The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 585 Ning Xiao Rich Woman

"Hurry up and send us some, girl." Uncle Wang approached the edge of the raft and shouted to Song Kexin, "Quick, quick, quick, this hailstone hurts my head, and if this continues, our old arms and legs will be hit with concussion. "

Song Kexin was speechless and threw an earthen helmet casually, "Uncle..."

Before she could finish her words, the earthen helmet was snatched away by a strong man and put on his head.

Uncle Wang was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and wanted to argue with the man. As a result, the hailstones that fell became more dense and hit people directly.

There were cries and howls, and Kress raised his voice and said, "There is a residential building five hundred meters ahead. You can go in and hide first."

"Do you have any helmets? Give us some more helmets." Some people stood on the raft and shouted in panic, while others chose to save themselves and took things out of their bags to wrap their heads and bodies.

Although it's not a big deal, it can still help block it.

In the chaos, someone fell into the water again, causing everyone to panic.

"Go to the residential building in front to avoid the hail." Gu Chen frowned and ordered, instructing those with earth and metal powers to seize the time to make helmets first and distribute them in an orderly manner.

However, no matter how orderly they are, the losers' emotions cannot be completely stabilized.

Some people on the raft beat each other over the helmets and fell into the water, which increased the workload of the superpower team.

Captain Xie, who had remained expressionless during the chaos, came out and drew his knife, slashed the thigh of a man who was causing the most trouble, and kicked him into the water. "Whoever dares to rob again, take this as an example and get out." "

All the commotion stopped immediately, and only the faint sound of water accompanied by the man's frightened screams could be heard.

Xie Ning waited for the man to drink enough water before letting someone take him out. She looked at him with a half-smile, "Are you still making trouble?"

The man shook his head almost off his neck.

Xie Ning then waved her hand and asked a healer to treat his bleeding thigh.

"How many people don't have helmets?" Xie Ning asked Lu Wei in a low voice on the raft next door.

"According to the current speed at which superpowers are making helmets, it will take at least more than half an hour to arm everyone."

"We have tried our best to use all the helmets stored in the hands of space power users, but the number is estimated to be far from enough."

Xie Ning silently took out two extra-large boxes and said, "Let's distribute them first."

Lu Wei was stunned and asked someone to open the box and take a look. Rows of steel helmets were placed in the box, neatly stacked.

There must be at least two to three hundred animals in these two large boxes, right?

"Girlfriend, you really accept everything." Gu Chen was happy.

My girlfriend is really a little rich woman~

Lu Wei also showed a smile on his face, turned around and said to the members of Group A, "Move over and send it, don't make it heavy."

After the previous scene of drawing the sword, all the survivors were much quieter and their cries were much quieter...

Xie Ning took out another large box of helmets and waved to her boyfriend, "Let Brother Feng, Xiaomeng and the others be armed."

She doesn't like to do things that put others before herself. She has to arrange all her own people before rescuing others.

Xue Feng took the helmet and smiled so hard, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

As he spoke, he continued to drift forward, and soon he saw a dozen residential buildings standing not far away.

The building that caught everyone's attention first, the dilapidated building, with several letters circled in red paint, looked even more withered and gloomy under the dark sky.

Through the unremitting efforts of the earth-type and metal-type superpowers, everyone's head was basically armed in place.

From time to time, the body would be hit by hailstones, but fortunately everyone wore a lot of clothes, so they could endure it for the time being.

Uncle Wang, wearing an earthen helmet, urged, "Pull across quickly and take shelter in the building first. Looking at the sky, I feel like something worse will happen."

The aunts who couldn't bear it couldn't help but yelled at Uncle Wang, "Shut up!"

"Damn old man, you think we are unlucky enough, why are you forcing me, shut up!"

"Damn it, stop talking!"

Uncle Wang was scolded by the lesbians and refused to keep his mouth shut.

Xie Ning glanced at the floor not far away, "Mom, do you think that floor is a little skewed?"

"Yeah, after all, it's a house to be demolished. It looks like a dilapidated building." Song Youai muttered in a low voice, "Then do we still want to go there?"

"It's okay if we don't go there." Xie Ning pointed to a bunch of oil bottles behind her.

They could endure it and continue on their way in the dark, but these dragsters can...

"Trouble." Kress whispered.

Ten minutes later, a group of people floated into the building through a large hole in the third-floor wall.

Xie Ning took the lead in collecting the three rafts in their team, then turned to ask Kress, "How are you doing? How many zombies are there nearby?"

Kress had already sensed it, and he couldn't help but snorted when he heard this, "Can't you sense it yourself?"

A lazy person likes to be sent to work.

"Say it."

"There are no zombies upstairs. The dangerous building you picked may not look good, but it is actually safe. There are signs of life on the seventh floor, and there are many people, at least twenty."

Xie Ning was stunned for a moment. She really didn't expect that there was still a team of survivors hiding in this dangerous building.

She has been in a good mood after dealing with Ma Yu, a troublesome alien species, so she is quite tolerant of those trolls...

Hearing what Kress said, she couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity in her heart.

"Then go up and have a look."

"Captain Xie, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon, are we going to take a rest?" Min Shaolun came all the way through the water. Although most of his trousers were soaked in the water, he still carried the catwalk style.

"What else?" Gu Chen stepped forward with a smile, "Does Base Chief Min have any better suggestions?"

"Or are you willing to give up the sightseeing boat and let the old, weak, women and children in the team board?"

Min Shaolun secretly scolded Gu Chen for being crazy, and then targeted him, but kept a gentle smile on his face, "The sightseeing ship is an asset belonging to the Liaoyuan team. Even though I am the base commander, I cannot arbitrarily deprive other people of the team's supplies."

"Then why are you talking nonsense?" Zhai Ruobai choked angrily, "Is it possible that the old and young here can still go on the road despite heavy rain and hail?"

Min Shaolun walked around Zhai Ruobai who was choking, and took two steps forward to get closer to Xie Ning, "Captain Xie, we have prepared a Cass stove and a small hot pot here. I wonder if you can show your favor. I would like to invite you to come and have a meal with us."

Gu Chen's small-eyed knife almost flew over someone else's body. Song Youai looked on and almost laughed out loud.

However, before Gu Chen could say anything, Yu Tianfeng ran forward with a head of white hair on his head, stretched out his hand to push away Min Shaolun who was blocking the way, "Please give in, please give in."

"I'm sorry, we need to collect environmental samples. Anyone waiting here should get out of here."

Min Shaolun was annoyed that the other party was ignorant, and suddenly felt something cold on his neck...

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