The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 591 Trying to win over

"Everyone knows very well that Min Shaolun is trying to get you to come over. If you think Fenghe is good, you can go over."

"It has nothing to do with us where you want to go, but you'd better not get involved in Ning Ning's matter." Gu Chen glanced at Xie Xueli lightly, then turned and walked down the stairs.

Xie Xuexin was so angry that she stared at Gu Chen's leaving figure and pointed, "Look, look. This is the boyfriend Xie Ning is looking for."

I have never seen any boyfriend treat the woman’s elder like this!

She is so arrogant and domineering even before she is married. I don’t know what will happen when she gets married.

Xie Xueli showed a headache expression.

He turned to look at the eldest sister and comforted in a low voice: "Eldest sister, please stop talking."

"When you spoke like this in front of Sister Ning Ning just now, didn't you just intensify the conflict?"

"Captain Gu is from the Gu family in Gyeonggi Province. He must be thinking about the Gyeonggi base. It's normal to say this."

"You should also know by now that Ning Ning's Spark Team is one of the strongest teams in the Gyeonggi base."

"The Gyeonggi side will definitely not let Ning Ning and the others go smoothly. Base Chief Min of Fenghe Base actually values ​​the strength of Ning Ning's team."

"That's why we try our best to win over our family. It's hard to say whether the director of Base Min is this person." Don’t understand.”

"Brother, are you not going to discuss this matter with Song Youai and the others?" Xie Xuexin frowned, "You promised mom..."

Xie Xueli looked embarrassed, "I didn't promise mom, I just said to talk to my sister-in-law first."

"I'll talk about this later. The top priority is the emergency situation that continues during the dark night. If the night continues to pervade, I don't know when we can set off smoothly."

"We can't stay in this dangerous building forever."

"This is the same." Xie Xuexin was worried and followed Xie Xueli back to 701.

701 is closest to the stairs, and the door is not very soundproof, so you can hear the footsteps of everyone coming and going. No movement can be hidden from the ears of Mrs. Zhou Xuefen in 701.

As soon as Xie Xueli and Xie Xuexin walked to the door, the old lady opened the door and pulled a pair of children in.

She looked very happy when she saw them, "Just now Base Chief Min and Miss Ou came to see us again and gave us a lot of food."

"Look." She took out a small bag of tapioca flour and half a small bag of flour.

"Captain Min is really thoughtful and asked the water superpower to bring us two large buckets of purified water. This really helped my mother a lot, right?"

"Let someone heat up the hot water later and we can take turns taking a shower."

"Mom." Xie Xueli looked helpless, "Why did you accept help from others again?"

"They brought this to the door themselves, and I didn't ask for it." Old Mrs. Zhou Xuefen said with an unhappy look, "I have never asked for it."

"But the reason why they are so attentive is not because they want the eldest brother to withdraw from the Gyeonggi laboratory and develop his career with them."

"There's nothing wrong with that." The old lady said with an indifferent attitude.

"Where can your eldest brother go but for development? Why hang on a tree? If you look at Base Chief Min's attitude towards our mothers, you know that if your eldest brother develops, he will definitely get more benefits."

"Mom, I have to be willing to do this, right?"

"Then let's ask him for his opinion. I didn't force him." The old lady put down the flour bag in her hand, "Oh, by the way, you said you went to talk to Song Youai. How was the talk?"

Xie Xuexin got a little angry when she heard this, "Don't mention it, Mom. You are right, that girl Xie Ning was really taught bad by her mother."

"She has no respect for children at all. She started quarreling a lot when she saw us. And the boyfriend she made is really... hard to describe."

"Sister, I'm from the Gu family in Gyeonggi Province. It's hard for you to describe such a family background. It's really impossible to go on." Xie Xueli was speechless.

"What's wrong with family background? Family background may not represent everything!" Xie Xuexin argued unconvinced, "Mom, you didn't see how annoying those two young people were. Fortunately, you weren't there, otherwise you would have been angry again."

Xie Mei stepped forward and took Xie Xuexin's hand, "Auntie, have you reached an agreement?"

"What's the deal? I'm so angry." Xie Xuexin was angry. "At first, Song Youai didn't come out at all. Later, she finally came out, but her speech was so weird that I couldn't talk to her about anything."

"Oh." Xie Mei sighed, "What should we do then? I think the Fenghe base seems to hope that Xie Ning and his team will go to the Fenghe base to develop with the uncle."

"Of course I have the final say on where my son will go to develop his career." Zhou Xuefen snorted, "As for mother and daughter..."

She also knew in her heart that she could no longer control Song Youai's mother and daughter, but she was very stubborn, "Song Youai still wants this marriage, so he must follow Xuezhi."

"I know this kind of woman very well. She talks about divorce, but in fact she is so panicked. In our family, men with such good academic ambitions can't be found in the world. It's hard to fall in love with a woman like her. , how can you give up so easily, it’s impossible, just watch.”

Xie Xueli took the opposite view, "I don't think my sister-in-law is joking."

Especially after they made trouble like this, he seemed to be more determined to divorce his eldest brother.

I wonder if my eldest brother will be angry when he learns the whole story after returning to Gyeonggi...

"Basic Director Min promised me. As long as our family is willing to go there, we will definitely give them special treatment. By then, our Xie family will basically be worth less than ten thousand people at Fenghe Base." The old lady There was a proud look on his face.

She was extremely proud. How could she not be proud of raising two such outstanding sons?

Her son is what she relies on to live a good life in the future.

Her idea was simple and straightforward. It was normal for her to dislike Song Youai, a country woman from the countryside.

But Song Youai looks down on her excellent son, which is definitely not normal.

Song Youai is pretending to get divorced, but actually she wants to stage a hard-to-get drama. Humph, she has seen too many such dramas, and there is no way that her eldest son will be fooled by this.

"Premium treatment?"

"Yes, Base Chief Min told us that the most basic aspect of premium-level treatment is that you can have at least four dishes, four dishes and one soup."

Xie Xueli:...

Unexpectedly, his mother, who had been proud all her life, would be reduced to enjoying four dishes and one soup all night.

Don't know what to say.

At nine o'clock, Lu Wei took Xue Feng and others to talk to Brother Dong, the leader of the slum base.

Give the other person some whole grain biscuits and water in exchange for the opportunity to continue staying.

Brother Dong didn't embarrass them, he accepted the things and nodded in agreement.

In the afternoon, the sky was still shrouded in darkness, not even the slightest starlight could be seen, and it was even harder to see in the corridor.

The survivors at the Gushang base wrapped themselves in all the clothes they could, huddled in the corridor and continued to wait for notification.

Song Kexin came out and lit a flame, and the extinguished flame in the brazier slowly ignited again.

That bit of firelight reflected the panic on everyone's faces.

The temperature in the corridor slowly rose again, but many people felt very cold inside.

I just feel that this apocalypse is endless, with inexplicable disasters happening one after another, and it seems there will be no end.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Chen came to Xie Ning and told him about the notice from the laboratory.

"According to real-time monitoring reports, this dark night situation will last for at least three to four days."

"Thankfully, most of the agricultural and sideline products we cultivated previously were grown in greenhouses."

"Part of the greenhouse was flooded, and the other part was built in a glass house on the top floor, but it was not affected."

"Now that the darkness continues, it has little impact on the normal temperature lighting greenhouse."

"Now that most of the wood-type superpowers are concentrated in the base, they are specifically looking after these farmlands. The situation should not get worse."

Xie Ning nodded and couldn't help but sigh that good things are hard to come by.

This apocalypse is really catching people off guard.

"Do you want to inform those people outside?"

Gu Chen thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No for now, what do you think?"

Xie Ning nodded, "I don't think we should talk about it yet. These people's psychological quality is very fragile. If they don't talk about it, it will cause panic and it will be difficult to manage."

There is a huge gap between the people who were cultivated in the greenhouses at the Gushang Base and ordinary people.

After experiencing the apocalypse in the outside world for more than a year, ordinary people's minds have at least been tempered to a very hardened state.

And these losers...

They are a group of people who can only wander around like headless flies when something happens.

Ten people tied together, one who couldn't even cut off half of the head of an elementary zombie...

Saying they are useless is not because they are ordinary people. Even if these useless people have superpower genes, it is not enough, because they are useless from heart to body.

I don’t know what to say.

But from the root of this matter, they cannot be blamed.

After all, these people were probably kept captive by Chen Zhaowei in the X world's live broadcast show from the beginning. They are really a group of miserable little lambs.

What can you expect a lamb to do?

Can't count on it at all.

Xie Ning now sees that these people have become calm, and they are the kind of people who are so angry that they lose their temper.

She only has one request for them now: just be good and don't get into trouble.

As long as we return to the Gyeonggi base and change the tasks and contribution points, these monsters will have nothing to do with Captain Xie Mao!

"Then let's talk in two days." Gu Chen nodded slightly, "I'll send a few advance team members out to explore the road first."

"As long as it doesn't hail or rain outside, we should be able to continue on our way."

"I think so too." Xie Ning nodded.

We can't be stuck here forever and can't go back. There are still many things to do after we go back, especially the screening of alien species is imminent and cannot be delayed.

In the next two days, Gu Chen sent people out to explore the road from time to time, drew a lot of maps by hand, and checked out the specific conditions of the surrounding waters.

It was still dark on the third day, and the survivors who arrived at the Gu base were frightened to death, and their panic reached boiling point.

"Is there a doctor?" The unkempt little man rushed to the door of 705 and slammed Xie Ning's door open.

"Please, ask a doctor to help us!" The little man probably felt that in the past few days, he had a bad attitude towards Xie Ning and the others every time they met, and now he was asking for help from others, so he blushed a little.

Unfortunately, his face was too dark and his hair was unkempt, as if it hadn't been taken care of in a year, so Captain Xie couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Do you want a doctor or a healer?" Xie Ning asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Doctor, doctor, we need a doctor, preferably one who can help with injections."

Xie Ning turned her head and looked at the living room. Since they have been confined to a small room for the past few days, the team members basically took turns entering the farmhouse space for four hours to relax, otherwise they would feel suffocated.

Yu Tianfeng went in to tinker with mutant plant samples four hours ago, but he hasn't come out yet.

Due to the special nature of his work, no one rushed him, and Xie Ning also built a separate experimental building for him in the farmhouse space and reinforced the space walls to prevent explosions or other things from happening in her space.

However, this situation usually does not happen. After all, Xie Ning can now control everything in the space very well. Even if it explodes, Xie Ning can make it disappear silently before the explosion occurs.

While she was hesitating, the door of 701 was opened again. Xie Xueli volunteered and came over to help, but Xie Ning didn't stop her.

Xie Xueli looked at Xie Ning and smiled awkwardly, "Ning Ning, uncle, there is nothing here."

Xie Ning also understood that it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so she nodded and looked at the little man, "Let's go, let the doctor see what's going on over there first."

Without saying a word, the little man turned around and led them towards 707.

Song Youai walked out of the bedroom and looked around at the door, "What's wrong?"

"Sister Song, your daughter went to 707 with Dr. Xie just now."

"Oh." Song Youai glanced at 707 in surprise.

After getting along for the past few days, the people in 707 and 708 have been staying in their rooms and rarely come out. They still don't know how many people are in Brother Dong's small slum base.

Xie Ning and Xie Xueli followed the little man to the door of 707.

The little man turned to look at Xie Ning and hesitated, "Do you want to put on a mask? The smell inside won't be that good."

"If your clothes get dirty after you go in, don't come to us, Brother Dong, to ask for compensation. You have to come here yourself!"

Xie Ning laughed angrily at this little man.

Why, is she the one who cares so much?

The little man didn't think he was joking. After all, after the end of the world, there won't be many girls like Xie Ning and Song Kexin who are fresh and even fragrant all over their bodies.

He just wanted a doctor, and he didn't understand why the eldest lady Xie Ning was here.

"What nonsense." Xie Ning took the mask out of her pocket and put it on, "Open the door."

The door of 707 opened, and it was the boy I had seen two days ago who opened the door. His cheeks were sunken, and his bulging eyes looked particularly big on his cheeks.

His name seems to be Xiaohui, and he is as thin as a chicken.

An unpleasant smell wafted out.

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