren't for the last bit of willpower to hold me up, I would have kneeled down, cried bitterly, and begged for mercy loudly, regardless of my face.

High-level superpower!

Unimaginable high-level superpowers!

Or don't take action.

One strike can kill four or five people in their team within minutes, including two powerful superpowers.

However, no matter how powerful he is, he is still as weak as a chicken in front of the opponent and is vulnerable to a single blow!

What kind of abnormal strength is this.

Is there actually such a powerful person in the world?

Xie Ning gathered up a circle of filaments flying in the air and glanced at Guan Kun indifferently, "What, you're not leaving yet? Do you want me to take you down in person?"

Guan Kun's tense nerves relaxed a little at that moment.

It turns out... this girl doesn't want to do anything to herself!

No wonder all the filaments bypassed him and went straight to the Mynas and the others behind him.

The other party obviously knew that he, Guan Kun, had never touched the survivors of the Gushang base from beginning to end, nor had he snatched anything, so he let him go.

Thinking of this, Guan Kun couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Although he didn't know how the other party knew this, he still couldn't help but feel grateful.

The main reason why he has been able to get all the way to this day and still hold the position of vice-captain of the Liaoyuan Team is his brain.

Thank God, he didn't do anything at that time. After all, all those who wanted to die are dead now.

Guan Kun had a pale face and didn't dare to say any more nonsense. He quickly bowed to Xie Ning and the others, then turned around and left.

When he went down the stairs, he felt that his legs were as soft as noodles and he couldn't use any strength at all.

It wasn't until he walked down two floors that Guan Kun regained some strength and quickly ran downstairs.

Poor Zheng Kaigang, he still doesn't know what kind of existence these idiots under his command have caused!

Xie Ning asked people to clean up the bodies under the stairs, and then glanced at the mother and son, "How is it?"

The healing superpower user nodded, "Fortunately, he was saved in time and can recover slowly, but it requires about half an hour of treatment every day. The healing period is also longer, probably... at least seven days or more."

"After all, it's a large area of ​​​​burning, and the degree is very serious!"

Fortunately, Captain Xie, Captain Gu, and others arrived in time, and they made a quick decision to save people and called the healing system to come over for treatment.

Otherwise... I'm afraid I won't be able to save nine lives.

"It'll be good if I can recover." Gu Chen didn't know whether to say that the mother and son were unlucky or fateful!

Fortunately, two lives were saved, otherwise it would have been an injustice.

Comrade Gu glanced at the frightened survivors and said with a rare word of comfort, "Don't worry, everyone, it's fine. I will arrange for a few team members to stay overnight."

"It's too late today, go to bed early and talk about anything tomorrow."

A group of frightened survivors were already exhausted mentally and physically after witnessing being roasted by fire and being chased and strangled with gold wire.

Hearing the sound, he nodded hurriedly and quickly dispersed to each nest to rest.

Gu Chen and Xie Ning turned around and went up to the seventeenth floor.

It wasn't until a group of people disappeared at the top of the stairs that the remaining survivors breathed a sigh of relief.

A little girl squatting at the top of the stairs asked in a low voice, "Mom, they are so amazing, their hands can even shine."

"Shh, don't talk. Go to sleep. Don't disturb other people." The mother pulled the thin blanket wrapped around the girl. "It's very late today. Go to bed quickly. We have to continue our journey tomorrow morning."

The little girl huddled next to her mother, turned over, and suddenly moved her fingers.

She looked towards the ground, her little hands carefully groping for the extremely soft thread on the ground.

It is a two-meter-long, golden thin wire.

It's the golden thread that the big sister just issued from her hand!

The little girl is so curious!

She also knew that the thread looked soft but was actually very sharp, so she secretly put on a pair of dirty gloves and pulled the thread up from the bottom of the stairs little by little.

"Mom, if I can be as powerful as that big sister in the future, I can protect my mother."

The little girl nestled in her mother's arms and murmured something softly.

She had already pulled out all the silk threads, secretly rolled them into a ball, and quietly stuffed them into her dirty waist bag.

The mother said nothing, but the little girl could feel a few drops of hot liquid rolling into the depths of her neck.

I must protect my mother! A strong belief arose in the little girl's heart.

It would be great if I could be as awesome as that big sister.

The mother seemed to sense the little girl's uneasiness, so she held her tightly and whispered, "Xiao Kui, mother only hopes that you will be safe and smooth in the future."

It is best to go to the Gyeonggi base and settle down quickly so that everything will be trouble-free in the future.

On the seventh floor, Xie Mei looked behind Guan Kun several times with a wary expression, "Where are Lao Ba and the others?"

She took a few more glances and found that Lao Ba and the others did not come down with Guan Kun, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in her heart.

She had told her not to go up and mess around, but Lao Ba and the others were too stubborn to listen to her.

"They're all dead." Guan Kun didn't mean to hide it. He raised his hand and wiped his face, showing a look of exhaustion.

"Dead?" Although Xie Mei had a premonition, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat when she heard this.

This woman Xie Ning is too cruel, she kills people at every turn? ?

What is going on? Why does it feel like this Xie Ning has a completely different personality and temper than the Xie Ning she had asked to check before?

"I think it's better for us to leave here overnight." Guan Kun said with a sad face.

"What's the meaning."

"I feel like Captain Xie and Leader Gu don't seem to be able to suffer losses. It's too late today, and I suspect they will still come to settle accounts with our Liaoyuan team early tomorrow morning."

Guan Kun said this almost in an affirmative tone.

Although he didn't know much about Captain Xie and the others, he could figure out something about their psychology from their expressions.

This is what makes him better than others. He has a delicate mind and knows how to read people's faces. In the apocalyptic world, he can always live longer than others.

Zheng Kai just sat upright, holding his painful arm, "Please tell me clearly what you mean."

He still doesn't know what's going on.

Why did Lao Ba and the others die not long after they got there?

What does Guan Kun mean by this?

If the other party killed Lao Ba and the others, could it possibly involve the entire Liaoyuan team? ?

This is impossible! And it’s so tasteless.

Guan Kun wrinkled his face and wiped the sweat from his face again, "The world's number one metal superpower is well-deserved. You haven't seen that his level of power is not comparable to that of you and me."

"The old boys and the others caused trouble and were dealt with on the spot."

"The other party dealt with it very quickly. You would never have imagined it if you were not at the scene."

Zheng Kaigang's pupils shrank.

"You mean Lao Ba and the others are all dead? Were they killed by Xie Ning?"

This is impossible, right? There are two superpowers inside, so there should be some movement when they fight, right?

You can't kill someone silently.

"It's absolutely true! He's dead!" Guan Kun took a deep breath, walked quickly back to his place, and picked up the backpack thrown on the ground.

Dead, dead, dead, he said it so many times, Zheng Kaigang seemed like he couldn't understand people's words, he kept asking questions again and again, but he couldn't get to the point.

There is definitely no future for following such a not-so-smart leader. Guan Kun has had enough and plans to pack up and retreat immediately.

Just because they had been in the same boat for so long, Guan Kun turned to look at everyone and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He turned to stare at Zheng Kaigang with a serious look on his face.

"Brother Gang, listen to my advice. If possible, it would be best to take everyone and evacuate from here overnight."

"We can't get any benefits from being in contact with them! In the eyes of Captain Xie and others, we may not even be as good as little ants."

"High-level superpowers can strangle little ants like us with just a flick of their fingers."

After saying this, he turned around and left with his baggage.

Those who wander around the world will have all their luggage ready at any time and anywhere. They can run away with just a bag and don't have to worry about packing it up.

Guan Kun is this kind of person, and he is much more careful than others.

He basically threw a lot of important things into the space. The only luggage he carried with him was two sets of replacement clothes and some less important items.

"Brother Kun." Some people in the Liaoyuan team couldn't help but panic when they saw his appearance.

Is Guan Kun serious? Does he really want to leave the office building immediately?

But it's still raining outside. Would it be too dangerous to travel in the middle of the night?

Everyone looked hesitantly at Zheng Kaigang, who had a dark complexion.

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