The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 562: Go your own way

Zheng Kaigang stood up in a hurry to stop Guan Kun from making any further moves, "Akun, come here with me."

Guan Kun didn't hesitate, nodded and walked up to follow Zheng Kaigang.

Zheng Kaigang had a cold face and winked at the people around him.

Several of his subordinates immediately stepped forward and drove away the ordinary teammates who were watching the excitement. "Go to bed. There's nothing wrong. Stop hanging around here."

"Go, go, what's there to see? Everyone go back to sleep!"

But if the deputy team said this, how could those ordinary people sleep?

"Ah, nothing will really happen!" Kong Shaoling yelled in a loud voice, "If it really doesn't work, let's leave with Brother Kun as soon as possible. Captain, you can't joke with our lives."

Zheng Kaigang had already walked to the door of the cubicle next to him. When he heard the woman Kong Shaoling shouting without restraint, his face turned black with anger.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zheng Kai just turned his head and nodded to his confidant.

Several confidants immediately gathered around to stop the noisy team members in front of them.

"What do you know? It's just you who yells." One of Zheng Kaigang's confidants yelled at the woman angrily, "You don't even look at what time it is now? Let's go, let's go, where are we going?"

"You have the life to get out, and I don't think you have the life to leave here either."

"Why don't you know what's going on? Without our brother Gang to protect you, you will be dead if you escape."

"Do you think you are a person with great supernatural powers?"

The ordinary team members, who were criticized by their confidants, felt sad and shut up. You looked at me and I looked at you, but no one was willing to leave like this.

At least let’s get some more information, right?

The deputy team didn't make it clear what was going on upstairs and whether it would affect little fish like them.

"Okay, okay, nothing happened. I just had a little conflict with the people upstairs. What are you doing with us? Just explain it to them later."

"Yes, yes, Brother Gang will definitely not let us suffer! Everyone, just go to sleep. It's very late. Go, go, don't crowd here."

Unlike several of the henchmen who played bad roles, one of them smiled and smoothed things over, saying nice things to the team members and calming everyone down.

But how can those in the Liaoyuan team rest assured?

Although they were reluctant to be driven back to lie down, each of them pricked their ears and wanted to know what the captain and deputy captain were talking about.

We are all ordinary team members, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to save our lives.

"Akun, don't you just want to leave at this critical moment?" Zheng Kaigang led Guan Kun to a small cubicle and closed the door to talk to him.

Guan Kun looked very ugly, "Brother Gang, if you believe me, let everyone get up and pack their things, and we will leave overnight."

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

"I won't move the boat. I'll make my own way."

Having said that, Guan Kun is determined to leave!

Zheng Kaigang's face became even more ugly.

"How are you leaving?" He grabbed Guan Kun by the collar and shouted angrily in a low voice, "Don't forget that you are the space superpower in the team."

"What will happen to the remaining people if you leave? Do you want to weaken the morale of the army?"

"Brother Gang, you know very well what's in my space. I usually take out everything the team collects the next day. I don't keep it overnight."

"My role in the team is, at best, that of a porter."

Guan Kun pulled away Zheng Kaigang's fingers and said calmly, "Brother Gang, I don't want to leave the team, but it's very dangerous now."

"If you don't leave now, you will regret it tomorrow."

The door of the cubicle was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Zheng Kaigang turned around with a dark face and shouted angrily, "Who asked you to break in?"

His eyes fell on Xie Mei's face, and he was furious, "What are you doing here?"

"Brother Gang, I think it is necessary to listen to the opinion of the deputy team." Xie Mei hurriedly said, "Let's leave overnight."

"What the deputy team said is definitely not unreasonable."

Zheng Kaigang laughed out loud at the two people. He moved his aching arm a little, "What? I, Zheng Kaigang, am still afraid of those people upstairs?"

He suddenly roared, "When I was out there, that little girl was still doing somersaults in her mother's belly. How can I be afraid of her?"

"It's not Brother Gang..." Xie Mei wanted to persuade her again, but was interrupted angrily by Zheng Kaigang, "You two are trying to shake the morale of the army with your nonsense again?"

As soon as Zheng Kai stamped his foot, several thin earth walls suddenly appeared around them, locking Xie Mei and Guan Kun in the middle at the same time.

Xie Mei's face turned dark and she closed her mouth, scolding the headstrong captain a thousand times in her heart.

Guan Kun's expression did not change and he calmly said, "Captain, it would be pointless if you do this."

"When we first established Team Liaoyuan, we made an agreement. If everyone has the same goals, we will work together to develop. If we don't agree, we can break up the team at any time, right?"

"I'll break up your mother!" Zheng Kaigang raised his hand and punched, and sand and stones flew up and fell towards Guan Kun.

Guan Kun was beaten back by a burst of flying sand and rocks, but he encountered a thin layer of soil behind him and was completely blocked.

Shashi's head-on attack hit him so hard that his head was bleeding. Xie Mei, who witnessed it with her own eyes, couldn't help but feel frightened.

She really didn't expect that the captain would be so harsh on the deputy captain.

Is Zheng Kaigang going crazy?

Zheng Kaigang was indeed furious. He opened the door of the small cubicle, called two of his confidants with a stern face, and tied up Guan Kun, who had a bloody head.

"I'm telling you." Zheng Kaigang raised his finger at Guan Kun, "You know, we didn't break up the team, you know? There are only teammates that I, Zheng Kaigang, don't want, and no one escapes midway."

After joining the Liaoyuan team, he will be the dog of the Liaoyuan team for the rest of his life. All he needs to do is work for Zheng Kaigang honestly, but he still wants to run away in the middle? Think of something good.

Zheng Kaigang was anxious and angry, so he ordered someone to lock the cubicle and keep an eye on Xie Mei and Guan Kun while he went out to rest.

What kind of international joke are you kidding? Zheng Kaizheng is also one of the top team captains in Fenghe Base. How could he be so scared by a little woman that he pissed himself off and fled overnight?

If he really did this, how could he not be laughed at by so many people under his command?

Should he continue to be the big brother? It’s impossible to lose such a person!

There was a dull pain in his arm, which kept him from sleeping well all night.

Coupled with the words Guan Kun said, it was like a huge stone weighing heavily on his heart. Zheng Kaigang tossed and turned all night, and did not squint for a while until dawn.

When he opened his eyes, he met a pair of smiling eyes.

The sleepiness that was originally felt was instantly frightened and disappeared.

He stood up from the cushion in an instant!

Xie Ning, who had changed into a plaid coat, happened to be sitting directly in front of him in her spare time, with a group of young men and women standing behind her.

Zheng Kaigang felt that his confused soul was about to ascend to heaven...

I was frightened by this battle!

He turned his head quickly and saw clearly that there were people tied up around the window.

Everyone in the Liaoyuan team was tied up and thrown aside!

"It seems that he has woken up!" Xie Ning smiled gently, with a hint of coolness in her eyes.

"Now that you're awake, let's come over and talk about compensation." Xie Ning spread her hands and asked someone to carry the injured mother and child aside.

At this time, there was a slight noise from the cubicle.

Xie Mei screamed in shock, but Song Shijun, Xiao Huangmao and others unceremoniously dragged her out and threw her to the injured person.

Guan Kun followed behind with his head lowered and walked out very cooperatively.

"Let your healing power treat our injuries. Until they are cured, your healing power belongs to us."

Xie Ning raised her finger, pointed at Xie Mei who was half-kneeling on the ground, and glanced at Zheng Kaigang, whose face was ashen, "I'll give you three seconds to start."

"One!" Xie Ning stretched out a finger.

Zheng Kaigang was almost shaking. The moment Xie Ning spit out "one", he immediately shouted, "Xie Mei, treat them, treat them, treat them quickly!!"

Xie Mei seemed to be brought back to life by the loud roar. She rolled and crawled towards the injured mother and stretched out her trembling hands to grab her.

Xie Ning glanced and sneered, "Are you treating one? Do you want the other to die on the spot?"

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