Everyone was speechless when they heard the sound.

Li Dawei and others are very sympathetic to the mutated small hairy fish group.

Isn’t it good to be alive? Why don't you have eyes to confront the female devil...

Gu Chen asked a few of his men to gather together the dozen or so people who had been stunned by the little electric fish, quickly collect the lightning energy that was flowing around their bodies, and arrange healing systems to treat them one by one.

Fortunately, none of these people's lives were in danger. They were just frightened. Some of them started to cry again, and they cried so miserably.

Gu Chen glanced at his expressionless little girlfriend, who silently took out a pack of soda crackers from her backpack, opened it and distributed it to the crying lesbians.

She patted their heads one by one and gave them biscuits. She said with a rare smile, "Stop crying, save some energy and eat something. In five minutes, not a single one of these little electric fish will be left, and they will all be eliminated."

Several lesbians looked up at her with tears in their eyes, and suddenly felt that the image of Captain Xie was inexplicably taller.

Gu Chen couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

The little girl felt guilty. She wanted to apologize but she kept her face straight, which was very funny.

"Don't worry, everyone. This small current will not have any impact on you. Let the healing system sort it out for you later, and you will be fine soon." The members of Team A, helping to take care of the wounded, comforted one after another.

Xie Ning gave each of the frightened dozen or so people a bag of water, and then silenced the cries.

Everyone who was still congratulating themselves on their good luck and not being electrocuted by the lightning fish suddenly felt that they were lucky when they saw Captain Xie handing out water and biscuits to the wounded!

It's unlucky. If I had known earlier, I could have just powered on. Anyway, it's not a big problem if I just power on.

At least, everyone can get a bag of water and a small bag of biscuits!

What's more, Captain Gu also said that he would ask people with healing powers to help take a look at their bodies.

What a great opportunity.

Since the end of the world for so long, no one is sure whether there will be any hidden wounds in the body.

Now I just happened to have a good opportunity to let a person with healing powers groom my body for free. Alas, wouldn’t I have missed it?

Xie Ning didn't bother to look at the colorful expressions of regret on the other people's faces. She just comforted the group of injured people and the matter was over.

On the other side, Min Shaolun was sitting on the sightseeing boat, his eyes fixed on Xie Ning not far away from beginning to end, constantly evaluating and measuring the extraordinary qualities of this girl in his mind.

He admired Captain Xie's speed in hunting mutant fish throughout the whole process, and felt that this little girl seemed to be more valuable than he imagined.

Her skills are quite good, but Ou Huaqian is really not comparable to others.

The key point is that her gold-type abilities look much more powerful than Ou Huaqian's water-type abilities.

Comparing Ou Huaqian's water system with hers, it was so useless that there was no comparison at all.

In addition, she has many powerful superpowers under her command, and it feels like they are all very powerful...

If, of course this is just if.

If he could subdue Captain Xie, it would be equivalent to subduing an entire team of people, so why not do it.

That's a whole team of super-powerful people.

Of course, there are also some ordinary people in Team Spark.

But this doesn't seem to be a big problem for Min Shaolun. As long as he can recruit the entire Spark Team, and after getting familiar with Xie Ning, he can naturally convince her to drive out those ordinary people who are of little use.

There are too many ordinary people and they don't have much effect. In Min Shaolun's opinion, it is a waste of rations.

Xie Ning, a smart and capable woman, doesn't seem to be much different from ordinary women.

He will still be soft-hearted and spread love everywhere.

In the last days of the world, people are less friendly with each other, yet Xie Ning is still kind enough to take in so many relatives.

Sure enough, men and women think differently.

If it were him, his parents wouldn't necessarily take care of him, let alone these aunts and uncles who couldn't beat him.

After the end of the world, as long as you can survive, how can you care about so many other people's affairs?

Women are women, and the pattern is too small.

While Min Shaolun was thinking about it, his arm was suddenly tightly wrapped around by the woman beside him.

Ou Huaqian glared at him with an angry look, "Salem, what are you thinking about? You want to be so absorbed in it. I called you several times and you ignored me."

She followed his gaze towards the raft opposite, with a glimmer of fear flashing in her eyes, "If you keep staring at Captain Xie like this, I'm going to get jealous."

Min Shaolun smiled and patted her elbow, "I'm just curious, don't think too much about it."

"I don't allow you to be curious about other women." Ou Huaqian said delicately, shaking the man's arm vigorously, "Did you know? Once a man becomes curious about a woman, it means that he has begun to be interested in her. interested."

She said this half-jokingly and half-seriously, the purpose of which was to warn Min Shaolun.

She wanted to tell him that she, Ou Huaqian, was not one of those little white flowers who knew nothing about the world. She knew men too well.

Especially the man in front of me.

She is ambitious and wants to make a name for herself in the post-apocalyptic world, so she knows Min Shaolun very well and will probably find another partner who is more helpful to him for her career.

Take Xie Ning for example, the man has secretly observed her several times.

This made Ou Huaqian feel wary.

"Don't betray me, Salem. I won't allow you to do this."

"You are my, Ou Huaqian's, man. It is enough to have my one lover in this life."

If you dare to betray me...

Ou Huaqian did not continue speaking, but just stopped talking.

She looked at him with a smile.

Min Shaolun was impatient, withdrew his arm from her arms, and said calmly, "You think too much, don't always think about these messy things. Let's talk about our trip to Gyeonggi. Then so many people will go there." Where to arrange it?”

Bringing so many people to Gyeonggi Province, since you want to reorganize your base, it is impossible not to give others a place to stay.

He couldn't wait to rebuild his Fenghe base. If possible, he could start it when he returned.

But with the largest base in Kyushu at its back, I wonder if the original refugees from Fenghe Base will be shaken.

If they were all taken over by Gyeonggi by then, Min Shaolun, a mere commander, would not be able to run a base.

"Salem, you can rest assured. My family has purchased property in Gyeonggi Province before. When the time comes, I will take you there..."

"Are any of the properties your family purchased now classified as part of the Gyeonggi Base?"

The woman was stunned, thought about it carefully, and said with some uncertainty, "I don't know."

"Then what are you talking about?" Min Shaolun was irritated, glanced at the woman, and secretly cursed her for being stupid.

“If those industries are not within the base, it’s useless.”

"Do you think we might live outside the base? We have to face a group of zombies all day long?" Min Shaolun became more and more upset and angry as he talked.

I want to rely on the big tree in the Gyeonggi base to enjoy the shade, and I want to start my Fenghe base again, and even want to run it better.

There is actually a huge contradiction between the two.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

"Besides, with this damn weather, you have to live in a high-rise building." Min Shaolun growled angrily, "Have you considered these issues?"

"Don't think about those messy things between men and women all day long. You need to take a longer view and open up the situation, you know?"

"Our main purpose now is to win over the residents of the original base. In the future, when the water recedes, we can build our own small base near the Gyeonggi base. So the top priority is to at least have our own fixed residence, right?"

Otherwise, even the first step of attracting people would not be achieved, and the hardware facilities would be far inferior to those of the Gyeonggi base, making them incomparable.

"Salem, don't be anxious. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Then I will find a way to arrange them." Ou Huaqian smiled flatteringly at the man.

"Besides, do all the refugees who came with us have to stay?" Ou Huaqian curled her lips, "Of the more than 300 people, I don't think more than 100 can be used."

"What do you know? In this apocalyptic world, not only do we need to dig out resources, but we also need people. You don't care whether it's useless or not, most people can do ordinary jobs."

Of course, if they are the old, weak, sick and disabled, they can throw away as much as they can.

So he felt that this woman Xie Ning was actually very stupid.

The ordinary people in Team Spark who looked frail and older could have been discarded long ago.

If you want to keep it all in the name of relatives who have turned around, aren't you going to cause trouble for yourself?

The ordinary people he needs are usually only young adults and a few strong women.

"Even if these people don't have any special powers, they can still move bricks and build walls and build fortifications, right?"

"Is it possible that you and I should go to the construction site to move bricks? Go to the kitchen to make food and drink?"

Min Shaolun simply didn't want to say anything more to this stupid woman. She had long hair but short-sightedness. She really was an ignorant person.

What is most in demand after the apocalypse is ultimately human resources.

As long as there are people on hand, things will be easy to do!

Although ordinary people are not as good as superpowers, if all ordinary people are lost, daily life will be more troublesome.

"Look, when we go to the Gyeonggi base, we will find a high-rise building to stay for a while. When the water recedes, we have to build our own Fenghe base." Min Shaolun looked at Ou Huaqian with a sullen face, "Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand." Ou Huaqian nodded repeatedly. She knew her man's ambitions better than anyone else.

After the end of the world, her man has great talents and strategies to compete in the Central Plains.

Ou Huaqian also believes that with the resources and connections that Min Shaolun has now, plus some materials in her hands, one day he will be able to hold her hand and reach the top.

This is exactly what Ou Huaqian likes about this man.

She has always believed confidently that a man who is mediocre and has no ambition is definitely not a good man.

Men have to be like her Salem, and try to look good, right?

"Salem, don't be angry, I won't talk nonsense anymore."

"Grow some brains!" Min Shaolun poked the woman's forehead with his finger and pressed hard.

Ou Huaqian didn't see clearly the disdain and disgust that turned in the man's eyes. She pretended that the man was being intimate with her and cuddled up to him coquettishly.

Min Shaolun resisted the urge to push this idiot away, thinking to himself that this woman was still of some use.

After all, she still has some resources in her hands.

In Fenghe Base, what this woman says is quite weighty, and she will have to win over a group of people.

However, his mind was now busy with how to capture Xie Ai'an's brain, and his mind was not on Ou Huaqian at all, so he just said a few meaningless words and ignored her.

Captain Xie, after calming down the unfortunate little ones who had been electrocuted, looked up at the dark sky.

Compared to the previous sky, in just ten minutes, the entire sky became almost completely dark.

Coupled with the drizzle of rain, I always feel like I will encounter something ahead.

The night can make people feel uneasy, and many people hold the pole tightly and paddle harder.

Uncle Wang muttered to the side again, "Hey, did you bring a flashlight? Hurry up and drive and shine a light on the road. How can we walk here! It's so dark that you can't see your fingers!"

"I'm telling you, you have to find a high-rise building to settle down first. Look at you young people, you are going to suffer a lot if you don't listen to the old man!"

"Fortunately, the rain is not heavy now, so we should quickly find a place to stay. If it rains heavily later, there will be no place to cry!"

"You young people, maybe it's not a big problem if you get caught in the rain. What about us old people? We get wet and get sick. Oh my God, we have to take a road trip if we can't live half our lives. What should we do? !”

"Uncle, please stop bickering!" Song Kexin looked up at the dark sky and narrowed her eyes slightly.

The uncle was probably talking like a crow. After he said that the rain was not heavy, the raindrops obviously increased a lot...

Immediately afterwards, someone exclaimed, "Oh, mom, it looks like hailstones are hitting me!"

Xie Ning silently took out a large military helmet from the space and put it on. Immediately afterwards, she felt a "thud" hit on her head.

Hey, luckily she had a big helmet and moved quickly without getting hit. Captain Xie secretly rejoiced.

"Oh my god, it's really hailing!"

"Let me go, who just said that it was going to hail?"

"Stand up for me, see if I can give you a taste of it!"

"Who? Who! I also heard someone saying that there was going to be hail. Damn it, you have a super crow's mouth!"

Uncle Wang kept his mouth shut and remained silent while a group of aunts around him stared at him with condemning eyes!

Aunt Niu even snorted from her nostrils.

Uncle Wang, who felt guilty, did not dare to speak even more. He only looked at his old sisters and sisters flatteringly, and smiled awkwardly at others.

"You talk a lot of nonsense. The children asked you to stop comparing, but you are still chattering away."

Uncle Wang nodded repeatedly, made a gesture of zipping up his mouth, and carefully smiled at Aunt Niu, "I won't say anything next time."

"You still want to have another time." Aunt Niu glared at him several times.

Uncle Wang bowed his hands repeatedly, shrank his neck and stopped breathing.

Zhu Yong quickly made several earthen helmets and distributed them to Su Xiyue and Song Kexin. He urged, "Put it on quickly, put it on."

Everyone was not stupid, so they quickly put their clay helmets on their heads, and several hailstones already hit Song Kexin on the head.

The sounds were still very dense, and everyone's expressions changed.

"Hey girl, do you still have a helmet?"

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