The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 566 Bah! Tea-talking pretty girl!

"Do you want the more than 2,000 survivors from the base to be buried with him?"

At that time, so many zombies rushed out, and the weak chickens who were sold to the base were placed in front of them, just like a group of mobile food.

If you don't run, what are you waiting for? Waiting to be served?

Waganfu's expression was particularly ugly.

Shifu Onoda interjected again, "Now that the healing superpower Abt has completely disappeared, should the commander-in-chief be partly responsible for this?"

"After all, the person was lost in your C Gushang base!"

“After the end of the world, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Too many people will die. Do we need to be responsible for everyone?”

Xie Ning couldn't help laughing and teasing, "What? Gu Chen is your father? He has to take care of the lives of you sons."

Gu Chen nodded heavily, indicating that his girlfriend was right.

Waganfu couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to punch them both...

This man hides behind his girlfriend and always just nods, right? ?

Shifu Onoda stopped the person and sneered solemnly, "What do you say about Mr. Abbot?"

Gu Chen looked at them expressionlessly, considered it again and again, and said carefully, "How about giving him the entire tomb here? Do you have his accessories, clothes, etc.?"

"It's a pity that there are no one-stop funeral services after the end of the world, but we can call on everyone to help. What do you think of this office building? Is it suitable?"


Xie Ning twitched the corner of her mouth and turned to look at her boyfriend who was blinking in Kazilan's peach blossom eyes.

This guy really deserves a beating. No wonder Onoda Shifu and the others look like they want to beat him up...

Lu Wei couldn't bear to look at him, covered his face and turned around, "Go and pack up, get ready to leave in the afternoon."

"Let's go!" Shifu Onoda was so furious that he threw all his pretense of cultivation into the air and roared angrily, "You people from country C did it on purpose, didn't you! Didn't you see what we were like?" Come and say we’re going! We don’t need to rest???”

Gu Chen asked with a kind face, "Then...did you fall into a manure pit? I feel like there is a rotten smell all over your body, it's very unpleasant!"

The onlookers felt thunder rolling from the sky and were dumbfounded.

They have long felt that foreigners such as Waganfu stink extremely, but Chinese people are generally reserved... and will not say it to their faces.

Leader Gu's words were sharp and bold, and everyone could only hope to match him.

Zhai Ruobai covered his face and lowered his head.

Brother, he has completely let himself go, right? With Sister You's thigh in his arms, he completely ignored the stinky faces of Waganfo and others!

"It's really difficult for everyone to go on the road like this. How about I give you two hours to wash up and change clothes. It's really not appropriate for you to go on the road with other survivors like this."

"The other survivors will hate you!"

"Also, there is something else I want to tell you. Because we came four or five days earlier than you, everyone has already made the raft and other things."

"But if you want to ride on the raft built by other teams, you have to pay separately. As for the fee, Mr. Ono and Mr. Waganfo will discuss it with the captains of other teams."


"Ah, yes, yes." Li Dawei was the first to respond to Gu Chen, smiling and rubbing his hands, "I'll quote a price to all our foreign friends here. We can carry two more people on the raft, no matter the price. One hundred third-order crystal nuclei at one location.”

Waganfu and others' faces were severely twitched, and they turned around and left in anger.

Dobro Muscle Pump Zhang stared at Xie Ning and Gu Chen, and said a harsh word that was not standard, "This matter can't end like this!"

The pretty face of Chayanchayu, relying on the protection of a sixth-level superpower, showed no mercy!

Damn it, when will country A produce a sixth-level person so that they can have the confidence to talk to people from country C?

Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at a few people, then secretly winked at Lu Wei.

The latter nodded knowingly, turned around and whispered to several members of Group A to follow quietly and stare.

"It's so annoying." Gu Chen snorted, "It's as if the healing power user was tied up by us!"

"Who doesn't have a healer in their team? They are the only ones who are rare."

Xie Ning nodded her head, "I'm free to make trouble out of nothing."

"Sister Ning, the people from Fenghe Base are here."

Xie Ning was stunned and thought for a long time about what Fenghe Base was.

Gu Chen reminded with a smile, "Those people from the Liaoyuan team downstairs are from Fenghe Base."

"Oh, what, are you looking for trouble again?" Xie Ning raised her eyes and looked at the door of the big office.

A group of twenty or thirty people walked over, surrounded by a young and beautiful man and woman, whom Xie Ning did not recognize.

Gu Chen glanced thoughtfully, turned his head and whispered a few words to Lu Wei, who was standing behind him.

Lu Wei nodded slightly, took out his cell phone and flipped through some information.

However, he clicked on a photo and said, "It should be him, Min Shaolun, who is currently the base commander of Fenghe Base."

Min Shaolun, with a spring breeze on his face, walked forward gracefully and extended his hand to Xie Ning, "I heard downstairs that the world's number one metal superpower is here. It's an honor to meet you for the first time. I'm Min Shaolun, the current Fenghe base." long."

"Isn't Fenghe Base gone? Otherwise you wouldn't all move out of Fenghe Base and stage a great escape." Xie Ning looked at him expressionlessly.

What I said is very heartbreaking...

Before Min Shaolun could react, he stretched out a hand from the side and shook his hand.

The strength of the slender and measured fingers was astonishing, causing Min Shaolun's wrist to ache slightly and he frowned involuntarily.

"Captain Min, it's a pleasure to meet you." Gu Xiaobai's face curved up with a pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes, and she smiled softly.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Min Shaolun's resolute and handsome face, but he still maintained his graceful demeanor and said with a smile, "I wonder who this is?"

"Oh! I am the fiancé of the world's number one metal superpower, Gu Chen."

Gu, who took the initiative to upgrade himself from boyfriend to fiancé, received a cold look from his girlfriend and gave her a very shameless smile.

What a nice smile! Xie Ning muttered something silently in her heart.

If you weren't beautiful, you might get beaten wherever you go, right?

Min Shaolun was stunned for a moment, then put on a friendly smile and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Gu. I'm glad to meet you."

"Hahaha, nice to meet you. Haha, nice to meet you. Well, I just finished killing a few zombies without eyes, so my hands are a little dirty. Do you mind? Base Commander Min." Gu Xiaobai looked shameless, he was really invincible in the world.

He was obviously extremely dissatisfied with this stinky man who would reach out to his little girlfriend as soon as they met, but on the surface he still smiled and was kind.

Min Shaolun froze and retracted his hand. Only then did he realize that there was some green liquid on his palm, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

Gu Chen must be suffering from a snake spirit!

You know your hands are dirty but you still come here to shake hands with me!

The world's number one metal superpower, this is what he sees?

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