The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 565 Unreasonable trouble!

After the arson incident, the more than 2,000 survivors at the Gushang base disappeared.

Some people who were originally reluctant to sign the labor contract also queued up to sign the agreement that day.

Every time Xie Ning passed by these survivors, she could feel those eyes looking at her cautiously.

"Sister, I heard what my two aunts said today. Those who used to quarrel with Brother Lu and the others were all impressed by your elegant demeanor."

Xie Ning:......

"That's right." When Song Kexin heard Ji Taixian's words, she immediately raised her head and hummed.

Ji Taixian chuckled, "I also overheard them mention it when they were chatting, saying that no matter how unreliable you and Brother Chen are, they are more reliable than those extremely vicious people."

Xie Ning:......

"Pull them down and let them stop having such evil thoughts. My sister can just send them to their destination, but she won't accept them as a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates."

Song Kexin took a bite of the sugar cane and groaned, "It's easy to guess their thoughts. Don't you just think that my sister and Brother Gu Chen can protect them?"

"And we also sent them a batch of relief supplies before." Even though the items were snatched from others and the quality of the goods varied, it was still better than nothing.

"Did everything get sent away?"

"Hmm, according to my sister's instructions, half of the supplies will be distributed to the healing power users and medical staff who have been busy all night, and the other half will be used to help the lonely elderly and orphans."

"No one is talking nonsense?" Xie Ning's face was full of curiosity.

"Not really." Ji Taixian secretly laughed.

Who dares to say nonsense? Everyone was frightened to death by the supernatural being who set people on fire in the middle of the night the day before yesterday!

If Sister Ning and Brother hadn't come down in time to stop this incident, it's possible that many people would have been killed in vain.

Song Kexin nodded her head frequently, "They are so honest. After what happened that night, these people are much smarter. Brother Gu Chen said that they can take care of them a lot and there won't be so much noise."

Xie Ning raised her lips and said, "What's going on below."

"Zheng Kaigang and the others are very honest and responsible. We found out that they are preparing to leave this afternoon."

Xie Ning nodded slightly, "The rain has basically stopped. Is the raft almost ready?"


Xie Ning said thoughtfully, "It's time to leave."

"Sister, can that raft work?" Song Kexin asked curiously.

"I think it can work. Look at the water flow, it's not too fast, right?" Ji Taixian shook the little girl's hand, causing Song Kexin to look at her with a blank stare.

Xie Ning said "Yeah", "When the time comes, let the mental powers in each team pay attention to their surroundings to prevent them from touching the buildings buried under the water."

"How's it going over there, Ma Yu?"

"She has been very honest recently. Our people have been keeping an eye on her. But she has not done anything wrong except sleeping."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and said, "Send someone to keep an eye on her."

"Okay sister." Both of them nodded solemnly, knowing that this matter could not be taken carelessly.

As he was talking, Song Shijun opened the cubicle door and ran in with a strange expression on his face, "Sister, they are back."

"You guys are so crazy! Are there any of you who do things like this? Ah! Oh, let's look for people here. It would be better for you. They all ran away without leaving a single car."

When Dobro, the representative of Country A branch of the Global Academy of Superpowers, was angry, his muscles all over his body seemed to be tensing to the point of bursting. He was so angry that the people around him did not dare to take a breath.

Xie Ning walked out of the cubicle and saw her boyfriend giving her a pitiful look.

The little girl suddenly darkened her face, walked forward expressionlessly, and stood in front of her boyfriend, "What are you yelling about?! Don't think that your loud voices are justified!"

What kind of weird men are they? They either collapse on the ground and cry loudly, or they raise their voices and make unreasonable troubles!

Why, if you cry and raise your voice, does that mean you are justified? ?

Waganfu, the leader of the A branch of the Global Academy of Superpowers, said in a gloomy voice, "Captain Xie, you abandoned your teammates and ran away without saying a word. How can this be justified?"

"When did we run away??" Xie Ning was speechless, then raised her voice and shouted to the guy from country A, "We will just go on our way normally and transfer the remaining survivors of the Gu base. Who do you blame for not following?"

"You are slow and have the nerve to blame this and that. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"Are we going to have more than 2,000 people in the team waiting for you to hold us back??"

Comrade Gu resolutely defended what his girlfriend said. He nodded vigorously when his girlfriend said something, and nodded vigorously when she spoke two sentences!

They nodded one after another, making Lu Wei, Zhai Ruobai and others standing aside couldn't help but twitch their lips.

Their brother is becoming more and more shameless. He has developed the habit of hiding behind his girlfriend and hugging her.

The most angry thing was the group of people in Country A Branch. They didn’t know what they had experienced along the way. They were all disgraced and embarrassed.

Following them were several people from Country R, ​​who looked no better, with a rotten smell all over their bodies, as if they had emerged from a pile of corpses...

Waganfo patted Dobro's arm and turned to look at Gu Chen, "Captain Gu, as the general leader of the entire team, don't you have anything to say about this matter?"

Comrade Gu's handsome face was full of seriousness, and he said seriously, "Captain Xie is right, we can't waste the lives of more than 2,000 survivors at the Gugu base just for a few of you."

Bah, pretty boy!

Everyone in Country A branch was so angry that they gritted their teeth and wanted to eat people.

This Comrade Gu is so shameless!

"I am Shifu Onoda, from the branch of country R." The speaker was short in stature and had very sharp eyes. C's Mandarin was very good, much better than the plastic Mandarin of those in country A.

"Mr. Ono, what advice do you have?" Xie Ning smiled half-heartedly.

"The commander-in-chief suddenly ordered everyone to evacuate the Gushang base. We were unprepared before this. This incident caused the innocent sacrifice of several of our teammates. I wonder if you should take responsibility."

Zhai Ruobai was unconvinced when he heard this, "Where is the sudden order? Didn't the meeting time be arranged early in the morning?"

"The meeting place has been changed many times, resulting in the sudden loss of a precious healing power user from the branch of country A. Don't you have to take any responsibility for this matter??"

"Changed many times??" Xie Ning smiled warmly, "It seems that Mr. Ono's Mandarin still needs to be improved. As far as I know, the meeting place has only been changed once. And that was due to an unexpected situation."

"The information about the subsequent evacuation was sent to the group early in the morning, but you didn't even read the message?"

"Abut, our team's healing superpower, is missing!" Waganfu of Country A's branch roared angrily.

Xie Ning was not used to them and yelled back, "What next?"

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